
ACIM Journal

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The Atonement in A Course in Miracles can be read as At-one-ment, to be one. This includes the present moment and the Holy Spirit which I interpret as the whole (holy means whole) action from the evolutionary pull of the future. So this can be interpreted as an atheistic perspective! It can also be interpreted in for example a Christian perspective as being connected to God and as the source of miracles in ACIM. Aaron Abke has this new video where he talks about how we get stuck in knowledge and thereby miss the presence of God;


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I believe that society will return back very much to normal after coronavirus crisis. But as I pointed out earlier, I also see the crisis as the beginning of a shift from the world as a caterpillar to a butterfly, or to use the terminology of the Law of One, as the beginning of the harvest, the move from third to fourth density. And interestingly, Aaron Doughty has a new video where he describes something similar:


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In Aaron Doughty's latest video above he used the term Great Awakening. This is a term that also Q has used. Q's latest post has a link to this meditation video:


"Clear your mind.
Q" - Q post 3975


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What to eat between fasting days during alternate day fasting? I think from a holistic perspective it's difficult to tell because nutrition, emotions, eating patterns, sleep, environment etc all play a role in an overall picture. My current approach is to eat whatever I feel like depending on each feeding day.  I sometimes even drink diet soda! Only seldom because I have been worried about artificial sweeteners being toxic. Now I found this recent research:


"Consumption of Diet Soda Sweetened with Sucralose and Acesulfame‐Potassium Alters Inflammatory Transcriptome Pathways in Females with Overweight and Obesity

... Seven females with overweight or obesity, who did not report LCS use, consumed 12‐ounces of diet soda containing sucralose and acesulfame‐potassium (Ace‐K) three times daily for 8‐weeks. ... ANOVA detected 828 differentially expressed annotated genes after diet soda consumption (p<0.05), including transcripts for inflammatory cytokines including interleukins and tumor‐necrosis‐family members." - First published:13 April 2020

Epigenetic changes caused by diet soda! Not all changes are necessarily bad, but a bit of caution is probably wise. Should one instead only drink water or natural juices? That's probably safer, but I came to think about how humans in ancient times had much LOWER average lifespans than today. So natural food is perhaps not always better. And it also depends on beliefs. Bruce Lipton said that some people can even drink poison without being affected by it because of strong beliefs. And he said something about sugar, that it depends on the beliefs if it's healthy or not.

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Leo has a new video about Bernie Sanders:

I think Bernie Sanders is much better than Joe Biden. Trump 2020! The coronavirus crisis has allowed governments, even the Trump administration to start moving into a universal basic income. I think that's absolutely necessary because as Marianne Williamson said: "A tsunami of automation is coming to America." Not only in the U.S. but the whole world will experience an accelerating increase of automation, replacing both blue and white collar jobs.

And of course, Trump + Q, that's the plan! Joe Biden + Q, that would be lame, haha xD And I think Trump should move towards the left, at least in some issues so that Bernie supporters vote for Trump instead of Biden.

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Leo seems to believe that Trump is selfish. I think that's wrong. Trump is win-win, meaning Selfish, which is different than selfish. Being selflLESS is actually bad since that's a disregard of the individual self. By Selfish (capital S) I mean expanding the self to include others. And by selfish (lower case s) I mean the narrow kind of selfishness that disregards others which is bad.

Being selfless is actually self-sacrifice and it becomes a hypocritical situation where the person fools himself or herself or tries to fool others. Teal Swan has this video:

It's true that win-win easily becomes bad when there is exclusion or disregard of others. Leo I think mentioned a good term: win-win-win. The win-win needs to include the totality of the situation or else it becomes win-lose which sooner or later becomes lose-lose. I think Trump understands that and that Q understans that.

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In the new Q post 3985 there is an image of a harvested field with the file name: Harvested_corn_field.jpg

The harvest! That's Law of One terminology. And I have been posting about the coronavirus crisis as the beginning of the harvest. Do you believe in coincidences? :D

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I have been hoping for a Spygate scandal this summer. It may happen. Huge scandal that will make Watergate look like a Sunday picnic. This recent Q post has a link to a Lou Dobbs tweet:


"We are ready.
[Set 1]
Mission good.
Q" - Q post 3982

They talk in the video about how the FBI should never have allowed Christopher Steele as a source. That's Spygate stuff. Does this mean that the FBI is corrupt and run by black hats, or was corrupt during that time around 2016? No, I don't think so. Instead I believe it's a case of what I wrote about earlier that sometimes white hats play the role of black hats.

