
ACIM Journal

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I wrote earlier about how Bitcoin would be bad as a global currency for practical use. I came to think of an additional potential problem with Bitcoin. Just a speculation, but I want to document it if someone manages to achieve this (or has already achieved it in secret). Bitcoins are mined using a hash function, and miners use extremely fast hardware that calculates vast numbers of hash values per second.

My speculative idea is to use machine learning to mine bitcoins. The criteria for mining bitcoins is that the hash value is low enough. It's impossible to reverse a hash function since its output has less data than can be used as input. However, since the criteria in Bitcoin is only about getting a low enough value I imagine that machine learning can be used for producing hash values that meet the difficulty target much faster than traditional bitcoin mining equipment.

Edited by Anderz

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Wow, I didn't know that China had so short lockdown period. From Q's latest post (4171): "How is it possible the source Country of the virus (minus Wuhan) was on lockdown for only 16 days? How long has the US been on lockdown?"

It doesn't compute. It all seems very politically determined to me. But then again, I now even suspect that there isn't any virus at all. But it's useful to add additional facts. As Q has posted about: When does the probability become mathematically impossible. If we take impossible here to mean infinitesimally small probability, then that can be achieved by adding uncorrelated probabilities of events together, meaning multiplying all the individual probabilities together. And this information about the China lockdown period is something that adds to the improbability of the coronavirus crisis being what the establishment claims it is.

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I think it would be good that have decentralized open source cryptocurrencies competing with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Bitcoin is mainly useful as an investment currency, like digital gold. I found two other cryptocurrencies that would be better for practical use: IOTA and Nano. These are based on a faster and more scalable graph technology instead of the clunky blockchain solutions.

What I like about IOTA and Nano in addition to speed and scalability is that they have zero transaction fees! Maybe the CBDCs also will have zero transaction fees, we will see, but the CBDCs will most likely all be centralized and tracked. I will do some more research about it. There might be a risk of decentralized currencies being used for lots of criminal activities, so there still needs to be a balance between full anonymity and government tracking.

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The Nano cryptocurrency looks promising. They didn't do the usual ICO where a few rich people can grab most of the initial coins. Instead with Nano they distributed the coins over a period of two years to people around the world by having them solve a capta puzzle online. Many people in poorer countries got coins.

And Nano is very fast and with zero transaction fees and is already more proven than IOTA which is a more complicated technology that still isn't fully developed. For example I think IOTA still has a centralized function that they haven't removed yet. Nano has more limited functionality than IOTA so both will probably be used for different use cases, but Nano is very useful and efficient for basic money transactions.


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Many spiritual people say that life is a dream and at the same time they say that physical death is inevitable. What do they mean by that? Do they mean that physical death is the awakening out of the dream of life? Awakening into some astral realm? Heaven? Reincarnation?

That kind of reasoning seems inconsistent to me. I now have the opposite idea that life is real and physical death is an illusion! Talk about recontextualization. In a way my idea is similar to the claim that life is a dream since my idea is that physical death is an illusion, which makes our current life and society where people die a fake scenario.

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Brad Johnson has this new video from the collective consciousness of humanity. Sounds very much like the Great Awakening although they don't use that term in the video. They talk about a collective front of humanity which I believe includes our whole civilization as it still appears to us in third density. It's a fake front, a facade! A layer of control upheld by what in the video are called the Elitists.


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Ralph Smart has this new video where he talks about how we are entering into a golden age. And he said that this year is 2012 according to the Ethiopian calendar. That's the Mayan calendar end date. Ralph said that this is the Great Awakening and also that there is a Great Distraction going on.


Edited by Anderz

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Those in power have put a lot of pressure on people with the (hoax?) coronavirus crisis. I even read news articles about people starting to protest. And people in general are grumpy! I too feel a heaviness. It's useful to be able to forgive even those in power. How to do that? My approach is similar to the advanced form of forgiveness Leo talked about in this his latest video. That from a nonduality perspective there isn't anyone to forgive! And I even use the idea that everything is happening with perfect order. In practice this means according to my theory that even the nasty things are happening for a greater good reason. Easier said than done, but I find it useful to have this approach.


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ACIM says a lot about forgiveness. Here is one example:


"Anger is never justified. 2 Attack has no foundation. 3 It is here escape from fear begins, and will be made complete. 4 Here is the real world given in exchange for dreams of terror. 5 For it is on this forgiveness rests, and is but natural. 6 You are not asked to offer pardon where attack is due, and would be justified. 7 For that would mean that you forgive a sin by overlooking what is really there. 8 This is not pardon. 9 For it would assume that, by responding in a way which is not justified, your pardon will become the answer to attack that has been made. 10 And thus is pardon inappropriate, by being granted where it is not due.

Pardon is always justified. 2 It has a sure foundation. 3 You do not forgive the unforgivable, nor overlook a real attack that calls for punishment. 4 Salvation does not lie in being asked to make unnatural responses which are inappropriate to what is real. 5 Instead, it merely asks that you respond appropriately to what is not real by not perceiving what has not occurred. 6 If pardon were unjustified, you would be asked to sacrifice your rights when you return forgiveness for attack. 7 But you are merely asked to see forgiveness as the natural reaction to distress that rests on error, and thus calls for help. 8 Forgiveness is the only sane response. 9 It keeps your rights from being sacrificed." - ACIM T-30.VI.1-2

Personally I attempt to observe my anger, even subconscious angers such as tensions in my face. My anger doesn't seem perfect to me, but according to my own theory it is perfect! But it's only perfect as long as the anger is there. I believe we are to transcend the serious kind of anger. And instead of forgiveness I started using another practice which is to see everything as already perfect. That is I believe what Jesus meant when he told us to be perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect.

