
ACIM Journal

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Alternative researcher Nassim Haramein says that physical matter is made of space. And in mainstream science space is vacuum energy. And now in the Wolfram Physics Project they also say that physical matter is made of space!

That made me think of third density in the Law of One as space being able to take a limited number of forms such as atoms and plasma. Then in fourth and higher densities space is able to take more advanced forms.

So the difference between a third density human body and a fourth density body is that space can shapeshift the body into more advanced ways in fourth and higher densities. In third density, change of the body is limited to the shuffling around of atoms. In fourth density my guess is that space can materialize and dematerialize atoms and maybe even create more advanced forms of matter. And in fifth and higher densities space has even more capacity to materialize physical matter.

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ACIM expert Kenneth Clifford used a good metaphor where he said that the future is like gifts that we cannot know what they are yet and that we need to unwrap them. Instead of planning, the correct strategy then is to unwrap the future as if it contains gifts that we can't know yet what they are.

He also said that the ego tries to be good while being bad. Freedom from the ego is coming from good without the bad. That's a good point. Trying to be good, that is based on the idea that one is bad to begin with, haha, or capable of doing bad.

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The strategy of not planning is absolutely amazing. I wonder if it's really possible to do. Many spiritual teachers say the opposite of what ACIM says. They claim that we need to use our thinking for practical things, such as planning a trip and booking a flight etc.

Is it true that we need to think? No! At least not the practical kind of thinking, for what need is there to think when there is no planning? Let's say that we want a cup of tea and think about making a cup of tea. That's a plan! A tiny and very short-term plan, but nonetheless it's a plan. So, if ACIM is correct about how a healed mind doesn't plan, then there isn't even any need to use thinking for making a cup of tea. It will happen or not anyway, without the need for thinking.

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If I make my own plans then that blocks the Holy Spirit. Not only that, the chances of my own plans being in conflict with other people's plans and with the world is basically 100%, all the time! Haha. So it would be stupid of me to make my own plans if I don't need to and also because it would just keep the conflicts going.

In order for my mind to be healed I have to abandon all my planning. It's still useful to have ideas about the future but I need to avoid trying to control the future. Or else my conflicts with continue. The "normal" behavior in today's society is still for everybody to make their own personal plans, and collective plans such as in politics and in business. That's unhealed minds according to ACIM, and indeed just take a look at the news headlines, endless conflicts between feverish and neurotic minds banging their heads against each other, again and again. And it's called normal! Insanity.

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Even my practice to not plan, that's a plan! So it's necessary to see the trickery of the mind which has the habit of planning all the time. And the plan not to plan can be seen as the metaphor about using a thorn to remove another thorn, and then both thorns are thrown away.


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One constructive way of thinking about planning is that it's a learning tool. It's a way for us to learn how reality works by making our own plans, just like learning how to walk. Once learned we don't need to think about how to walk, we just do it and our subconscious takes care of all the details without us having to be bothered with them.

Similarly, then, planning is useful for leaning how to act in society. The problem is that when we are trapped in ego consciousness, we continue to plan and plan and plan. All the time! Even the slightest thought is often about planning something about how to act in the future. This habit of continued planning even after we have learned to plan is that it drains our energy for direct actions.

The more we think about how to act in the future, the less ability we have for real actions in the moment. And, as I propose, if the future is already determined, then making plans is actually an unnecessary activity other than as a learning tool. And another problem with making personal plans as I pointed out earlier is that conflicts with other people's plans and society at large is essentially guaranteed. Not good.

To continue making plans as adults is like a child keep crawling on the floor and learning how to walk. Even when the child has learned how to walk, in such scenario the child keeps crawling on the floor. To make plans is like keep crawling on the floor. And as reality clashes with our plans the ego keeps on planning even more and even harder. That's stupid.

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I have a really esoteric speculation about one of the purposes of the COVID-19 plan-demic. People no longer shake hands! And that's all over the world. All business meetings, all political interactions, meeting friends and relatives and so on, no shaking hands!

