
ACIM Journal

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It says in the Bible that the love of money is the root of all evil. Love here probably means ego love in the form of attachment to money. And since attachment to money is a huge part of the ego armor, money becomes toxic.

The cure for the toxicity of money is to have a wholeness approach to reality. It's the ego's special relationships, including to money, that cause the ego armor to remain hardened and solidified.

And the wholeness approach is to include money and everything else as a wholeness and thereby the ego armor melts away. In practice this means practicing experiencing everything as equally important instead of isolating out things like money as being more important.


"The Atonement is not the price of your wholeness, but it is the price of your awareness of your wholeness. 2 For what you chose to "sell" had to be kept for you, since you could not "buy" it back. 3 Yet you must invest in it, not with money but with spirit. 4 For spirit is will, and will is the "price" of the Kingdom. 5 Your inheritance awaits only the recognition that you have been redeemed. 6 The Holy Spirit guides you into life eternal, but you must relinquish your investment in death, or you will not see life though it is all around you." - ACIM T-12.IV.7.


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The coronavirus crisis is starting to look like a real version of the movie A Beautiful Mind where [spoler alert] the man who is the main character had encounters with secret agents. And the more the movie progressed the more cartoonish the agents became, until near the end it was revealed that the agents were just hallucinations in his mind. In the beginning of the movie the agents appeared very real to the audience.

Similarly, in the beginning, the coronavirus crisis appeared very real to most people probably, and still does, but there are cracks appearing in the seemingly solid facade of the mainstream ivory tower of Orwellian hierarchical control. And things in the media are starting to appear more ridiculous and conflicting than ever.

The latest Q post has a link to this article:


"Tanzania has suspended the head of its national health laboratory in charge of testing for the coronavirus and ordered an investigation, a day after President John Magufuli questioned the tests’ accuracy.

Magufuli said on Sunday the imported test kits were faulty as they had returned positive results on a goat and a pawpaw [fruit] — among several non-human samples submitted for testing, with technicians left deliberately unaware of their origins." - Reuters May 4, 2020

And the Q post has a picture of President Magufuli and text about him saying: "Something is happening."

The Q post also has the text:


"Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Q" - Q post 4115


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In a collective consciousness we need to think about all people's money, not just our own money. The same with all personal memories. We need to sense all people's memories, not just our own personal memories. This is impossible in ego consciousness which is cartoonishly narrowly self-centered and isolated. From a collective consciousness perspective the ego consciousness looks sociopathic to the core.

And in a collective consciousness all people are sensed as the self, not just oneself. Why? Because think of humanity as a "body" made of individual humans as "cells". It's one body, with one consciousness. It's a part of the true Body of Christ, the victorious one in Revelation 2.

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Our personal memories in ego consciousness are very valuable but they are heavily distorted. This causes huge amounts of suffering. One idea of what the personal harvest in the Law of One means is to harvest the ego memories so that the valuable content is preserved while the distortion is cleared up.

One main cause of suffering is the ego's sticky attachment to personal memories which all have been formed with a perspective of being a separate doer. So all the ego memories, although valuable, are completely messed up! This explains why ACIM and the Law of One use terms like distortion and confusion.


"Your distorted perceptions produce a dense cover over miracle impulses, making it hard for them to reach your own awareness. 2 The confusion of miracle impulses with physical impulses is a major perceptual distortion. 3 Physical impulses are misdirected miracle impulses. 4 All real pleasure comes from doing God's Will. 5 This is because not doing it is a denial of Self. 6 Denial of Self results in illusions, while correction of the error brings release from it. 7 Do not deceive yourself into believing that you can relate in peace to God or to your brothers with anything external." - ACIM T-1.VII.1.


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One of Q's latest posts (4118)  has a link to an article about Richard Grenell, the U.S. intel boss notifying Adam Schiff that 53 secret interviews that the House Intelligence Committee conducted during its Trump-Russia investigation are now declassified and can be released to the public. Q wrote: "Sorry, Adam, but the game is now over [it doesn't end here]."

I don't know if that's significant or not but I found another article about Richard Grenell:


"Washington (CNN) Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Monday shared a meme that appeared to mock the enforcement of stay-at-home orders in the US despite the overwhelming consensus of public health officials that such measures are crucial to slowing the coronavirus' spread.

On his Instagram account, Grenell posted the meme that features an image of the US Constitution with the caption "signed permission slip to leave your house."

"Love this!" Grenell captioned the post." -, Apr 13, 2020

Haha. Excellent. He probably knows that the whole thing is a hoax.

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In this new video Anna says that reality is designed for awakening. Good point. At least as a hypothesis I think, to expect awakening. The Great Awakening!


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I heard somewhere about robot tax or what it's called, the idea to tax automation such as robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). I think that will be necessary, or else greedy big multinational corporations who already often pay zero tax could make insane profits with automation and exponentially accelerating technological progress.

