
ACIM Journal

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Nonduality means that reality is a single system. And the belief that the system can attack itself is clearly insanity. Yet that is precisely what the ego believes and through this belief has emerged the world we live in today. The ego has a deliberate purpose of developing individuality, growth, uniqueness and creativity, but that doesn't make it sane.


"Attack is neither safe nor dangerous. It is impossible. And this is so because the universe is one." - ACIM T-22.VI.12.

The ego believes viruses can attack it, that other people can attack it and that it can attack itself. It seems so real to the ego for it has made it real through thousands, nay billions of years of evolution.


"They will neither harm nor destroy
    on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
    as the waters cover the sea." - Isaiah 11:9


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In this new video author Steven Pressfield is talking about similar things as in ACIM:


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Steven Pressfield hinted at reality being predetermined but didn't claim it fully. I think he should have! But then again, that's my belief, not his. Another thing he said was that death gives meaning to life. That may be true in third density, but that's a horrible, yet necessary, stage of development. It's also called the fallen world in Christianity and Kali Yuga in Hinduism. For example Shunyamurti has talked about how the current state of humanity sucks, and I agree with that more than trying to defend it, but Pressfield had some great insights about fear.

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Hopefully the coronavirus is the deep state jumping the shark. They themselves probably sees it as their crowning (corona means crown) achievement.


crowning achievement

The most important, significant, or greatest accomplishment or moment of one's career or life.

jump the shark

1. In television programming, to resort to using an obvious or unbelievable gimmick in a scene, episode, or storyline as a means of maintaining viewership, especially when the show's quality and/or popularity has begun to decline. The phrase alludes to the sitcom Happy Days, in which the character Fonzie (Henry Winkler) jumps over a shark on water-skis in the fifth season.

2. By extension, to signal, especially through a conspicuous activity, event, or maneuver, a decline in the progress or evolution of something (e.g., a company, a brand, a political endeavor, etc.).



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Disclaimer: This is just my conspiracy theory speculation.

Operation COVID = Crown Our Victory In Deception :D


"The Biblical number 9 is the number of judgement. It also means fruit of spirit or the divine completeness from the father. Nine is the ultimate which contains the forces of all other numbers. Biblical number 9 stands for a complete cycle of growth." -

9/11 -> COVID-19, from 11 to 1, twin towers now One World Trade Center, height 1,776 feet.


"The Illuminati[1] (plural of Latin illuminatus, 'enlightened') is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany." - Wikipedia


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Eckhart Tolle has talked about the importance of moving one's awareness from the thinking mind isolated in the head to having conscious awareness inside the body. In my experience it's very difficult to achieve any kinds of permanent result of that.

I discovered that what makes it easier is that when ego tensions dissolve consciousness can more easily flow into the body. I plan to do more of that practice to see if I can actualize the state Tolle talked about.

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Third density is controlled by the Law of Confusion and that includes fear. Fourth density is governed by love. So A Course in Miracles describes the move from third density (ego/fear consciousness) to fourth density (unity/love) consciousness.

At the moment fear is dominating on our planet and is heavily used as a tool for controlling people. And with the coronavirus crisis, those in third density power has a big fear tool at their disposal. And we can see this in the news, how the coronavirus crisis is used as a means of perpetuating the control through fear.

Fear is a double-edged sword and the more fear is wielded as a form of power over others, the more those using fear are corroding their own power. Sooner or later, because of the false foundation of fear, the fear-based power will run out of steam and collapse under its own burden of lies built on sand.


"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." - Matthew 7:24-27


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I believe Shunyamurti is correct about how we are now living at the end of Kali Yuga and are moving into Satya Yuga. Except for the Hindu concept of repeating cycles, Kali Yuga matches third density and Satya Yuga matches fourth density in the Law of One.

I wonder if the original Hindu teaching really says that the ages are repeating. The idea of ever repeating misery seems wrong to me. What also seems wrong to me is how Shunyamurti said that we should detach our awareness from our physical bodies. I believe the opposite should be done! We should enter into our bodies with consciousness.

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Aha! I found that the original Vedas do NOT include the repeating Hindu ages in the form of four yugas. To me that means that the original Vedas are more correct and the later texts degradations, but also perhaps improvements in some cases. For example I believe that the four yugas are historically correct, but that they do NOT repeat.


"It is theorized that the concept of the four yugas originated some time after the compilation of the Vedas, but before the rest of the Hindu texts on the bases that the concept isn't mentioned in the four Vedas. It is believed that the four yugas⁠—Krita (Satya), Treta, Dvapara, and Kali⁠—are named after throws of an Indian game of long dice, marked with 4-3-2-1 respectively.[5][8]" - Wikipedia


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Something I disagree with A Course in Miracles about is that the ego should be replaced by the Holy Spirit. As I see it there is value in the ego and it needs to be preserved. ACIM probably deliberately makes a stark contrast between ego and Holy Spirit because the ego attachment is so very strong so the teaching needs to be clear enough to identify the whole ego structure.

So ACIM is appropriate for identifying the falseness of the ego and the suffering it causes. And what I mean by preserving the ego is an integral approach. I practice inner body awareness, and that is me as an ego doing it! And I believe that's fine, and it preserves the ego and gives it/me something to do, something to strive for and with a goal of achieving inner peace.

