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Ha! Told you so. A British politician mentioned universal basic income a few minutes ago during the live stream: PMQs - Boris Johnson takes questions in parliament as coronavirus crisis grips the nation - LIVE

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I have a new theory! Marianne Williamson said that a "tsunami of automation is coming to America" and that she agree with Andrew Yang that a universal basic income (UBI) is needed. This fits with direct observation of how powerful for example machine learning has become. It also fits with Ray Kurzweil's model and prediction of accelerating technological progress.

One main problem for governments is that an explosion of automation will have a devastating effect on jobs, with massive increase of unemployment. So what is needed is to introduce a UBI before the tsunami of automation hits society. And a huge change such as introducing a UBI will take many years to implement politically, unless there is a catalyzing event, such as a world pandemic, that makes it possible to introduce a UBI much faster.

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I even found direct agreement with the idea of a UBI in recent news articles:


"Universal Basic Income Gains Traction As Coronavirus Spreads

As COVID-19 threatens to wreak havoc on the national economy, lawmakers float ideas related to Andrew Yang's Universal Basic Income proposal." - TIME, Mar 18, 2020

"As Coronavirus Disrupts...Everything, Both Parties Want to Send Every American a Check. What Does That Mean?

... Both of our major political parties are coalescing around a few different UBI proposals as the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, wreaks havoc on American business and, in particular, hourly workers." - Esquire, Mar 18, 2020

"Andrew Yang was right about cash relief

Direct cash payments to U.S. citizens seemed radical just months ago. Now, the Trump administration and other conservatives are pushing for them." - Fortune, Mar 18, 2020

"Andrew Yang May Be Out, but Universal Basic Income has Legs

Mr. Yang championed putting $1000 a month in the pockets of every American adult during his presidential campaign. Now, amid the coronavirus crisis, “This ..." - The New York Times, Mar 18, 2020


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I predict that much of the tsunami of automation will come from China. I'm especially interested in Huawei at the moment who is about to launch a new smartphone and a new smartwatch:


"Huawei P40 series is set to launch on March 26 in Paris, and a new piece of information shows that there’s also a new wearable that will be introduced along with this flagship.

According to the information coming from Winfuture, Huawei will launch a new smartwatch – Huawei Watch GT 2e will launch on March 26 at the time of the P40 series launch." - Huawei Central, March 16, 2020

"Huawei P40 Pro Paris launch scrapped, replaced with online event

Concerns over the coronavirus outbreak sparked the decision to hold the P40 launch as a virtual event." - CNET, Mar 10, 2020

I hope that at least the smartwatch will run the new Harmony OS which I think will become huge in the future. Even if the U.S. ban on Huawei continues, Harmony OS is open source which means that other manufacturers such as Samsung can use it in their products.

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So far I have identified three major areas where the coronavirus crisis acts as a catalyst:

1. Dealing with the global peak oil crisis. Reduced oil consumption over a period of time allows oil wells around the world to be upgraded and then after the crisis when they come online again there will be plenty of oil production.

2. Initiation of a global control system. The necessity of international cooperation due to the coronavirus crisis allows for establishing a global digital system for surveillance and detection of pandemic risks.

3. Fast introduction of universal basic income (UBI). With automation increasingly replacing jobs there is a need for a UBI and the crisis shortens the time it takes to get a UBI legislatively approved and implemented.

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Can our thoughts change physical reality? My answer is no. Why? Because physical reality and our thoughts are one "thing". It's like how a knife cannot cut itself. ACIM says that miracles are "A miracle is a correction. It does not create, nor really change at all. (W-13:1)" The mistake the ego makes is that it believes its own mind is separate from the absolute Mind.


"The term mind is used to represent the activating agent of spirit, supplying its creative energy. 2 When the term is capitalized it refers to God or Christ (i.e., the Mind of God or the Mind of Christ). 3 Spirit is the Thought of God which He created like Himself. 4 The unified spirit is God's one Son, or Christ.

In this world, because the mind is split, the Sons of God appear to be separate. 2 Nor do their minds seem to be joined. 3 In this illusory state, the concept of an "individual mind" seems to be meaningful. 4 It is therefore described in the course as if it has two parts; spirit and ego." - ACIM C-1.1-2

There are chains of causation, from past to future and from future to the past. So for example a prayer has a specific result in the future, yet the prayer itself is not a separate cause, for there are no separate causes.

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My previous post can be added to Lazy Yoga which is my homemade version of yoga. The addition can be simplified into: In Lazy Yoga cause and effect are one. This makes the term "Lazy" more than appropriate since cause and effect being one means that there are no separate causes or doers. And Aaron Abke has this new video about this:


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But what if free will and individual doership are real? In ego consciousness we cannot prove nor disprove that. And even as I intellectually think my model is logically consistent, the model can be false. And what about the depersonalization disorder in psychology where the individual experiences himself or herself as a passive observer?