With e-money governments can automatically tax profit etc with certainty and with precisely calculated progressive rates, so for example poor people would pay much less tax than the huge corporations and the billionaires. And then the progress of automation would go smoothly making products and services cost less and less, further leveling the livelihood for people.

I like free market economy but it needs to be regulated. What we have today is an extremely lopsided situation of wealth distribution and with a private banking sector who creates and controls almost all the money. And as Q wrote, banks control governments. And as I have written about before, e-money can change that situation.

Edited by Anderz

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Fear is a false separation. Trying to control fear only reinforces the false separation. ACIM says:


"... attempting the mastery of fear is useless. In fact, it asserts the power of fear by the very assumption that it need be mastered. The true resolution rests entirely on mastery through love." - ACIM T-2.VII.4.

I have defined love as wholeness in harmony. This seems to match ACIM pretty well. I found:


"It is the nature of love to look upon only the truth, for there it sees itself, with which it would unite in holy union and completion." - ACIM T-19.IV.A.10. 

And wholeness includes union with both past and future. Everything is already fully connected, and perfectly structured, so reality is already fully love. Fear is just a trick, a layer of separations made of tensions, not real separations.

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To say "live in the moment" that's a false teaching. Why? Because that's a separation between "present moment" and "not present moment". It is possible to correct the teaching, which is to recognize that the ego clings to the past. Even when the ego thinks about the future, it's its own past memories rehashed into future projections.

The correct teaching is to be balanced so that past memories and actual future input are integrated into a flow. Actual future means what will happen, not what the ego believes will happen or tries to make happen. True nonduality is past, present and future together as a single unit, a whole instant, a holy instant. ACIM says:


"Take this very instant, now, and think of it as all there is of time. Nothing can reach you here out of the past, and it is here that you are completely absolved, completely free and wholly without condemnation. From this holy instant wherein holiness was born again you will go forth in time without fear, and with no sense of change with time." - T-15.I.9.


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I want to rant a bit more about death. Jesus said that we should be perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. Is accepting aging and death to be perfect? No! That's hypocrisy. That's retardedness. That's the dead burying the dead, as Jesus said.

In my opinion we should reject the death drive and achieve eternal physical life. From a mainstream perspective that's an insane opinion. But remember that mainstream society is insane.

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Is the world really insane? Not from the bigger picture where all is seen as already perfect but since our civilization is still so underdeveloped and dominated by ego consciousness the world from a relative perspective is totally bonkers, haha. Eckhart Tolle said:


"The world is full of interesting ideas, but none of these have saved the world from its madness. ... If there’s still anybody left who doubts the dysfunction of the human mind, I suggest two things: You can either read a book on 20th century history, or you can watch TV tonight." - Eckhart Tolle

So from that perspective what ACIM says about death actually seems sane to me:


"Death is the central dream from which all illusions stem. 2 Is it not madness to think of life as being born, aging, losing vitality, and dying in the end? 3 We have asked this question before, but now we need to consider it more carefully. 4 It is the one fixed, unchangeable belief of the world that all things in it are born only to die. 5 This is regarded as "the way of nature," not to be raised to question, but to be accepted as the "natural" law of life. 6 The cyclical, the changing and unsure; the undependable and the unsteady, waxing and waning in a certain way upon a certain path,--all this is taken as the Will of God. 7 And no one asks if a benign Creator could will this." - ACIM M-27.1.

The insanity is a result I believe of what is called the Law of Confusion in the Law of One, and third density, the whole world still trapped in ego consciousness, called the fallen world in Christianity.


"Ego is no more than this: identification with form, which primarily means thought forms. If evil has any reality – and it has a relative, not an absolute, reality – this is also its definition: complete identification with form – physical forms, thought forms, emotional forms. This results in a total unawareness of my connectedness with the whole, my intrinsic oneness with every “other” as well as with the Source. This forgetfulness is original sin, suffering, delusion. When this delusion of utter separateness underlies and governs whatever I think, say, and do, what kind of world do I create? To find the answer to this, observe how humans relate to each other, read a history book, or watch the news on television tonight.

If the structures of the human mind remain unchanged, we will always end up re­creating fundamentally the same world, the same evils, the same dysfunction." - From: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle


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Q recently posted this:


"There is a reason why Congress did not return to work this week [DC][non_COVID related].
Think [BOOM] drops this week and next [2019, 2020][+1].
[C]oats before [D]eclas [ongoing_now].
Q" - Q post 4133

Boom drops this week? I doubt that the Durham report will be released this week, but who knows! Might be a good strategy to plant the seed for a Spygate scandal while the coronavirus crisis is still ongoing. Not least to divert lots of attention away from criticism of how the coronavirus crisis was handled when the lockdown is over. Like a gearbox where for maximum effect kick into the next gear at the top of the effect of the current gear.

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I could be totally wrong about overcoming physical death. But I think that we need to question these kinds of very deep assumptions that almost always are taken for granted in society today. It may even be that the death drive is the root cause of the whole ego! So to just accept a belief in inevitable physical death seems suspicious to me. To "accept" physical death I suspect causes suffering no matter how enlightened a person claims to be.

