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My speculation at the moment is that the Great Awakening will happen in the twinkle of an eye, just as the Bible says, but that it will happen at different moments in time for different people. And also, even though the awakening will be a shift from third to fourth density and an activation of a collective consciousness connection, our life situation will at first remain the same. So very little change externally in the beginning.

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One mistake I have made in the past, or it can be called limitation if there are no actual mistakes fundamentally in reality, is to examine nonduality from my conceptual understanding. So what's wrong with that? The error, the false perspective I had, is to start with the concepts as a foundation. That misses the actual nonduality, for the concepts are already a mistaken perspective of separation.

The very word 'nonduality' itself is a separate concept so it's already a false duality label. And the same with the word 'ego' which is a label, a false duality concept, pointing to a separate sense of self so it becomes a double mistake of separation. This results in a situation where seemingly clear meaning is in reality a mess of false divisions.

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It's of course fine to use pointers in the form of 'ego' and 'fear' in noduality teachings, but what the spiritual teachers are pointing at is a trans-conceptual state that Shunyamurti talked about. Even meta perspectives can often become just another abstraction level of concepts.

The trans-conceptual understanding is more like an under-standing, to stand under the concepts. A sense that sees through the layers of concepts. Regular thoughts are concepts. Words are concepts. When J. Krishnamurti said "the observer is the observed" then those are concepts too!

One insight I got is that thoughts themselves are a false perspective of separations. So the whole foundation of thinking therefore becomes invalid! Thoughts are of course valid on the conceptual level but when we use thoughts as a foundation for dealing with nonduality it becomes a false foundation.

Edited by Anderz

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Ramana Maharshi used the analogy of using a thorn to remove another thorn.


"This passage below is taken from ‘Illusion vs. Reality’ (page 6) by Shri Ranjit Maharaj. Shri Ranjit’s guru (Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj) was also the Guru of Nisardagatta Maharaj, making Ranjit and Nisargadatta ‘guru-brothers’, ie. contempories in the same teaching lineage.

The address is false but when you reach the goal, it is Reality. In the same way, all the scriptures and the philosophical books are meant only to indicate that point, and when you reach it they become non-existent, empty.

…For example, to remove a thorn in your finger you use another thorn; then you throw both of them away. But if you keep the second thorn which was used to remove the first one, you’ll surely be stuck again.

To remove ignorance, knowledge is necessary, but finally both must dissolve into Reality. Your Self is without ignorance, without knowledge.

…If you keep the second thorn, which means knowledge, even if it is a golden thorn, you’ll be stuck [by the second thorn]." -

That's a useful analogy. It can be applied to all thinking. Even when a thought correctly represents something, the thought is always a false separation. Another analogy is to think of reality as an ocean and the thoughts as waves on the oceans. It would be incorrect to say that one wave is more correct than another wave. It's impossible to separate a wave from the ocean. A wave is not a separate object, nor is a thought a separate object.

The ego gets stuck on the level of thinking without ever being able to detect the separation trick being played by the thoughts. I will experiment with questioning the validity of my own thoughts. The 'thorn' in this practice is the thought of questioning the other thoughts (thorns).

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Oh! The top news headlines on Google News at the moment are in the form of stories like this:


"Banks Took Billions In Fees To Process Small Business Loans Amid Pandemic Crisis" - NPR, minutes ago

That's exposure of and pressure on commercial banks. Governments including the Trump administration want to take the power of money creation away from commercial banks by introducing central bank digital currencies (CBDS) is my guess.

One expert said that 97% of all money is created by commercial banks. And Q wrote that banks control governments. It seems that is about to change.

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On an external level, the Great Awakening will in 2020 be about e-money, but only China will be able to implement it this year I guess. For the rest of the world the G20 summit 2020 will be a lot about e-money discussions I think. The other important event in 2020 will be a Spygate scandal I predict.

Removing most of the power from banks and dealing with high level corruption will lead to a massive change in the world. Spiritually not much will happen in society in 2020. The spiritual change will instead start to happen, and has already started to happen, within people.

