
ACIM Journal

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I now have a simple explanation for evolution. Manifested reality takes the form of larger and larger holons. A holon is a whole that at the same time is a part. Examples of holons are atoms being parts of molecules being parts of cells being parts of multicellular organisms.

In my model larger holons are formed when the complexity reaches a high enough level. So there are sudden leaps into higher orders of being. And Gaia consciousness is the leap into our whole planet as a holon. This will according to my model happen as a sudden leap. Or has already happened! Each individual person will experience the leap at different moments in time. So some people may already have reached a level of development where that leap happens.

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I was watching David Icke being interviewed on London Real now and all their YouTube streams stopped working. I don't know if it's censorship but I noticed that David Icke's YouTube channel is now gone! Q posted about how Adam Schiff has ordered YouTube and others to censor conspiracy theories etc, so he is to blame probably.

Absolutely incredible. We need a decentralized internet! Anyway, David Icke said that the coronavirus doesn't exist. I was thinking, holy smoke, if that becomes a mainstream scandal it will make Spygate look like a Sunday picnic. But I doubt that the coronavirus crisis will become a scandal, at least in the short term. Too risky, so the establishment will work massively to prevent that probably.

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I have a new idea about "die before you die". It says in the Bible that the body of flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. So what needs to happen is that the body of flesh dies before it dies! Meaning being transformed from a third density body to a fourth density body before it dies a physical death.

That's a really extreme perspective, yet I will take it as a serious strategy to see what happens. Usually we are taught to be following the "rules" of the "caterpillar" society. Screw that! I'm aiming for a butterfly transformation of society.

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I now can't seriously understand why people accept living an extremely short lifespan of say 80 years with aging and dying as an end goal. Accepting such miserable life moronic! ACIM points this out. Even if people are sincere about accepting such pathetic life on a conscious level I suspect that their subconscious is telling them something else. Our current way of living as humanity is incredibly hypocritical I have come to realize.

What to do about it? My new strategy is to move away more and more from the animalistic crap that we have been indoctrinated with by society. The whole charade of so-called "modern" society is a sad display of misery and dishonesty. That's probably why people are so angry and violent, at least emotionally and mentally violent. The death drive is driving us insane!

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Leo has a new video that might be useful for young people, and for all people actually. Alas, I suspect it's about a "caterpillar" life (third density), but I will check it out to see if it contains some "butterfly" (fourth density) information.


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I was thinking that maybe I have exaggerated the death drive issue, but I listened to Paul Hedderman's new video and they talk about death and dying. It's a huge topic! So I think I'm onto something by examining the validity of the death drive itself. Notice that the people in this video take physical death totally for granted. That's actually a closeminded perspective. Especially today with transhumanism on the rise. And they are probably very experienced spiritually! So it's an immense subject this death business and deeply ingrained in the subconscious as a firm belief of inevitable physical death.


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Aha! I noticed a false uncertainty that we have. People often say that they don't know what will happen when they die. At face value and at first that might seem like a logical statement. But it's a false uncertainty! Why? Because it's based on the belief of certain physical death. And that belief is hardly ever questioned, at least not publicly. So it's a false uncertainty because the premise is false. The premise is that physical death is inevitable and how do we know that?

ACIM says that the ego is totally confused about everything. And it seems to me now that the root of this confusion is the death drive which is the belief in inevitable physical death. That belief causes a chronic fear on a subconscious level which fuels the confusion of the ego. The correct approach, or at least more openminded approach, is to be uncertain about the death drive itself.

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I came to realize that I have already worked on my death drive. A lot! Not consciously, but there must be some deep subconscious change that has happened in me. The idea of an eternal life could previously evoke great fear in me, like a really ghastly horror feeling. Not anymore! For example when I now think of a lifespan of say a trillion years, I think: excellent! And an infinite number of birthdays to celebrate, that's great. And all of that without being ABLE to physically die nor having free will to do anything about my situation. Those kinds of ideas would have totally freaked me out in the past.

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ACIM says that the ego mistakes control for sanity. I'm investigating if the ego's desire for control is a result of the death drive. My idea is that the death drive causes non-specific fear which the mind uses as fuel to produce specific fears. And it does so by protecting itself. And all that protection becomes a part of the ego armor.

This results in a constant need for the ego to control the future. And it's insanity as ACIM implies because the death drive fueling this whole process is a misperception of reality. That's my theory because my model says that the future is already determined so all forms of separate control are unnecessary.