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But then what about forgiving oneself? I have a new very radical practice for this. I think of ALL my memories as valuable yet made in sin. meaning a misperception of reality. And I can observe my memories as a single chunk. And then I can compare my chunk of memories to for example Hillary Clinton's personal memories and notice that her memories too are valuable and can be treated as a single chunk of information.

The deeper meaning of forgiveness is to be able to observe both one's own personal memories and the memories other people have as a necessary stage of development. That means full acceptance and also acceptance of one's own sins, which are perfect. What?! Perfect sins? Yes, the sins have been necessary. Why? Because they happened. That's why. And from there we can move towards transcending sin.

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Then what about sadism? Someone wrote that the ego is sadistic. My theory is that the ego actually needs pain and suffering to evolve out of itself. The ego has lots of inner conflicts that become numbed out leading to more and more shutting down of the life force. So when people are sadistic, they are actually helping others to evolve very quickly by inducing suffering that cuts through the increase of numbness.

So even sadism can be forgiven by recognizing the purpose behind it. It's a part of ego development. It's a blunt, crude and low-level consciousness tool and there is a better method which is to ignite the spark of inner peace within oneself. Then the inner peace generated dissolves the suffering and numbness without the need for inflicting pain and suffering on oneself and others.

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Yay! Aaron Doughty's latest video is about how the Great Awakening is about moving into fourth density. It may sound like woo woo but I believe it's extremely important and that's what actually is what is happening.


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I read that hatred is a more permanent state than anger. My new approach to hatred is to focus on feeling trapped. Because it seems that my hatred is related to a pressure of some kind, which is a kind of shell that my feelings and thoughts are trapped in.

And trying to shatter the shell by building up more anger and hatred will only make the shell stronger since the anger is caused by the shell. What is needed instead is to cultivate love, not through external means, because that's again to be struggling with the shell. The love needs to increase within oneself. So that's the more universal kind of love that Leo has talked about instead of the ego love of separation.


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ACIM makes a clear distinction between fear and love while Leo has a nondual explanation of love. I think they are the same since ACIM says that "fear arises from lack of love." So fear and its derivatives such as frustration and anger can thus be seen as a low level of love, similar to how Leo describes it in his video about love.


"As peace extends from deep inside yourself to embrace all the Sonship and give it rest, it will encounter many obstacles. 2 Some of them you will try to impose. 3 Others will seem to arise from elsewhere; from your brothers, and from various aspects of the world outside. 4 Yet peace will gently cover them, extending past completely unencumbered. 5 The extension of the Holy Spirit's purpose from your relationship to others, to bring them gently in, is the way in which He will bring means and goal in line. 6 The peace He lay, deep within you and your brother, will quietly extend to every aspect of your life, surrounding you and your brother with glowing happiness and the calm awareness of complete protection. 7 And you will carry its message of love and safety and freedom to everyone who draws nigh unto your temple, where healing waits for him. 8 You will not wait to give him this, for you will call to him and he will answer you, recognizing in your call the Call for God. 9 And you will draw him in and give him rest, as it was given you." - ACIM T-19.IV.1.


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Interestingly, Aaron Abke now posted this video about anger, love and relationships:


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And here I found another new video by Bentinho Massaro about infinite love. It will be interesting to compare how he explains it to Leo's explanation.


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There is talk about Obamagate. I haven't looked into it yet, but I found this article:


"The president amplified a number of accounts that have promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory about Democrats being involved in a pedophilia cult, retweeted accounts without avatars and with few followers that he somehow found on the fringes of the internet, ...

Trump tries to make “OBAMAGATE” a thing

With the positive economic message he planned to make a centerpiece of his reelection campaign in ruins because of the coronavirus, Trump has spent the last week trying to change the topic by working to demonize former President Obama, claiming his predecessor is the mastermind behind the Russia investigation that nearly ended his presidency. (Fox News has helped with this effort.)" - Vox, May 11, 2020

I doubt that Obama is guilty of corruption, but we will see. My bet is still on the DNC being corrupt and Q recently posting about the DNC email "hack" strengthens that bet in my opinion.

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Just for fun, a speculative conspiracy theory. On May 1, which allegedly is an Illuminati special day, the U.S. government introduced a new bill named H.R.6666 - COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act -

Even which is an anti-conspiracy theory website wrote about the bill: "was assigned the ominous-sounding number H.R. 6666". For a more pro-conspiracy theory interpretation, here is Dr. Buttar talking about the bill:

My own conspiracy theory is that H.R. 6666 is targeting the medical industry! How? By being overly Orwellian and using COVID-19 too much as an excuse for that. This is according to my theory meant to backfire on the medical industry.

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Information war!!! This if fun. As long as it can be kept on a harmless level.


Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. ...  War, terror, disease. They were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic, you turned to the now high chancellor, Anthony Fauci (sorry I meant Adam Sutler)." - V for Vendetta


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Q's latest post (4218) has a link to this tweet:

Social distancing for the elite? :D

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