My theory is that the FBI on purpose approved the Steele dossier to allow the corrupt powers to become trapped in their own chicanery. We will see what the Durham report (Trump said that the report will be +++ compared to the FISA report) will say (if it is released to the public). Q writes that they are ready and mission good. Sounds to me that they are referring to the Spygate scandal.

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Ken Wheeler has this new video where he explains some fundamentals of physics. A lot of it too advanced for me, but it sounds way closer to my model than the current mainstream view of physics. Except I believe quantum mechanics is correct when interpreted as only waves.

This is another example of how mainstream science today is defending false dogma. A more shocking recent revelation to me was the explanation that viruses don't exist! Just wow. Viruses are exosomes it seems. Mainstream science is in a deep crisis behind the whitewashed facade of their ivory tower of fabricated credibility and authority.

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I stopped my fast because I was starting to feel depressed. That's a bad sign in my opinion. I'm still satisfied with having accomplished several days of fasting. And I feel clearer and with more energy, so overall the result is good I think. My new experiment is to try to achieve similar results using only mindfulness practice. That's probably slower and perhaps without much biological effects but I can sustain it for much longer.

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Here is a good presentation of the current currency situation by Simon Dixon. He seems to know what he is talking about. He said that central bank digital currencies can be created without debt. When commercial banks create money it is as debt. He also said that China has already started to roll out their e-yuan and I have seen news headlines about it, at least in the form of tests.

Global Currency Wars Starting Amid The Health Crisis! -

So China is implementing their digital currency earlier than I expected. And the Chinese population already use electronic payment for basically everything, such as with Alipay and WeChat pay. The e-yuan seems too Orwellian to me but I think it will be good if western countries started using something similar, even with government tracking to prevent corruption and organized crimes.

And I still think it would be good if China makes their digital currency platform open source, or that a common standard is developed so that the different e-currencies can easily and automatically be exchanged. Otherwise we are back into the old silo style currencies with inefficiencies.

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ACIM says that nothing real can be threatened. Then what about all the conflicts in the world? One hypothesis is to think of the conflicts as an ego overlay which is real on that level and at the same time unreal when looking at the total picture. It's like a video game where there can be all kinds of conflicts yet the players always remain safe because they exist at a more fundamental level than the characters and conflicts going on in the video game.

Applying the video game analogy on the real world we can treat the conflicts going on as a game, literally. It's a shift of perspective. Is it a valid perspective? I don't know but ACIM could be correct! So I think it's worth testing the hypothesis by treating mainstream news, politics and so on as a game, which means approaching the conflicts from a game theory perspective with emphasis on the term game.

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If nothing real can be threatened, then what about physical death? Is the physical body unreal? My view is that the physical body is real. And this results in a radical assumption: physical death is unreal. Notice how different this is to basically what everybody says, even enlightened gurus. Nobody has ever died for real. What we experience as death and history is timeless information in the now.

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Eckhart Tolle talked about thinking with the whole body. I have another idea: to think with the whole planet earth! That's Gaia, our planet as a holon. So our "body" then becomes the whole planet, and our "brain" becomes a collective brain of the whole earth, not only all humans but also all animals, plants and inorganic objects, including continents, the oceans, the atmosphere and the interior of the earth.

It's similar to the noosphere idea:


"The noosphere is a philosophical concept developed and popularized by the French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky. Vernadsky defined the noosphere as the new state of the biosphere[1] and described as the planetary "sphere of reason".[2][3] The noosphere represents the highest stage of biospheric development, its defining factor being the development of humankind's rational activities.[4]

... In the theory of Vernadsky, the noosphere is the third in a succession of phases of development of the Earth, after the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). Just as the emergence of life fundamentally transformed the geosphere, the emergence of human cognition fundamentally transforms the biosphere. In contrast to the conceptions of the Gaia theorists, or the promoters of cyberspace, Vernadsky's noosphere emerges at the point where humankind, through the mastery of nuclear processes, begins to create resources through the transmutation of elements. It is also currently being researched as part of the Global Consciousness Project.[20]

Teilhard perceived a directionality in evolution along an axis of increasing Complexity/Consciousness. For Teilhard, the noosphere is the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution as a consequence of this growth in complexity / consciousness. The noosphere is therefore as much part of nature as the barysphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere." - Wikipedia

And Peter Russell has this documentary from the 80s called The Global Brain:


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There is also the Gaia hypothesis:


"The Gaia hypothesis /ˈɡaɪ.ə/, also known as the Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.