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I found something curious. Leo Tolstoy has written a book called The Kingdom of God is Within You.


"The Kingdom of God Is Within You (pre-reform Russian: Царство Божіе внутри васъ; post-reform Russian: Царство Божие внутри вас, tr. Tsárstvo Bózhiye vnutrí vas) is a non-fiction book written by Leo Tolstoy. A philosophical treatise, the book was first published in Germany in 1894 after being banned in his home country of Russia.[1] It is the culmination of thirty years of Tolstoy's thinking, and lays out a new organization for society based on an interpretation of Christianity focusing on universal love." - Wikipedia

And here is an audio book version:


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My initial impression of Tolstoy's book is that it's too pacifistic. As Ken Wilber said, if people had protested peacefully on the streets of Nazi Germany, they would have been run over by tanks. We will still need military defense for many years to come.

True peace I believe will emerge out of higher consciousness. And that also brings a recognition that nobody has the power to do anything! The ego state of humanity is a development tool.

I will listen to some more of the book because it's at least a new kind of Christian perspective to me. Tolstoy mentioned that the Quakers in the U.S. have similar views and had contacted him.

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I doubt that transhumanism is the way of the future, but I like how Ben Goertzel said that 50 years from now we will think it's obvious that we should live as long as we want. It's still a radical view compared to most people today, but I believe Ben is correct and that things will change a lot within the next few decades.


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I'm amazed at how Eckhart Tolle can explain very advanced concepts in simple terms. He said in this interview that he believes that the coronavirus crisis provides an opportunity for humanity to wake up spiritually:


Edited by Anderz

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A danger with inner body awareness practice I discovered that can be worth documenting is that when suffering in the body is made conscious it can fuel the thinking mind and produce depressive thoughts. And the thoughts hijack the awareness so that the connection with the inner body is lost.

So the result is a state of depression where the inner body awareness practice is forgotten and one's consciousness becomes trapped in ego thoughts. Fortunately in my case I could return to my mindfulness practice and connect with my inner body again.

So the danger is that the practice can increase ego consciousness because of the awakened dormant suffering which starts to fuel depressing thoughts. With the knowledge that this can happen it becomes easier to return to the inner body awareness practice which solves the problem.

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I have found Tony Parsons' nonduality teaching extreme but he said something I can relate to, that the sense of being a contracted individual can melt into the whole of reality. Very interesting! It seems like a practical possibility to me. Tony described it as a huge relief.


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I wrote earlier about how the ego becomes passive when there is lots of inner peace and contentment. And as a corollary of that thinking is fueled by suffering! And this means that Gurdjieff's method of intentional suffering can be used for transcending the thinking mind. Instead of as in ordinary mindfulness practice just observe the thoughts, the intentional suffering also includes directing conscious attention away from the thoughts and into feeling the suffering inside oneself.

The usual habit is for the mind to become absorbed in thinking. Eckhart Tolle described how thoughts suck in all awareness into themselves. It's not us using our minds, it's the thinking mind using us, he said. Good point. And the thinking mind thrives on our inattention of the underlying suffering. So the trick is to expose the suffering to oneself and thereby break the spell of habitual thinking. I will try this method to see if it can remove the suffering and what happens to the thinking mind.

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There is a saying: Those who say do not know and those who know do not say. I can say, because I don't know yet. And I say that the ego is like an ice cube made of tensions. And those tensions are a result of the ego believing it needs to control reality as a separate ice cube.

The tensions produce suffering which in turn results in thinking in an attempt to escape the suffering. It's a delusional trap! Thinking, like the ego, is only a temporary stage of development for humanity. Thinking is like training wheels.

There is another saying about watching thoughts in the mind like clouds passing over the sky. That's a psychological depersonalization disorder! That's those who don't know parroting what some spiritual authority has told them.

Edited by Anderz

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The more in ego consciousness we are, the more we lie. And mostly subtle lies. Even subtler than say a phony smile, which as Leo explained, is a form of lie. The ego needs to protect itself all the time, so for example coming up with some excuse, diversion or manipulation to buy time, that's a form of subtle lie. Even subtler is the ego's behavior in the form of "testing" others.

And maybe the biggest heap of subtle lies is how the ego always has to be indirect, for to be direct means to become vulnerable to the ego. And that kind of subtle need for protection makes the ego lie all the time basically. I will listen again to what Leo says in this video about how we lie:


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Leo said something interesting that I missed the first time in his video about how we lie. He said that the old self has to die before we can raise our awareness. Yes! I see the logic of that now. Fortunately the liar in us is not who we really are! Of course, from a nondual perspective we are the lying part of ourselves too, since we are everything, but from a developmental perspective the lying ego will be transcended.

The lying ego is our social conditioning acting, thinking and expressing itself. It's society as a collective ego that has hijacked our mind, and we become an individual ego as a part of that larger collective ego. It's interesting how we lie on the internet all the time, and it's not only acceptable, it's the taken for granted "natural" nature of humanity. An internet troll is merely someone who has gone too far so that the social blanket of lies becomes too visible, haha.

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