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The cobra coming out of the forehead of pharaohs, does that represent that the kundalini has risen up to the crown chakra or at least to the third eye? I have doubts about that. The Law of One talks about the Law of Confusion, and even ancient spiritual wisdom follows the Law of Confusion I believe, to prevent revealing information prematurely in the course of human history.

Instead, I now believe that the cobra coming out of the forehead symbolizes that the kundalini energy is actually a metaphor for knowledge in the mind needed to activate and open the heart chakra. That would explain why kundalini experiences are often described as crazy, because then the idea that the kundalini rises from the bottom of the spine is a smokescreen teaching.

Reality is infinite intelligence, and crazy and uncontrolled kundalini experiences indicate a misperception of what kundalini actually means. Snake symbolism is often about knowledge. And it seems to me that we need to have the correct knowledge in order to know what the heck is going on so that higher awareness can be integrated correctly. To just trust authorities, even for example Sadhguru which I think of as a world teacher, is a shaky foundation unless we ourselves can verify firsthand that what we are told is the truth.

I do believe there is truth to the chakras and that opening the heart chakra is needed, but that it's more like how Sadguru talked about being connected to everything rather than some mysterious energy rising up the spine.

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The Law of One is honest about saying that there is what Ra calls the Law of Confusion. And Ra uses factual words such as harvest, distortion and density. Not the usual New Age terminology which tends to be more love and light language (although Ra also uses the terms love and light).

And I even take what Ra says as potential Law of Confusion language. It will be interesting to hear what Aaron Abke says about the fourth density in his brand new video, if he interprets Ra too literally in my opinion or not:


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I'm starting to get sick and tired of spiritual teachings that claim that physical death is inevitable. If that's the case, then those teachings don't have a case, I rest my case.

Obviously the first thing to solve is the problem of death. Observe how all the spiritual teachings do all kinds of acrobatic stunts to avoid the question of physical death. That's pathetic in my opinion. Pray tell me, where are you planning to go after a supposed physical death? To some heaven as in an astral plane? Will you become a formless spirit floating around? Or will you be reborn just to repeat a similar joke of 80 years of lifespan again and again? Maybe you believe you will become a ghost and live for eternity haunting spooky houses. Or do you believe you will cease to exist, and become nothing? Lights off forever and ever? Sounds incredibly stupid to me.

Okay, rant over, haha. Jesus said: let the dead bury the dead. I say: let's bury the idea of death, so that some day we can dig it up again and look at it for historical purposes.

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Impermanence is samsara, meaning, impermanence is an illusion! So when someone says that the world is impermanent, they are talking about samsara. The true nature of reality is of permanence, because the unmanifested reality is a changeless whole. And the manifested reality is the manifestation of the unmanifested reality.



"The most influential Advaita Vedanta philosopher was Sankara, who lived during the eighth and ninth centuries CE. Sankara famously made three statements (later reframed by Ramana Maharshi and others): “The universe is unreal. Brahman is real. The universe is Brahman.” If the first two statements are taken alone and out of context — as they often are — then they suggest a duality between the world and spirit: the world is an illusion, and only spirit is real. But the third statement, which is often overlooked, completely reverses this. The third statement says that the universe is spirit, and so the universe actually is real. Sankara is not literally saying that the universe is unreal, only that it doesn’t have an independent reality. It depends on brahman for its existence; it’s pervaded with brahman, and it can’t exist without it." -


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I'm curious about how a collective consciousness will emerge on earth. Bruce Lipton has described what he calls fractal evolution, and he even said that we are not humans until we have created humanity as a single organism! The evolution goes from single-celled organisms to multicellular organisms and then our next step is our whole planet as a living being. That's the fractal pattern.

But how will the planetary organism emerge in practice? I haven't heard Bruce Lipton or anybody else talking about that. There seems to be clues in texts such as the Bible and the Law of One about collective consciousness, but no direct explanations, at least I haven't found any. One logical conclusion, and actually several people have talked about it, is that we will experience everybody as ourselves. That's a huge recontextualization of our regular ways of interacting with people (and even animals, plants and immaterial objects).

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I discovered that having things to do is a very strong addiction. I had the intention of seeking inner peace and what happened instead was that my addiction to having things to do that I find meaningful got stronger, or appeared stronger because of me focusing on inner peace.

My ego mind is desperately trying to avoid inner peace. With Roger Castillo's definition, which I think is useful, I am the ego. Because the ego can be seen as the sense of being a separate personal self. So what happened when I practiced cultivating inner peace is that it instead increased my inner conflict.

Or, it's just that my previously subconscious addiction came up the surface of my conscious awareness, which could actually be a good if it means that change is happening to those previously hidden addictions. I will treat it as intentional suffering which is a mindfulness practice Gurdjieff talked about.

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Sadhguru has this brand new video from only minutes ago:

He said that realization is not an achievement. It's about seeing what is now, he said. Simple! Others have said similar things, but I found Sadhguru's message powerful. Shaktipat from a spiritual world teacher via YouTube, haha.