The solution to solving the ego mistake is a recontextualization at the most fundamental level which means at the level of the death drive. Since the fear produced by the death drive is non-specific it is interpreted by the mind and the emotions as confusion. This matches what ACIM says, that the ego is totally confused about everything.

In order to test if the hypothesis is true it has to be implemented in one's actual everyday life. In practice it means letting go of control of the future. And life should improve a lot by letting go of control. Even the desire for control will dissolve and melt away if the hypothesis is correct. Personally I will use mindfulness to observe my own tendency of control and avoid following those thoughts and feelings of control.

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Personal individual control can feel like pleasure and power when we feel that we are in control. To feel like a passive victim sucks. Feeling of being powerless sucks. So how to recontextualize the feeling of control without having individual separate control? In my hypothesis, individual separate control is only pseudo-control. It's not actual control. It's fake control. Yes, there can be pleasure in having a sense of being in control, but it's a delusion. The solution is to move into real control.

What is real control? From a nonduality perspective real control is a result of all of reality, all past, present and future as a single block of control. And consciousness is a necessary part of that whole universal control. There is a huge difference between actions done in consciousness and unconscious actions. Consciousness itself is control.

True control from a personal and individual perspective is through consciousness. And true nonduality - or integral nonduality as I call it - is what Sadhguru said about building a bridge between the external world, the physical body, the mental body and Source. And to include consciousness as a part of that bridge, not as something separate from manifested reality because that would be separation, duality.

So what happens is that with correct spiritual practice consciousness itself becomes personal control. And the pleasure is then in being that control. This is the opposite of depersonalization disorder where the death drive remains and there is separation between a passive observer and what is happening. It may even be that many nonduality teachings are false and lead to depersonalization disorder. Every time a spiritual teacher says that you are not this or that, that's duality! That's false teaching.

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It seems to me that Trump is obviously trolling about the coronavirus scam. Here is what he said in a recent speech:


"It -- it infects -- if you have any problem, heart, diabetes, even a little weak heart, a little diabetes, then, look, this thing is vicious, and it -- it can take you out. And it can take you out very strongly."

"New York is a very much different place than Montana or many other states, really, where it's not, you know, really too, too bad. It's always bad. They lose anybody, it's bad."

I think Trump is hinting that this whole coronovirus scare is a joke, a hoax as he said earlier. The hoax part is correct, and the rest is basically trolling I think.


"Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
It's time to wake up.
Q" - Q post 4089


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Brad Johnson talked about what he called an all-self instead of a lower and higher self. A higher self is a division he said. Good point! There is a higher self but that's just because our mind divides itself, he said.

If we think of our higher self as our future self, then there is that division, yet from a nonduality perspective the causality is One, so there is no actual separation. Separations are second order products, such as the global ego.

The whole global ego is built on the belief in separation and in having separate control. Even animals in nature have a proto ego armor and a death drive. In third density, where humanity is at the moment, the belief in separate control results in what Ra calls the Law of Confusion. The first stage of the Law of Confusion is free will it says in the Law of One. And that's the belief in separate control.

Fourth density is as I see it the recognition of unity. When we as individuals move into fourth density, then probably most of the world will still be the global ego and third density. But as more and more people move into fourth density they/we will start to form a new holon, a new global morphic field.

Brad's newest video seems related to fourth density because it has "Inner Earth Civilization" in the title, which I believe is a collective consciousness, basically fourth density already. I haven't watched the video yet and I'm curious about whether my guess is correct.


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Brad Johnson channeled I think it was a person from the inner earth who said that the coronavirus crisis has resulted in a cocoon. That sounded very similar to what I wrote about earlier! That the coronavirus crisis is a sign of the global ego as a caterpillar turning into a cocoon.

And as I see it, the personal ego armor is a part of that cocoon. The global ego has a lot of tension and conflict in it, and our personal egos are a part of the global ego. So we can expect to experience our own ego armor becoming very tense as the global ego goes into a cocoon stage.

And I think that the personal harvest mentioned in the Law of One is about dissolving the ego armor and digesting it to build the new state of being explained by Bruce Lipton in this short video:


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To speculate a bit further, the ego armor is a bundle of protection made of fear. And the death drive is the core fear of the ego armor. Bruce Lipton said that fear causes cells to wall themselves off from their environment. In fear cells go into a protection mode, Lipton said.