According to this recent news article the Spygate scandal seems far away:


"Senate Intelligence Committee Drops a Bombshell on the Durham Investigation

... The Committee found that the ICA provides a proper representation of the intelligence collected by CIA, NSA, and FBI on Russian interference in 2016, and this body of evidence supports the substance and judgments of the ICA." - Washington Monthly, Apr 22, 2020

However, my theory is that the Durham report will find the DNC guilty of crimes and that will be the launch of the Spygate scandal.

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I haven't heard Leo talking about the Great Awakening, but I came to think of how he has this video about corruption. The Great Awakening is externally very much about the removal of corruption.


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Gaia is often described as nature intelligence of our planet. My concept of Gaia includes our civilization. So even for example cars and computers are a part of Gaia.

The individual ego is like an ice cube and the global ego is like a layer of ice around the world. I think we can start melting our personal ego without having to wait for the whole global ego to melt.

People with melted egos become like sheep and those still in ego consciousness remain being goats:


"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." - Matthew 25:31-33

When the ego melts the Holy Spirit can flow into us. Or to use New Age language, when our egos melt we merge with Gaia. The Holy Spirit is much bigger than Gaia, but the awakened Gaia is also the victorious one in Revelation 2 who does Christ's will to the end. So Gaia and the Holy Spirit are one in essence.

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Higher density in the Law of One means higher energy. Third density is like ice and fourth density vibration can melt the ice. Higher density also means more capacity, so the higher energy can both melt the energy and then freeze it again when necessary, just like how electricity can be used to heat an oven and to lower the temperature in a refrigerator.

Third density is lower energy and lower capacity than fourth density. Third density is like a frozen state all the time. 


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Jesus Christ said that we cannot serve both God and money. I have noticed that in ego consciousness dealing with money is easy. And then when I go into mindfulness practice of observing my ego armor then the slavery to money is noticed. Oh my! That's an intense tension.


"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." - 1 Timothy 6:10 (KJV)

My theory is that the love of money (and other separate things) is a divided perception. And it's divided especially when it comes to money, where one thing is isolated and made more important than other things. And it's a very deep subconscious conditioning, connected to survival instincts.

Trying to balance out the division likely only causes more division and inner conflict. My practice is therefore only to feel my ego armor in relation with dealing with money and personal finances. The idea is that it's a part of the ego as an ice cube of suffering that I used as an analogy in a previous post that needs to be melted by shining conscious awareness on it.

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Leo said in his video about corruption that Trump is corrupt. I disagree. I believe Trump is free from corruption. This also likely means that Leo is against QAnon if he even believe in it. That's fine! Because in case I'm wrong then it's good to have several perspectives going on simultaneously. And it's difficult and inefficient to try to hold two opposite perspectives oneself.

Edited by Anderz

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If the love of money is so very problematic, then how to deal with money in practical situations other than with mindfulness practice? Jesus has this statement:


"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." - Matthew 6:2-4

Jesus here gives an excellent recommendation or commandment. Notice the part "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing". What this means is that in ego consciousness we don't know when it's good or bad to give. The total picture is way too complicated. So Jesus is saying only give without ego attachment, meaning don't make a calculated choice.

And the same when dealing with money in general. Things like profit-seeking and investments, that's fine, but that needs to be seen as a game instead of as something serious. The global ego is like a layer of ice around the whole world, and money is a major part of that ice. And when we are dealing with money we need to be like water instead of as ice.


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Without making calculated choices about money, then what about survival? ACIM says:


"How can I know who I am when I see myself as under constant attack? Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me. All my hopes and wishes and plans appear to be at the mercy of a world I cannot control. Yet perfect security and complete fulfillment are my inheritance. I have tried to give my inheritance away in exchange for the world I see. But God has kept my in­heritance safe for me. My own real thoughts will teach me what it is." - ACIM Lesson 56

And Jesus Christ has extremely advanced teaching about this:


"So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:31-33

I see the kingdom of God as fourth and higher densities in the Law of One. Jesus said that we need to first seek the kingdom of God. Where is the kingdom of God? Jesus answers:


"Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”[c]" - Luke 17:20-21

c. Luke 17:21 Or is within you

In third density which is our fallen world, the kingdom of God is here but hidden. In New Age terms we need to raise our vibrations and metaphorically melt the ice of third density to activate fourth density.