As I understand spiritual enlightenment conceptually, it's about actualizing oneness. Depersonalization disorder is totally different because then the person experiences even more separation from reality. Spiritual enlightenment is about the absence of separation at the fundamental level.

Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo (who sometimes uses ACIM quotes) said that his teaching which he learned from Ramesh Balsekar is about replacing the ego concept in the mind with new concepts about nonduality. I like that approach since it can be tested in one's own experience. If there is truth to nonduality then there is a possibility that the nondual concepts become true in the sense of actualizing oneness.

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Why do I need to invent my own yoga? Can't I just take for example the teachings from Ramesh Balsekar as they are? Or only use ACIM? No, because there are some differences and I include into Lazy Yoga that which I found consistent with the whole picture according to my own view. Even with self-bias I find it useful to develop a model which I understand myself instead of just adopting existing teachings.

One bigger difference between my model and the teachings of Ramesh Balsekar (and many other similar teachings) is that they make a distinction between pain and suffering while in my model pain is a form of suffering. ACIM actually seems to be consistent with my model, such as:


"1. Pain is a wrong perspective. When it is experienced in any form, it is a proof of self-deception. It is not a fact at all. There is no form it takes that will not disappear if seen aright. For pain proclaims God cruel. How could it be real in any form? It witnesses to God the Father’s hatred of His Son, the sinfulness He sees in him, and His insane desire for revenge and death.

2. Can such projections be attested to? Can they be anything but wholly false? Pain is but witness to the Son’s mistakes in what he thinks he is. It is a dream of fierce retaliation for a crime that could not be committed; for attack on what is wholly unassail­able. It is a nightmare of abandonment by an Eternal Love, which could not leave the Son whom It created out of love.

3. Pain is a sign illusions reign in place of truth. It demonstrates God is denied, confused with fear, perceived as mad, and seen as traitor to Himself. If God is real, there is no pain. If pain is real, there is no God. For vengeance is not part of love. And fear, denying love and using pain to prove that God is dead, has shown that death is victor over life. The body is the Son of God, corruptible in death, as mortal as the Father he has slain." - ACIM Lesson 190

Then can't I just take ACIM as my whole model? No, because as I see it ACIM lacks the integral transcend and include that Ken Wilber has talked about. Lazy Yoga is about transcending and including the ego whereas ACIM is about pointing out what is false with the ego.

Then what is the difference between Lazy Yoga and Jnana yoga?


"Jñāna yoga, also known as Jnanamarga, is one of the several spiritual paths in Hinduism that emphasizes the "path of knowledge",[1] also known as the "path of self-realization".[2] ... In the Upanishads, 'jnana yoga aims at the realization of the oneness of the individual self (Atman) and the ultimate Self (Brahman).[26] ... In the Bhagavad Gita, jnana yoga is also referred to as buddhi yoga and its goal is self-realization.[30] " - Wikipedia

To answer that I need to do more research about Jnana yoga. I expect to find differences but maybe they are the same!

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I came to think that Jnana yoga probably has many interpretations. I did however find one difference in what seems to be a fairly authoritative source:


"That which is immortal can have no beginning because everything with a beginning must have an end." - Jnana Yoga: The Yoga of Knowledge by Swami Vivekananda

That's different than my model! In Lazy Yoga there is a beginning but no end in the unmanifested. This makes my model in this case consistent with the Bible:


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." - John 1:1-3

Then what is the difference between Lazy Yoga and the Bible? My answer is that if Lazy Yoga is consistent with the Bible my model is smaller and easier for me to grasp even though the Bible describes more such as even it seems including descriptions from earlier stages in Spiral Dynamics. I make it easy by combining all the nasty stories in the Bible into third density reality in the Law of One.

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Then what about science? Can't I just have a scientific hypothesis? No, because as Jijnasu explains in this video about science: "They are trying to answer consciousness using the brain. ... They will not be thinking and inquiring into themselves. ... To study consciousness they need someone else's brain, not themselves. This is not self-enquiry.":

And of course Leo has a massive amount of explanations about the limitations of science today.

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How to explain the Bible's clear difference between good and evil when my model says that everything is always Good and perfect in an absolute sense?


"The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." - Genesis 2:9

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the same as the Law of Confusion in the Law of One. It represents the fall of humankind and the development of the ego and the experience of separation. And it's the ego state of confusion that ACIM talks about. It's sin, meaning missing the mark, meaning delusion. The tree of life on the other hand represents the Truth.