What is needed then to dissolve the ego armor is on a biological level about making all the cells start communicate with each other and with the environment instead of remaining trapped in a state of protection. And the same on a mental level where our walls of protection need to be removed to allow the full connection with our environment.  And ACIM says that being defenseless is true protection, which exactly fits this idea.

So, then, the death drive is not some thing in itself and instead is a result of the ego armor holding fear in a chronic state. There is however a difference according to my theory between fear caused by the death drive and fear caused by our beliefs and perceptions. The fear causing the death drive is deeper than the other forms of fear. And accessing that deeper fear is done via the feeling of confusion which is the bridge between the death drive and the buildup of the other forms of fear.

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Here is a quote from Marianne Williamson which I believe is related to the death drive:


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson

Imagine if we had free will, eternal life and power beyond measure. That would be incredibly scary! Because then there is the potential for screwing up our whole existence, and with an eternal life that seems like something likely to happen at some point.

So it's actually good that according to nonduality we do NOT have free will. And the realization of that total form of 100% reliable control of nondual causality allows us to remove the death drive.

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Marianne Williamson is an expert on A Course In Miracles so she could have gotten the idea about being powerful beyond measure from ACIM. Ego power can be very destructive, and when ACIM says that being defenseless is true protection, that's beyond ego consciousness. It's about being defenseless together with the power beyond measure within oneself. Then the world becomes safe because it's no longer the ego who is in its state of delusional control and conflict; it's the Holy Spirit (the nondual total causality) that now is in control.

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Hmm... In the U.S. at least, the pharma industry can't be sued directly for damage caused by vaccines. But they can be held accountable if a vaccine causes damage not listed as a side effect for that vaccine. And so the side effects listed include things like autism. Scary! And Robert Kennedy Jr. explains in this interview how the number of vaccines given to children has gone from 3 to 72 mandated vaccines for children. "Now, children could receive as many as 27 shots by 2 years of age and up to six shots in a single visit." -

Why is the pharma industry protected? Kennedy said that you can't make a vaccine safe. So prior to 1986 pharma companies had so many lawsuits against them that they couldn't make the vaccines profitable. So a new law was introduced that prevents people from suing the pharma companies for injury or death caused by vaccines. "... there is no liability and for every medical product the biggest cost is paying liability at the back end ... now we [the pharmaceutical companies] don't have to worry about that, number two, we don't have to safety test them [the vaccines] ... that's a huge cost too. Third, there is no marketing cost and zero advertising cost because the government is going to mandate this product ... and there is no reason to make it safe."

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Disclaimer: I'm speculating on the fly here, just to document it; the following is just a theory I came to think of.

Even WITHOUT any conspiracy theory, there is an automatic and systemic incentive for the pharma industry to increase the number of vaccines given to people. And also, indirectly there is an automatic incentive to keep people sick and make people more sick for the pharma industry seen as a long-term profit-making system. Think systems thinking.

The overall result is an automatic and relentless trend for vaccines to cause more and more disease in the population. Not because of any evil conspirators wanting to destroy humanity but because of the inherent and systemic profit incentive for the pharma industry as a whole, which puts an enormous pressure on the vaccine and drug development to move in that dysfunctional direction.

What if governments around the world have been aware of this for many years now? Then it could be that the coronavirus crisis has been staged not to promote vaccines but to achieve the OPPOSITE effect by exposing the dangerous situation and trend with vaccines. As Q wrote, sometimes you can't tell the people, you have to show them.

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How to remain a cool customer and avoid too much confirmation bias in relation to COVID-19? Personally this gets tricky for me because I'm scared of mandatory vaccines. And I realize that being defenseless as ACIM says is true protection is only possible by transcending ego consciousness.

One good strategy is what Leo posted about in a recent video about being openminded. It can be difficult in relation to COVID-19 because there are so many claims from so many different experts and from people in the alternative community. So what to trust? I think it's useful to start with one's own beliefs be it anti-vaccine, pro-vaccine or agnostic-vaccine. Because starting with a fully open mind in this case will be too confusing for the mind is my guess.

And then over time to consume more information about the coronavirus crisis from all sides of the argument. And from a position of mindfulness! And to use inner peace as a compass. And to recognize that all the information about COVID-19 is just the conceptual layer and that life in totality is so much more than that.

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Yay! Confirmation bias, I know, but now in this new video Bruce Lipton says that the mainstream media is toxic regarding the coronavirus crisis:


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