"Shaktipat or Śaktipāta (Sanskrit, from shakti "(psychic) energy" and pāta, "to fall")[1] refers in Hinduism to the transmission (or conferring) of spiritual energy upon one person by another. Shaktipat can be transmitted with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch – the last usually to the ajna chakra or agya chakra or third eye of the recipient." - Wikipedia


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It's impossible for the ego to make fundamental errors since what is, is, meaning it already is one wholeness. It's impossible for a wholeness to be what it is not. Fundamental reality is as Leo has explained (if I understood him correctly) absolute Truth.

And yet the ego can never understand its own perfection since the ego itself is the belief in imperfection. To correct the seemingly mistaken perspective removes the ego.

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I got an idea! That kundalini is a result of removing blockages in the chakras. And premature kundalini awakening is a result of only parts of the blockages being removed so that it causes dysfunction.

And actually, probably all chakra blockages need to removed holistically instead of one by one at a time. Because otherwise there is even more imbalance with only some chakras fully or partially open while the other chakras are still closed.

If my (speculative) idea is true, then kundalini is not a special form of energy but a removal of blockages of the universal energy, sometimes called chi, prana, orgone and zero point energy.

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Hmm... The breakaway civilization is likely a collective consciousness already plus that they have very advanced technology, knowledge, consciousness and skills. So instead of the breakaway civilization having to hide in some underground bases or on other planets is most certainly unnecessary. They could live among us, hidden in plain sight!

And New Age terms such as inner earth beings and secret space program could very well be code words and actually mean the breakaway civilization. And what for example Corey Goode is talking about may then be true disclosure but that he uses Law of Confusion language so that the breakaway civilization remains hidden in plain sight.

Here is Corey Goode talking about inner earth people:


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Whoa, I now realized that the Matrix movie could be a Law of Confusion disclosure created by the breakaway civilization. And Bruce Lipton called the Matrix movie a documentary! So even Bruce Lipton may represent the breakaway civilization. And instead of like in the Matrix where the agents were evil avatars of the AI, in reality they represent how the breakaway civilization can walk among us without being noticed.

Heck, even Leo could be at least channeling the breakaway civilization. The name Leo means lion which seems to represent Law of Confusion symbolism in the Bible:


"And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll or even look inside it. I wept and wept because no one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth." - Revelation 5:2-6

So which is it that has the power to open the scroll, a lion or a lamb? My guess is both, they both represent the breakaway civilization, the lion the front and the lamb the real breakaway civilization.

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Even the major spiritual teachers such as Sadhguru and Eckhart Tolle may represent the breakaway civilization! It's a collective consciousness so instead of single individuals presenting the whole picture they have "compartmentalized" the information, potentially including even political movements like QAnon. And they all use the Law of Confusion as a veil to protect us, and thereby all of earth, from prematurely gaining direct knowledge of what is going on.

It's a twofold (at least) veil where individuals only present a limited slice of the information in addition to how they all use the Law of Confusion.  My guess is that even political leaders, including Donald Trump and Barack Obama also represent the breakaway civilization. Even big corporations around the world, e.g. Google and Huawei. The purpose of presenting a facade is to allow the public society to develop Prime Directive style and at the same time ensuring that the whole world system remains stable.

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There are stories about Nikola Tesla being from planet Venus. And scientists now claim that Venus was once like earth with habitable climate, atmosphere, continents and oceans. Obviously, the breakaway civilization lives on Venus! And also on earth but they have to blend in with the public society here so Venus is probably their main home at the moment. Ra in the Law of One was from Venus. Hardly a coincidence. And the Bible says that the victorious one will be given the morning star, which I have mentioned earlier means that "the one" meaning fourth density social memory complex on earth, will be "given" the morning star, integration between planet earth and Venus when we enter fourth density. The stories about Venus being a hot hell-like planet with acidic sulfur clouds seems to me to be a smokescreen, and that Venus in reality is still like earth yet cloaked. 


"To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star." - Revelation 2:26-28

The Book of Revelation, which I of course now believe is written by the breakaway civilization uses Law of Confusion language heavily. Even ACIM and the Law of One are written by the breakaway civilization I believe. Ra talked about Wanderers on earth, which I'm not sure yet if that means people from the breakaway civilization or another third group of people. The "one" smashing the nations means that separate national governments as collective egos need to be replaced by a global unity that includes planet Venus. It's about a peaceful transformation.

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Wait a minute, the lion and the lamb in the Book of Revelation might represent the Wanderers in the Law of One. The common interpretation is that the lion/lamb means Jesus. But Jesus now belongs to heaven since he left earth and the Advocate, the Holy Spirit remains on earth to remind us. And the lamb looked like it had been slain. The original Koine Greek says: "a Lamb standing as having been slain" (Ἀρνίον ἑστηκὸς ὡς ἐσφαγμένον).

That doesn't necessary mean that the lamb had been slain. And was Jesus slain? That's weird wording I guess (I'm not an expert on English). So the lamb is on earth and it looks battered. If the Wanderers are the lion/lamb, then the lion is still a front but the lamb has gone through a lot of suffering! Scary scenario. And indeed, check out what Ra says in the Law of One:


"Questioner: Thank you. Well, you spoke of Wanderers. Who are Wanderers? Where do they come from?

