
ACIM Journal

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I think I will take a look at some Terence McKenna videos. That's a kind of armchair approach to psychedelics. :D Psychedelics I think can give us brief glimpses into first order reality power. Personally I only use mindfulness practice but I can see how it can be used for accelerating awakening into higher levels of consciousness. That's why the global ego is so against psychedelics! Because the world power system is based on second order reality and clings to it fervently, and anything that threatens that second-order order is vehemently attacked. Leo described that in his latest blog video.

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Interesting. Terence McKenna said that the ego is necessary but in some sense the ego is also like a cancer growth. That sounds similar to an integral approach where yes, the ego needs to be transcended but also included. I will check out some Ken Wilber videos about transcend and include.


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Ken Wilber has the sayings "Everybody is right" and "Nobody is smart enough to be wrong all the time". I even think there is some deliberate division like that of the truth to allow for maximal creativity in the development of our civilization. And now it's time to start bringing all the true pieces together to get a more whole truthful picture of reality. Because we are at a point in history I believe where we have progressed as far as possible into the divided state of the world.


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If the truth is spread out into different parts, which I believe it is, and as Ken Wilber said, everybody has some parts of the truth, I think it's worthwhile to look into even the woo woo stuff. Here is a recent far-out video where DeSouza is interviewed. John DeSouza is a former FBI agent which means that he can bring in some classified truth, not directly of course because of secrecy and national security, but indirectly in a safe way. Similar to QAnon which I believe delivers actual intel by being connected to, or even a part of, the NSA. That's why I jump around all over the place into different sources instead of just focusing on ACIM in this journal.


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Aha! Sure enough, DeSouza talked about woo woo stuff in the video. I now got the idea that he may be delivering messages on (at least) two levels. He talked about secret technology and conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, I believe we ordinary people will not get access to any kind of advanced tech anytime soon. However, it might be that for example the oil industry and other sectors like that will be get help from previously secret technologies. The other level is the spiritual ascension and indigo kids DeSouza talked about. That's the same as what what the Law of One describes as fourth density and Wanderers.

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I believe that many of the conspiracy theories are true, but that's global ego activity. The global ego is built on deception and manipulation. So how to deal with the global ego? The most efficient approach is to have a peaceful relation to the global ego! Because to fight the global ego is to continue the ego insanity ACIM talks about. I will focus on spiritual awakening instead of struggling with the mess of the global ego.

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Hmm... The Wanderers ARE already changing the world. I see that very clearly now. The reason for why it's not obvious is because the global ego has immense value in the form of uniqueness that will be preserved. So instead of changing society on a surface public level, the change is happening under the public awareness.

The boring thing with this is that society will continue as before for many years to come. It will take a long time before the change starts to affect our everyday lives in obvious ways. If the change had started on a public level it would have destroyed society and destroyed the value we have built as a civilization.

So the tedious charade of conspiracy theories and New Age woo woo will continue with very little effect in terms of changing the world. What I found interesting is that DeSouza mentioned something about how mainstream media is basically just fake stories. And he is a former very experienced FBI agent, so he is unlikely just making up information. I think messages like that are a part of a plan to replace the public charade with real understanding gradually over time. The manipulation and deception going on in the global ego needs to be removed for our world to become sane. ACIM is correct, the ego IS insane, haha.

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Aaron has a new video. He is talking about subject-object similar to how I recently described unmanifested vs manifested reality:


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I don't always agree with Leo. For example my model says the opposite of what Leo said about progression. My model says that there is only progress. So the idea that there can be both progression and regression is a dualistic delusion. Leo said the exact opposite! He said it early (around 13 minutes) in the first of a three part video about understanding duality.

So how can that be? I don't know. Leo has at least those three long videos, so maybe he clarifies the idea of progression later. Or Leo is still too much stuck in third density dualistic thinking. For example my model says that entropy is an illusion. That may be a too radical proposal even for Leo.

Imagine pressing your hands together hard. Then a lot of energy is spent without the hands moving. That's how the ego works. That's how dualistic thinking works. Reality is always progressing as a wholeness, never regressing.

ACIM says that defenselessness is true protection. That's the opposite of what the ego believes, so it continues to metaphorically speaking keep pressing together its hands hard.

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If everything is progress then how can aging, disease followed by death be progress? That's NOT progress. That's what ACIM calls an ego delusion. And what the Law of One calls the Law of Confusion. So it gets a bit tricky. The progress is in recognizing that aging, disease and death are illusions. And it gets even trickier in relation to the mainstream perspective of the world. So ACIM is very radical in that way, yet in a way that fits my model.

Isn't that only self-bias on my part? That I have some amateurish model of reality and cling to New Age woo woo teachings such as ACIM and the Law of One? My answer is that my hypothesis predicts things so it can be falsified.

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On a scale of 1-10 how you rate the quality of your life before and after doing ACIM?

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1 minute ago, Raptorsin7 said:

On a scale of 1-10 how you rate the quality of your life before and after doing ACIM?

As I look at it now, I rate my life situation as equal before and after using ACIM. I'm still stuck in ego consciousness. From a oneness perspective a scale 1-10 doesn't even apply. Because I have zero of what ACIM calls the Holy Relationship, and if I attempted to rate my quality of life it would only be based on special relationships, which is something to transcend rather than to cling to.

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I understand. I am also going for a Holy Relationship too, and I don't have one yet so it's tough for me to honestly say that personal development work has really benefited me. 

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Have you thought about trying DMT so you know what you're going for? It could be useful to your practice if you get a taste of what you're actually going for.

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3 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Have you thought about trying DMT so you know what you're going for? It could be useful to your practice if you get a taste of what you're actually going for.

I posted about psychedelics recently. I'm too scared of trying them myself, ego fear haha, and I stick to legal activities, but I think Leo is correct about how psychedelics can accelerate personal realization. I believe psychedelics give brief glimpses of what I call first order reality power.

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Haha i'm too scared to try DMT too! I have done LSD a few times and it's not too crazy at all. I think you could handle a low dose LSD trip. I think i'm going to start with LSD and then work my way up to DMT.

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11 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Haha i'm too scared to try DMT too! I have done LSD a few times and it's not too crazy at all. I think you could handle a low dose LSD trip. I think i'm going to start with LSD and then work my way up to DMT.

There is a YouTube channel where they talk about DMT, especially Ayahuasca which they use regularly themselves and report on. I don't remember the name of the channel but I found it interesting, although they also include far out ideas such as the claim that there are real NPCs (non-playing characters) in the world.

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@Anderz That's wild. I honestly felt some panic with my ego when you said that about NPC's. This work is too crazy sometimes lol

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@Raptorsin7 Interesting that you reacted to the claim about NPCs. Sure, one cannot rule out even such wild ideas, and it sounds like they are describing a form of zombies without consciousness but who look and act as ordinary people. So definitely scary stuff.

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Maybe Leo's claim about progress vs regress is the same as my view after all, because he said that what we think of as regression turns out to enhance our growth and is therefore beneficial seen from the bigger picture. And the dualities become unified into oneness from the biggest perspective, he said, something like that.

ACIM has a very radical perspective and completely bashes the ego to pieces. I believe ACIM is correct about that but also that the ego serves a definite purpose for growth and development. And it fits with the Law of Confusion in the Law of One. Dualities who cause conflict are a part of the Law of Confusion.

And it makes sense from a developmental perspective. We cannot just start from oneness and be like angels from the get go. There needs to be a learning and growth development in order for a young civilization (third density) like our own to be able to become a unique expression of creation. So ultimately even the ego is progress! Kind of mind-twisting but consistent logic.

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