On an exoteric level the reason is of course to avoid spreading the coronavirus. My speculation is that the esoteric purpose is primarily to detach Wanderers from regular people. When shaking hands there is a large energy transfer taking place between people. When Wanderers shake hands with us regular people it's like how adults hold toddlers' arms when learning how to walk. 


esoteric adjective  intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

exoteric adjective  intended for or likely to be understood by the general public.


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Wow, David Hoffmeister, from about 20 minutes he talks about pro life vs abortion. Sadhguru had a great answer about that tricky subject, but in this video David nukes the whole question! Because the body isn't an object! We tend to make everything into objects in our own mind (sometimes called reification). That's a false perspective! Because everything is an interconnected whole no-thing.


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I have reminded myself of this from A Course in Miracles:


"Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic. Yet there is a plan behind appearances that does not change. The script is written." - ACIM Lesson 158

And I also found:


"For oneness must be here. Whatever time the mind has set for revelation is entirely irrelevant to what must be a constant state, forever as it always was; forever to remain as it is now." - ACIM Lesson 169

This is similar to or even the same as the growing block universe theory (also called growing block view) proposed by  C. D. Broad who had developed the theory already in 1923. In my model the manifestation of the "block" is information that grows at an accelerating pace, yet the block itself is already complete, infinite and changeless. That's similar to the graph model used in the Wolfram Physics Project (the graph branches out like a tree).

I wanted to repeat this information to experiment with if it's possible to achieve an actual experienced perspective of the "scripted" growing block universe. And especially to examine if such perspective can lead to inner peace and clarity.

Here is a short video where the basics of the block universe are explained:


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In this new video Shunyamurti said that we are the uncreated infinite self. That must be the same as I call the unmanifested. The unmanifested is uncreated. Existing without having been created, such as a platonic form which just timelessly is.

Shunyamurti said that what's necessary is simply a shift of paradigm in which the nondual truth is realized regardless of the state of the ego, or the state of the organism or the state of the world. All of that is irrelevant. It's simple, yet a very difficult truth for those in ego consciousness to grok (grasp fully), he said.


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David Hoffmeister said recently that it's about taking a step back from one's own mind. That gave me an epiphany. In ordinary mindfulness practice there is also a stepping back from one's own mind, BUT there is then still observation of one's thoughts and feelings and thus a focus on the ego mind.

Taking a step back from one's own mind means bypassing the ego mind! Instead of as in mindfulness practice where the ego mind is observed, taking a step back from the mind means observing reality directly instead of observing one's thoughts. Of course in practice I still experience a lot of thoughts but I can sense that it's also possible to experience reality directly without the need for the ego thoughts.

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What problems does A Course in Miracles solve? Here is an explanation:


"A problem cannot be solved if you do not know what it is. Even if it is really solved already you will still have the problem, because you will not recognize that it has been solved. This is the situation of the world. The problem of separation, which is really the only problem, has already been solved. Yet the solution is not recognized because the problem is not recognized." - ACIM Lesson 79

Lesson 79 is a trick! Why? Because there are no problems other than as concepts. Therefore there isn't even a problem of separation. Problems only exist as concepts and concepts just are, they have no problems in themselves.

But then what if a problem as a concept points to a real situation where the actual problem is? The answer is that the problem as a concept is all there is to it. No concepts point to anything as actual separate situations, beings or objects.

The whole ACIM text is a trick. It starts with the statement that "Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists." and then it goes on describing the unreal! Is ACIM therefore deceiving people? No, because it says:


"The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite." - ACIM Introduction

The course does NOT aim at teaching the meaning of love, which is the only thing that's real. And therefore it teaches about what is unreal. So the whole text is like the lists of tasks to do, that they give children, haha. The first item on such list is "Read through all these instructions." and then it goes only listing all kinds of things for the children to do, and the last instruction is "When you have read all the instructions, sit down and wait." And when a group of children is given the list, some of the children start performing all the tasks in the list, jumping up and down etc, while some of the children sit down and wait.

So I'm done with A Course in Miracles! Because I found out what the purpose of the text is. It's similar to Jnana yoga where the intellect is used as a tool for going beyond itself. It was necessary for me to learn a lot from ACIM. Why? Because it happened. Everything that happens is necessary.

I don't know if I should continue to post in this thread or start a new journal.

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