Ra: I am Ra. Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores. As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively, to any entities who call for aid. These entities whom you may call the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow move towards this calling of sorrow. These entities are from all reaches of the infinite creation and are bound together by the desire to serve in this distortion." - Law of One 12.26

Social memory complex means collective consciousness. And Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow, that sounds like a battered lamb! It indicates that a collective consciousness is trapped here on earth and has to wear the "cloak" of a lion in order to function in our world. That's hardly the breakaway civilization, because they would be able to break away from the trapped state.

Yikes, the Wanderers seem to be regular people but with a collective consciousness that is trapped in third density ego consciousness. And reincarnation means Wanderers who die and new Wanderers being born. It's a collective consciousness. The Dalai Lama said that reincarnation is real, but it's not personal, he said. Bingo.

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Very tricky subject, but important, so I have to speculate a bit. The Wanderers are a collective consciousness on earth that participates in our ordinary society. The difference is that the Wanderers only pretend to be egos in order to be able to interact with us who have actual egos, like trying to herd cats, since ego consciousness results in separate individuals, which is valuable and needs to be preserved until what the Law of One calls the harvest.

Both the existing collective consciousness and the ego consciousness are valuable and need to be integrated so that it becomes a both/and unified stage of humanity. The Wanderers contribute with unity consciousness and we in ego consciousness contribute with the full experience of individual personality.

So the first integration is then here on earth, and integration with the breakaway is a later or simultaneous stage of development for humanity. And it's only the lamb who can open the scroll for the integration. I will take another look at the Book of Revelation to see if I can find more clues.

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Okay, I see now that it says in another verse in the Book of Revelation that the lamb was slain. But that gave me another idea. What if Jesus the man represents the Wanderers and Christ represents the universal principle? And here comes another scary interpretation: that Jesus being nailed to the cross symbolizes the Wanderers being stuck in third density ego consciousness, in the "body of flesh" doomed to birth and rebirth of individual members until earth takes the evolutionary leap into fourth density.

The Wanderers already have Christ consciousness since they are a collective consciousness. But the Wanderers are in a stuck state and Ra calls them the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow. Jesus died for our sins, means that the Wanderers had to sacrifice their collective potential and become trapped together with us in ego consciousness.

The Jesus on the cross metaphor is similar to Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift where the giant Gulliver is strapped to the ground with ligatures across his body. The giant represents the collective consciousness of the Wanderers in a trapped state. The scary part is that the Wanderers are still nailed to the cross, metaphorically speaking. And the death of Jesus represents the death of the Wanderers' ego trap, meaning liberation! So the lamb's ego veil has to be slain first before it can open the scroll, meaning the Wanderers need to shed their ego trap.

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I heard someone mentioning that opening the seven seals in the Book of Revelation symbolizes opening the seven chakras. That seems like a valid interpretation. That's the kundalini rising!

And it's only the Wanderers that can open all the seven chakras symbolized by opening the seven seals on the scroll in the Book of Revelation which is the Second Coming of the Christ and the beginning of The Apocalypse, which means unveiling of the truth and Christ consciousness for all of humanity.

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If the nondual teachings about nobody being a separate doer is correct, the ego will be removed like training wheels removed when they no longer are needed. And that reality is an automatic process seems clear to me, and probably even mainstream science agrees with that. And still most scientists operate from ego consciousness! So there is a contradiction between science believing that the universe is automatic and the belief in personal responsibility.

Personal responsibility is a necessary development, yet it's ego consciousness and thus actually sin, a misperception of reality. ACIM says:


"Salvation is nothing more than "right-mindedness," which is not the One-mindedness of the Holy Spirit, but which must be achieved before One-mindedness is restored. 2 Right-mindedness leads to the next step automatically, because right perception is uniformly without attack, and therefore wrong-mindedness is obliterated. 3 The ego cannot survive without judgment, and is laid aside accordingly. 4 The mind then has only one direction in which it can move. 5 Its direction is always automatic, because it cannot but be dictated by the thought system to which it adheres." - ACIM T-4.II.10.


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If the seals in the Book of Revelation represent the seven chakras, in what order are the seals/chakras opened? If the order is sequential, when it comes to the heart chakra it doesn't matter! Because starting from the top chakra or from the bottom chakra the heart chakra is number 4, so therefore represented by the fourth seal.


"And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." - Revelation 6:7-8

The pale horse is simply symbolism for the death drive. And the "killing" of people means ego death. But what only a fourth part of the earth? Because only a fourth of humanity is in true ego consciousness.

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In this video nonduality teacher Wayne Liquorman explains that the sense of a personal self is fine and it's the hijacked sense of self by the belief in being independent and claiming authorship that is the false self. Both Wayne and Roger Castillo had Ramesh Balsekar as their teacher.

I find that to be a great explanation. Because it allows for an integral transcend and include of the individual self. The trick is to "just" recognize that the personal self is the whole universe in action.


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