The hypothesis was formulated by the chemist James Lovelock[1] and co-developed by the microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970s.[2] Lovelock named the idea after Gaia, the primordial goddess who personified the Earth in Greek mythology. In 2006, the Geological Society of London awarded Lovelock the Wollaston Medal in part for his work on the Gaia hypothesis.[3]" - Wikipedia

That's a bit different than what I have in mind. I'm thinking of the whole planet earth as a collective conscious being. I will call it the Awakening of Gaia! The Great Awakening. Then it can be made consistent with the Gaia hypothesis which then describes the unawakened earth, while the awakened Gaia is where we humans become one with the whole earth as a living planetary organism.

Gaia is also the "victorious one" in the Bible:


"To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations— that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’—just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star." - Revelation 2:26-28

Jesus Christ will also give the victorious one the morning star, which means some kind of planetary relationship between Earth and Venus.

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Leo has this new YouTube video:

It will be interesting to compare that to his past videos about consciousness.

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Leo said that we need to explore for ourselves levels of consciousness. That's very relevant to my idea of Gaia awakening. If a planetary consciousness hasn't emerged yet, then spiritual teachings are like ants trying to explain to another ant what the experience of human consciousness is. Our self as an ant in this analogy will interpret the teachings in terms of an ant framework and be incapable of significantly grasping what a human perspective is. In ego consciousness we are like ants compared to Gaia consciousness. That's my idea at the moment.

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I have a new strategy! The reason for why I became depressed during fasting was probably not that it was ineffective but that my perspective was too limited. So my new strategy is to move into fourth density. And even if that may very well be a woo woo delusion, it's a much larger perspective than being stuck in a third density body and needing to fast and all that. The larger perspective feels better and more in alignment with what I want.

Here is a video from 2019 by Aaron Doughty about this larger perspective:


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Aha! Now I found a new news article about cash being dangerous:


"Cards Are Germy, Cash Is Worse. Can We Flatten The COVID-19 Curve Using Our Phones?

In a “normal”, pre-Coronavirus world, handling money is one of the most frequent human-to-human interactions, paying for goods and services and exchanging funds with friends and family. When we use cash, this interaction becomes a lot more physical than necessary. 

... People and businesses can send and receive money in real time without having to touch any cash, cards, third-party hardware or another person. No cash, no cards, no germs, no droplets, no fear of shopping." - Forbes, Apr 19, 2020

We will see if more news articles like this appear soon. It's still small news.

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One expert said that something like 97% of all money is created by commercial banks. This means that governments have very little power in practice in regulating the money in society. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)) can radically change the situation so that governments take control over the money. And corruption and organized crimes are dominated by money. CBDCs will also make it easy to automatically track the use of money, for example by using deep learning AI algorithms.

There have been claims that the WHO warned about using cash early on.


"Banknotes may be spreading the new coronavirus so people should try to use contactless payments instead, the World Health Organization has said.

Customers should wash their hands after touching banknotes because infectious Covid-19 may cling to the surface for a number of days, the UN agency said on Monday night." - The Telegraph, 2 Mar, 2020

The WHO however said that they didn't do it:


"The report in the British media said the WHO had suggested customers use contactless payments instead.

“WHO did NOT say banknotes would transmit COVID-19, nor have we issued any warnings or statements about this,” Chaib said in an email. “We were asked if we thought banknotes could transmit COVID-19 and we said you should wash your hands after handling money, especially if handling or eating food.” Doing so is “good hygiene practice,” she added." -, Mar 9, 2020 

Maybe it was an unofficial statement by the WHO that The Telegraph reported about or that they exaggerated the WHO statement. It at least adds a bit to this WHO controversy: "Trump says WHO didn’t share early information about Covid-19. A new report shows that’s not the case." -, Apr 19, 2020

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