
ACIM Journal

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The text in the Bible quote in my previous post about the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven, does that mean the actual city Jerusalem in Israel? Yes! I believe so. Remember, I said that first heaven means complexity level 5, so "coming down from heaven" means that it's in Jerusalem that the new world order (not New World Order of the Orwellian type) will start.

It's not about a new city coming down from outer space. It's about development of Jerusalem into the world capital.


"This is what the Sovereign Lord says: This is Jerusalem, which I have set in the center of the nations, with countries all around her. " - Ezekiel 5:5

And I think that Jerusalem is actually owned by the UN, so it's already prepared politically to play a center role in global politics. There is also talk about a third temple in Jerusalem. I haven't researched that much yet and will take a look at this video:


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Aha! Jesus dying on the cross symbolizes sacrificing the body of flesh to enable humanity to move into a new earth and into resurrection bodies. So resurrection means turning us into glorified bodies after the sacrifice of the ego and of the body of flesh.

In Judaism there is disagreement about whether sacrifice will be reintroduced or not. Both sides I believe are correct! It's about the same sacrifice as symbolized in Christianity of the old order to enable a new order.


"Orthodox Judaism believes in the rebuilding of a Third Temple and the resumption of korban (sacrifices) ... Conservative Judaism believes in a messiah and in a rebuilt Temple, but does not believe in the restoration of sacrifices." - Wikipedia

I haven't figured out yet what the Third Temple means. It seems to mean an actual building of a temple and can also mean the rebuilding of the human body of flesh into a resurrection body. So the Third Temple can be both those things. I will do some more research about it.

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Some say that the antichrist will sit in the Third Temple.


"In Islamic eschatology, Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (المسيح الدجال) is an anti-messiah figure (similar to the Christian concept of an antichrist) that will deceive humanity before the second coming of Jesus. The concept of an antichrist is absent in traditional Judaism, although in some medieval texts the symbolic figure Armilus appears." - Wikipedia

The antichrist means the power (prince) of this fallen world. So in a sense then the following is somewhat correct:


"According to Dispensationalist theologians, such as Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye, the Third Temple will be rebuilt when the Antichrist, often identified as the political leader of a trans-national alliance similar to the European Union or the United Nations, secures a peace treaty between the modern nation of Israel and its neighbours following a global war. The Antichrist later uses the temple as a venue for proclaiming himself as God and the long-awaited Messiah, demanding worship from humanity." - Wikipedia

But it seems to me that it's not about antichrist as some evil being. Instead antichrist here indeed means world powers such as the UN. It's about the global control structure needed as a part of earth as a holon. That's still worldly power and therefore antichrist, but it will be peaceful power in my estimation, not a third world war or anything like that.


"And they will bring all your people, from all the nations, to my holy mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to the Lord—" - Isaiah 66

"On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." - Zechariah 12:3

The Isaiah Wall is connected to the UN:


"The park is across First Avenue from the United Nations headquarters. (This stretch of First Avenue is also known as "United Nations Plaza".) The granite staircase in the park's northwest corner leads to 43rd Street and the Tudor City apartments. It was built and dedicated in 1948 during construction of the U.N. headquarters and has the famous quotation from Isaiah 2:4: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more" incised into its wall. Known as the Isaiah Wall, it was rededicated in 1975 and had the name "Isaiah" added under the final word.[2] " - Wikipedia


Now let's look at the context for that Bible verse:


"In the last days

the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established
    as the highest of the mountains;
it will be exalted above the hills,
    and all nations will stream to it.

3 Many peoples will come and say,

“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
    to the temple of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us his ways,
    so that we may walk in his paths.”
The law will go out from Zion,
    the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
4 He will judge between the nations
    and will settle disputes for many peoples." - Isaiah 2 [my emphasis]


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London Real is a suspicious show I noticed. YouTube is now heavily promoting London Real while David Icke's YouTube account has been totally banned! And the ban of David Icke happened after having been interviewed on London Real. It almost looks like a setup.

So London Real could be controlled opposition. But we need to go even further and question whether David Icke also is controlled opposition. There is no end to the trickery and manipulation used.