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E-money will require secure user IDs, and there is a new project that could be used for that called Trust over IP (ToIP) :


"The ToIP Foundation will use digital identity models that leverage interoperable digital wallets and credentials and the new W3C Verifiable Credentials standard to address these challenges and enable consumers, businesses and governments to better manage risk, improve digital trust and protect all forms of identity online." - PRNewswire, May 5, 2020


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I was curious about what ACIM says about desire and found this:


"The world you perceive is a world of separation. 2 Perhaps you are willing to accept even death to deny your Father. 3 Yet He would not have it so, and so it is not so. 4 You still cannot will against Him, and that is why you have no control over the world you made. 5 It is not a world of will because it is governed by the desire to be unlike God, and this desire is not will." - ACIM T-12.III.9.

Desire is only problematic in ego consciousness for the ego is like a loose cannon willfully willing this or that with little or no awareness of the consequences within the totality. Let's say that I want lots of money. Is that bad or is that good? It depends! It may be good or it may be bad. The bigger picture is so extremely complicated that it's impossible to guess or fathom with the intellect.

And in hindsight we can see if the ego desire was good or not. If in the example I managed to grab loads of money for myself out of greed, then that was good! Why? Because it happened. Everything that happens is good from the bigger picture. The problem is, ego desires usually lead to frustration and conflict when they are clinged to. The solution as I see it is to still have desires but to be flexible about them.

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Leo talked about self-survival of the self image in this video from about 6 minutes:

Very interesting. It made me think of how the whole ego is a self-image, a conceptual construction. And the Self is much more than the ego but we get so identified with our egos so it creates a separation. I noticed that with mindfulness practice it's possible to observe the ego and to recognize more of the Self, but for me there is still ego identification most of the time.

Maybe the ego and the Self need to become integrated! The ego is already a part of the Self which here means nonduality, but it's experienced as a separate entity. I will experiment some more with mindfulness practice of being aware of my ego. And also test if my ego can become integrated into a field of peace and clarity.

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I try to avoid lying as much as possible because lies need to be protected by other lies that have to be protected by yet more lies and so on. A complete growing heap of mess! But as Leo pointed out, there are also the less obvious lies and many lies can even be hidden to oneself.

Lies are used for protection and manipulation. ACIM says that being defenseless is true protection. How can that be? Isn't protection necessary? It seems to me that transcending the ego is about removing protection. And that is possible because the higher state of awareness is its own protection by being connected instead of separated from the outside world.

And it's possible to add lies, even as protection and manipulation on top of a foundation of peace. But it's impossible to add peace on top of a foundation of lies. An example of lies added on top of peace is when playing a game as entertainment and the game is about conflict and zero-sum. That's fine. The problem is when lies become serious and are used by the ego as survival strategies.

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I now have a better strategy when it comes to lying! Trying not to lie is a strategy. Having to remember lies is a tiresome burden, but trying not to lie is a form of burden too because it's a strategy that I carry around all the time.

My new strategy is to drop all concerns about lying. I think that will work since my habit is to not lie, at least not consciously. And the next step after that is to drop even that strategy, so that the whole business of lying becomes a non-issue on my foundational level.


"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death." - Revelation 21:8

Burning lake of sulfur, is the Bible talking about hell here? And everyone who has ever lied will be sent to hell? No, I think it's a metaphor. I see the second death as death of the ego death. And the ego is just a lie! The Bible is pointing out that the ego needs to be transcended.

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To die before you die is to have the ego dissolve. The second death is the death of ego dissolution, meaning the ego continues! Big trouble. That leads to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Fortunately the ego is a lie and will sooner or later crumble, so the second death cannot happen as something permanent.

So the deeper meaning of removing lies is to dissolve the whole ego! It's difficult because our whole society is still an immense heap of lies. To paraphrase Eckhart Tolle: If you want to know about the ego lies, read a history book or watch the news tonight. :PxD

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And since our society is still so incredibly trapped in ego consciousness, things like information wars will be necessary. It's serious and at the same time I think we need to a establish a personal foundation of inner peace. QAnon is I believe an example of necessary conflict. Many people believe that Q is fake or just someone pushing conspiracy theories, if they even have heard of Q.

I like this recent Q post:


"It's time to wake up.
Q" - Q post 4135

Can you define authoritarianism?


authoritarianism noun the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.

Edit: I did a search whether this was mandatory or not and found:


"(Editor’s note: Dr. Levin conceded that he used “imprecise language” which could lead to misunderstanding and that there are not mandatory relocations/separations of people. Please see the reader comment below from “Citizen Reporter”.)" -, May 6, 2020

So it's not mandatory it seems. Still, suspicious that Dr. Levin used "imprecise language" as he himself admitted according to the article. Something is going on!

Edited by Anderz

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