The ego actually already is perfect, but an undeveloped state. As Eckhart Tolle has explained, the ego is a necessary development in order for humanity to go from undifferentiated oneness (one with God in the garden of Eden) through the ego development and differentiation and then integrate back into oneness again now with individuality instead of as in the simple state of oneness before the fall.


"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." - Matthew 5:48

To be perfect is to integrate back into oneness with God. Evil is transcended and recognized as a necessary stage of development, so even evil is Good in the absolute sense as a temporary learning and growth stage.

Edited by Anderz

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Couldn't I replace my model with Leo's teachings? Almost, I have even based a lot of my model on Leo's teachings, but there are differences. For example, Leo said that Love includes accepting impermanence and death. In my model impermanence is a second-order phenomenon as a result of a changeless and indestructible fundamental reality unfolding in time. The past is permanent. Also, in my model the transcendence of even physical death is possible. This is also mentioned in the Bible:


"I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. 54 When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

55 “Where, O death, is your victory?
    Where, O death, is your sting?”

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1 Corinthians 15:50-57

I see the glorified body in Christianity as the body of fourth and higher densities in the Law of One. To believe that physical death is inevitable is to be stuck in third density.

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To reiterate where my model is consistent with mainstream science, Leonard Susskind said that entropy is hidden information. This means that the hidden information might actually be ordered! And that therefore reality is perfectly ordered all the time. No randomness needed. And Stephen Hawking suggested that quantum mechanics can be described using only waves which removes the uncertainty.

Vacuum energy is the enormous energy in the vacuum of space. In my model all physical forces, including gravity, are simply gradients in the vacuum pressure. And physical matter is the vacuum energy taking different shapes, such as physical particles are wave packets and not made of some separate "stuff".

The vaccum energy consists of waves that span the entire universe, and that's how entanglement and actions at a distance are achieved. It's just simple waves without locality (such as sine waves) combined into waves that have local differences. No "spooky action" necessary. And recent experiments with fluid dynamics have shown that the effects of quantum mechanics can be achieved using ordinary classical droplets, such as:


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Here are two videos showing how simple sine waves when added together can form complex shapes:


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Analog sine waves defined using a math function such as sin(x) have infinite resolution. In my model there is only finite resolution. And I haven't figured out yet if information is more fundamental or if waves are more fundamental in my model. The most fundamental level in my model remains Indra's net which means that regardless of waves or information, it's all fully interconnected into one wholeness.

Dr. Hal Puthoff is perhaps even beyond mainstream science with black-op knowledge, and in these videos he explains vacuum energy (zero point energy) and he also hinted at that there are waves that span the entire universe (from about 4 minutes in the second video).


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One curious practice is to consciously choose to just observe one's actions. I have managed to do that to some extent. With more practice it should become possible to choose to stay an observer for longer periods of time and when performing more advanced daily activities. This at least proves that reality can function without my active ego participation. It still doesn't disprove free will though since I make a conscious choice of staying as the observer of my actions, but it's a new kind of perspective compared to ordinary ego activity.

One danger maybe with that kind of practice is the possibility of getting stuck as a passive observer of one's actions. That's the psychological depersonalization disorder I mentioned earlier. Another possibility is that the observer dissolves! Then that's spiritual enlightenment, at least a simple version of it.

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My theory is that actually most people are what the Law of One calls Wanderers. I think Aaron Doughty said the same thing about Starseeds which is the same as Wanderers which means people who have fourth to sixth density in them.

Wanderers already have the capacity for a collective consciousness. What blocks them is that they too are trapped in third density ego consciousness. What is needed it seems is that we start to dissolve our egos. That allows the collective consciousness to emerge. When we remain in ego consciousness we are separate from each other in a way the blocks a collective consciousness.

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Talking about collective consciousness, Aaron Doughty has this new video about a collective consciousness and also an interesting comparison of the world to a Truman Show:

I posted this comment: Very interesting metaphor of the world as a Truman Show. I think people who are called Wanderers in the Law of One already have a collective consciousness and that they only pretend to be in ego consciousness, pretty much like in a Truman Show because us in ego consciousness can only interact on the ego level.

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I'm super skeptic about events such as the coronavirus crisis, but I looked up how they test for the virus and they match strands in the RNA, something like that. So COVID-19 might actually be real, at least as one form of flu virus, and if it's the same as ordinary flu just one particular strain the timing of the outbreak could have been staged.

Even with a real COVID-19 virus, the outbreak could have been timed to match any recent date if the virus already existed as one of the flu strands. And I don't see how Italy could have been hit much worse than other countries. So there is something particularly suspicious about the situation in Italy with many more deaths than in other countries.

Other European countries such as France and the UK have ordered massive lock downs too and now even U.S. states are starting to follow, yet Italy is the worst and the first to be extreme like that. As a guess, one possible outcome is that a universal basic income will implemented early in Italy.

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