Then what about QAnon? What if even Q is controlled opposition? To avoid too much paranoia or being too much of a skeptic we can look at the information directly. I even do that from a confirmation bias perspective such as finding information confirming how the current coronavirus crisis is a staged event. I think that's valid as long as one is prepared to change views if new evidence comes up that clearly contradicts one's own confirmation bias.

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I'm very satisfied with the complexity levels I discovered in terms of holons. It's even a definition of complexity!

Definition: Complexity is information structured as holons.

And a holon is defined as a whole that at the same time is a part of another whole. But what does whole mean? I think I can leave the term 'whole' undefined! Because it will just lead to an infinite regression of definitions. And in a sense that makes sense in relation to complexity which cannot be defined by logical formulas because that's too simplistic. Complexity is complex! That's the kind of circular reasoning that can be used to show that complexity is a fundamental property together with information and holons.

And I started thinking of how to use this idea of complexity and my mind went blank! Maybe I need to jump to a higher way of looking at it. Shunyamurti talked about trans-intellectual awareness. I will take a look at his new video:


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Jesus talked about how people will be separated into goats and sheep. And ACIM says that being defenseless is true protection. And someone wrote that the ego is sadistic.

I think goat means ego consciousness and sheep means being shepherded by the Holy Spirit. If I am a goat now and become defenseless, then people in ego consciousness would not only torture and harm me, they would even feel pleasure when inflicting pain on me. That's complete insanity!

So obviously being defenseless doesn't work among goats. And if I want to become defenseless then I must 1) transcend my own ego so that I become a sheep, and 2) be separated from other people in ego consciousness.

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I realized that it's actually possible to have some quantitative measurement of complexity using my new definition. First, the complexity levels are given numbers like I did for the different holon levels, and secondly there are relations between the holons depending on how they are configured.

For example a single oxygen atom is a holon as a part of the atmosphere which is another larger holon. And when the oxygen atom binds with two hydrogen atoms it becomes a part of the holon of the water molecule. And when the water molecule becomes a part of a cell that results in a new holon configuration.

So depending on how the holons are related to each other it produces different configurations of complexity which can be given some kind of value. The single oxygen atom has less complexity when it's floating separately in the atmosphere and gets a higher complexity value when it becomes a part of a water molecule.

And low complexity value is the same as high entropy. The atoms making up a healthy cell have high complexity and when the cell breaks down the entropy increases and the atoms get a lower complexity value.

The ego is a holon which is a part of society which is a holon in the form of a collective ego. The ego has a low complexity value since it's like the single oxygen atom floating around separately in the atmosphere. The complexity value of the ego can increase a bit when it becomes a part of for example a company where the person works, but the company is also a collective ego, so it's still a fairly low complexity value. 


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A collective ego such as a company has a low complexity value. But what happens if the company is conscious of its environmental impact, social well-being of the larger society, uncorrupted in economic terms and so on? Then the complexity value of the company increases since it becomes a part of a larger configuration of holons, unless those things are merely a front in an attempt to look good for PR purposes, in which case the complexity value of the company remains low since it fails to do the actual connections to the larger holon configuration.

But even a "conscious" company has fairly low complexity value because the whole society today is a collective ego with low complexity value. My hypothesis is that the next evolutionary leap for humanity is the formation of our whole planet Earth as a holon where our civilization is a part of that planetary holon and not just some separate overlay in the form of a collective ego.

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Then what will be required for humanity to take the leap into a planetary organism? This will sound a bit like sci-fi, but I believe it's actually true. Our civilization today is analogous to that single and separate oxygen atom floating around in the atmosphere that I gave as an example in a previous post. Earth today is like a separate planet floating around in the larger holon of the Milky Way galaxy.

Here is the sci-fi sounding part: What is necessary then for our civilization is that we become a part of the larger galactic civilization consisting of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. But in my estimation it will not start with space aliens landing on the White House lawn. Instead we need to develop our civilization into an advanced civilization, and after that we can make official contact with ETs.