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To be like water means melting the ego armor which is both in body and mind. With mindfulness practice, for me it literally feels like melting tensions in the body. There are also tensions in the mind. I'm practicing bringing both mind and body together for more efficiency and wholeness.


"Can you avoid separation?
Attending fully and becoming supple,
Can you be as a newborn babe?" - Tao Te Ching, ch. 10 


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I think Aaron Abke knows much more about ACIM than me. And here is a new video where he talks about how the belief in lack is the only thing that needs to be corrected:


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I think of the ego armor as made of deadly orgone (DOR). And the ego armor includes both mind and body. Orgone is the same as zero point energy, the vacuum energy in "empty" space. If that hypothesis is correct, then orgone energy is massless. And that's what Wilhelm Reich writes:


"Let us first distinguish DOR as the massfree energy form of stalemated Life Energy MELANOR as the material, substantial forni of immobilized life energy." - The Medical DOR-Buster, by Wilhelm Reich

Melanor is a form of black substance on rocks but DOR is more general than that. In the human body-mind, the DOR is likely forming a morphic field with morphic resonance with the past. Here is a short video where Rupert Sheldrake explains morphic resonance:

What is needed then to dissolve the ego armor is to replace the DOR morphic field with an OR (neutral orgone) morphic field. I will experiment with connecting my heart to earth's magnetic field. The HeartMath Institute has shown that there can be coherence between the human heart and the earth's magnetic field.


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I think that we are already in morphic resonance with Earth. The problem is that we are in resonance with the global ego. What is needed to awaken Gaia is to form a morphic field with a collective consciousness. How to do that when all of earth's history is that of the global ego?

Historian Richard Dolan said that there is strong evidence for what he calls the breakaway civilization, maybe even an ancient breakaway civilization, he said. My theory is that the breakaway civilization is what Ra in the Law of One calls a social memory complex, having a collective consciousness.

If so, then there exists an ancient global morphic collective consciousness field, hidden but accessible through morphic resonance. And then "all" we need to do is to connect to that collective morphic field to activate Gaia consciousness.

I found this long video which seems to be related to an ancient breakaway civilization:


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One of the core messages in A Course in Miracles (ACIM) is the difference between fear and love. In this video Bruce Lipton talks about the practical effects of fear:


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It's stupid to believe that Trump's comments are stupid. :P Do you understand that all U.S. Presidents have very carefully scripted public messages?


"WASHINGTON – After President Donald Trump wondered Thursday about possibly injecting disinfectants into people infected with the coronavirus, "Tide Pods" and other household cleaners began trending on Twitter.

... The president also floated the idea of treating patients with "light inside the body."" - USA Today, Apr 23, 2020

Q has posted about dark to light and the Great Awakening. That's what Trump is referring to more probably than being serious about injecting people with detergents, haha.

Edited by Anderz

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Walter Bosley mentioned that he thinks that there are two breakaway civilizations. I believe there is only one, but they can use a front as an isolating layer towards the public society. If my theory is correct, then the actual breakaway civilization is actually peaceful because they are a collective consciousness, and the nasty stuff that researchers have discovered is then the front and not the core breakaway civilization.

And that second layer of breakaway civilization then interfaces into the public power structures both private and governments, such as dealing with intelligence agencies who act as a third layer of isolation towards the public society.

I find it interesting that QAnon allegedly has Q-clearance, which is the highest security clearance level in the U.S. government. If that's correct, then Q has contact with at least that second layer of the breakaway civilization.

Bosley also mentioned that when he went to Puma Punku, an ancient monument site in Bolivia, he became convinced that advanced technology has been used in the construction. To me it's clear that also structures such as the Great Pyramid at Giza are also a result of advanced technology. One popular theory is that ancient aliens from outer space built those structures, but they could have been build by an ancient breakaway civilization on earth.

And if the Law of One is correct, that Earth is still in planetary quarantine, then the Secret Space program might actually be about the breakaway civilization without the need for any ET involvements although that could be a part of it too.

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