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Another benefit of modeling reality as increasing complexity is that it can explain the difference between non-living matter and living organisms. The difference is that lifeforms emerge when the complexity reaches a high enough value. And the same with consciousness which is activated when the complexity reaches a high enough value.

And since reality according to this model is ever increasing complexity it will always in the future have the capacity for consciousness. The hypothesis can be tested and be falsified if our mind has the same level of complexity in deep dreamless sleep as in the waking state. The model also predicts that real out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are possible by the vacuum of space being structured in a way that reaches a high enough complexity value.

It's true that from a nondual perspective we are always one with the totality of reality. However our personal experience is individualized and dependent of the level of complexity we have in our individual experience. In ego consciousness we have a rather low complexity value.

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Can the complexity model explain the meaning of life? Not exactly, for from a nondual perspective our reality just is and I don't see how one can assign some specific meaning to that. However from a more informal perspective it's possible to say that the meaning of life is to increase complexity. And the purpose of the universe is to increase complexity. It's somewhat of a cop out explanation, like begging the question where manifested reality first is defined as increasing complexity and then used to explain the meaning of life, but anyway I think it's a good enough explanation. 

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ACIM says that the ego is totally confused about everything. We can think of confusion as randomness or entropy. In my model there is no actual randomness nor any real entropy. The effects of randomness and entropy are in my model achieved by saying that it's a low complexity value.

For example in a box filled with gas the molecules in the gas have low complexity value since they are only holons of the box as a larger holon. So the molecules in the gas lack the organized structure needed to achieve a higher complexity value.

Similarly, the ego is a separate holon within collective ego structures as larger holons. That gives the ego a low complexity value, which means the effect of randomness and entropy, which means confusion.

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With the complexity model it's also easy to explain some of the religious texts, such as this passage from the Bible:


"You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." - Matthew 5:43-48

If you hate your enemy, then that's a failure of forming a larger holon. And if you only love your neighbor, then that's still low complexity. The same if you only love your loved ones which is actually a form of collective ego. On the other hand when you pray for those who persecute you so that you and them can instead form a larger holon, that increases complexity and transcends the ego and removes the confusion and conflict.

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The coronavirus crisis is temporarily reducing the complexity of our whole civilization. But even after the crisis there is a limit to how much society can increase in complexity as a collective ego. In order to increase the complexity needed to reach complexity level 5 requires ..... miracles! A miracle is a means of increasing complexity above what is possible through our ego actions.

This is one passage of what ACIM says about miracles:


"W-pII.13.1. A miracle is a correction. 2 It does not create, nor really change at all. 3 It merely looks on devastation, and reminds the mind that what it sees is false. 4 It undoes error, but does not attempt to go beyond perception, nor exceed the function of forgiveness. 5 Thus it stays within time's limits. 6 Yet it paves the way for the return of timelessness and love's awakening, for fear must slip away under the gentle remedy it brings.

W-pII.13.2. A miracle contains the gift of grace, for it is given and received as one. 2 And thus it illustrates the law of truth the world does not obey, because it fails entirely to understand its ways. 3 A miracle inverts perception which was upside down before, and thus it ends the strange distortions that were manifest. 4 Now is perception open to the truth. 5 Now is forgiveness seen as justified.

W-pII.13.3. Forgiveness is the home of miracles. 2 The eyes of Christ deliver them to all they look upon in mercy and in love. 3 Perception stands corrected in His sight, and what was meant to curse has come to bless. 4 Each lily of forgiveness offers all the world the silent miracle of love. 5 And each is laid before the Word of God, upon the universal altar to Creator and creation in the light of perfect purity and endless joy.

W-pII.13.4. The miracle is taken first on faith, because to ask for it implies the mind has been made ready to conceive of what it cannot see and does not understand. 2 Yet faith will bring its witnesses to show that what it rested on is really there. 3 And thus the miracle will justify your faith in it, and show it rested on a world more real than what you saw before; a world redeemed from what you thought was there.

W-pII.13.5. Miracles fall like drops of healing rain from Heaven on a dry and dusty world, where starved and thirsty creatures come to die. 2 Now they have water. 3 Now the world is green. 4 And everywhere the signs of life spring up, to show that what is born can never die, for what has life has immortality." - ACIM Workbook – 13. What Is a Miracle?


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Oh! I've got a new idea. I think in mainstream physics they don't make a distinction between simple order and complex order. They lump the two together and call it low entropy. That's a too limiting notion I think.

In my model simple order has low complexity in the same way that separate holons fail to connect to a larger configuration of holons. And if we fail to recognize that distinction then we struggle against apparent entropy caused by too simple order in the methods used.

On a psychological and biological level the focus on too simple forms of order causes ego tensions and confusion. As a practical example, if we cling to money with greed then that's a method of too simple order and the ego tensions will remain and can even increase over time.

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Brad Jonson described an amazing experience he had with a tree where his consciousness merged with the tree and his feelings and memories became integrated with the tree as a living intelligent being. Something like that. Another person could walk past the same tree and hardly notice it. Clearly Brad experienced the tree as much more complex than the other person.

So complexity depends on perspective. For example a single oxygen atom floating around in the air has a low complexity value when looked at in isolation. The same atom from a nondual perspective has an enormously high complexity value since it's interconnected to all of manifested reality.

What the ego does is to have a too narrow perspective so it fails to experience the higher levels of complexity in manifested reality. That's similar to what Leonard Susskind, a top mainstream physicist said about entropy that it's hidden information. So the ego experiences life as an increase of entropy that it has to struggle against by constant effort of lowering the entropy.

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Fear is simply low complexity caused by the separate perception of the ego. ACIM says:


"The Holy Spirit, Who leads to God, translates communication into being, just as He ultimately translates perception into knowledge. 2 You do not lose what you communicate. 3 The ego uses the body for attack, for pleasure and for pride. 4 The insanity of this perception makes it a fearful one indeed. 5 The Holy Spirit sees the body only as a means of communication, and because communicating is sharing it becomes communion. 6 Perhaps you think that fear as well as love can be communicated; and therefore can be shared. 7 Yet this is not so real as it may appear. 8 Those who communicate fear are promoting attack, and attack always breaks communication, making it impossible. 9 Egos do join together in temporary allegiance, but always for what each one can get separately. 10 The Holy Spirit communicates only what each one can give to all. 11 He never takes anything back, because He wants you to keep it. 12 Therefore, His teaching begins with the lesson:

13 To have, give all to all." - ACIM T-6.V.A.5.


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I was thinking about ACIM's statement "To have, give all to all." At face value that at first seemed a bit too generous and implausible to me. But then I thought about what possessions actually are, both material possessions such as money and physical things and immaterial possessions like knowledge and relationships. And personal possessions are concepts!

Our personal possessions are thoughts in our minds which do have actual connections to real things, yet those thoughts are concepts and to "give all" to me means dissolving those possessions, meaning relaxing the thoughts about possessions. And then the personal possessions dissolve into the totality of life, meaning giving all to all.

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There is even a deeper form of possessions, namely all thoughts! The ego believes it owns the thoughts. Eckhart Tolle has pointed out something similar:


"When you don’t cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life that was lost a long time ago when humanity, instead of using thought, became possessed by thought." - Eckhart Tolle

Mindfulness practice is useful for getting a perspective that observes the thoughts instead of the ego being identified directly with the thoughts. According to my model ego thoughts actually have low complexity. Because the ego thoughts have too much separation. So instead of using mindfulness to just observe my thoughts I will test if it's possible to dissolve the thoughts.

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In practice I have noticed that the ego tension is enormous. The more I do inner body awareness practice the more the tension is revealed. It's almost ridiculous how deep the tension is.

I have now added intellectual practice to the inner body practice. On a mental level there is tension because the ego is focusing too much on separate things. And that produces confusion. According to my model, and now also according to the Wolfram Physics Project model, there is no actual randomness, hence no real confusion.

My idea is that the combination of mind and body practice will speed up the process. And a third element I am practicing mindfulness of is numbness. The numbness is caused by subconscious pain which in turn is caused by the deeper ego tensions. That's my theory at the moment.

Edited by Anderz

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