
ACIM Journal

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Is the intellect the stupidest form of intelligence as Brad said? It probably depends on perspective. From the highest perspective of infinite intelligence, the intellect is indeed incredibly stupid! Take for example a man choosing what ice cream to buy. He compares prices and flavors etc of ice cream and then makes a decision. That choice is a complete delusion.

First of all, the person doesn't have free will. And secondly, a real choice involves the synchronization of all particles in the entire universe who are all connected to each other plus with the butterfly effect making it possible for even a tiny movement of an atom to make a star explode years later. In nonlinear systems the tiniest changes in initial condition can produce huge effects later.

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From another perspective even the intellect is a part of the one infinite intelligence of reality. Everything is. It's just that the human intellect is a deliberate cosmic trick for the purpose of growth and development in third density, the Law of Confusion. It's actually an amazing achievement to make the intellect able to function as a means to produce our human civilization.

To rely only on the intellect is a temporary stage. That's why ACIM and Eckhart Tolle say that the world is insane. Tolle said that all IQ tests show is your ability to solve little puzzles, and that intelligence is so much vaster than that.


"This greater intelligence is not the conceptual intelligence that you can measure with IQ tests. It is non-conceptual intelligence. Conceptual intelligence is the ability to retain information, analyze, compare, and so forth. It’s a tiny fragment of what intelligence is. There is a vastness of non-conceptual intelligence. Our destiny is to be in that way, so that our whole life is to become a work of art. Not just be confined to that state of consciousness when you do your creative work." - Eckhart Tolle

"Because you identify with thinking, which means that you derive your sense of self from the content and activity of your mind. Because you believe that you would cease to exist if you stopped thinking. As you grow up, you form a mental image of who you are based on your personal and cultural conditioning. We may call this phantom self the ‘ego’. It consists of mind activity and can only be kept going through constant thinking. ...

The predominance of mind is no more than a stage in the evolution of consciousness. We need to go on to the next stage now as a matter of urgency; otherwise, we will be destroyed by the mind, which has grown into a monster. I will talk about this in more detail later. Thinking and consciousness are not synonymous. Thinking is only a small aspect of consciousness. Thought cannot exist without consciousness, but consciousness does not need thought." - Eckhart Tolle


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If I'm tense in anticipation of the future now, unless how my mind works changes, I will still be tense one year from now! That's pretty horrible. So there is a systemic problem with my ego mind. What Brad Johnson said about the intellect, that it is the stupidest form of intelligence I found very interesting. And if the intellect is the primary attribute of the ego it fits with ACIM. I will do some mindfulness practice and observe my intellect and how I cling to thoughts and emotions.

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Brad Johnson has a new video where he talks about a direct experience of having his intellect subside. I can't tell how real his experience was, but it might be a real experience, so I take it as a hypothesis at least.


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Ha! Sadhguru said from about 3 minutes into this video that he is NOT service oriented:

Amen! That's what I mean by service to others in the Law of One doesn't mean self-sacrifice.

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And if anybody has any doubt about the hypocrisy of self-sacrifice, Teal Swan has this new video:


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The intellect has become a one trick pony on steroids for humanity. Our emotional intelligence suffers miserably as a consequence of the intellectual lock-in. Even the mainstream definition of emotional intelligence is very much dominated by an intellectual perspective:


"Emotional intelligence (EI), emotional leadership (EL), emotional quotient (EQ) and emotional intelligence quotient (EIQ), is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).[1][2]" - Wikipedia

Emotional intelligence to me includes feeling inner peace. And desires are emotionally driven. Desires are fine but for higher emotional intelligence we need to first have the desire for inner peace. Will not the desire for inner peace block the other desires? Only for a while. The desire for inner peace needs to be stronger than ordinary desires. And then when inner peace is established, the desire for it is removed (the desire is only there when there is a lack of inner peace).

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The intellect is emotionally dysfunctional. Even though the intellect is desire-driven it runs on suffering. Because suffering is needed as fuel for the desires. The intellect therefore runs away from inner peace, and it avoids desiring inner peace except through external means which ensures continued suffering after the brief and temporary period of experiencing inner peace.

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The ego is a parasite sucking us dry of energy until we die. Even animals in nature have egos in that sense. It's not the individual members of a species that survive, it's the whole population that survives while the individual members die after an average lifespan that depends on the populations unconscious survival strategy.

For the human ego it's the intellect which is its primary trait. The intellect feeds on suffering until we die. It's society as a whole that survives and the individual person subconsciously uses the intellect to feed society. That's why Eckhart Tolle wrote:


"The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly—you usually don't use it at all. It uses you." - Eckhart Tolle


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If we achieve true inner peace, what will happen to our intellect? The intellect in ego consciousness is fueled by suffering. My answer is that the intellect can still function based on desires when we have inner peace. The state of true inner peace is "only" the foundation and on top of that things like love and even desires can be added. To first desire inner peace is therefore about healing the intellect.

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I'm unsatisfied with my own explanation of complexity as interconnected information. It's correct but not the whole picture maybe. Manifested reality is structured in a hierarchy of holons, a holarchy.


"A holon (Greek: ὅλον, holon neuter form of ὅλος, holos "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was used by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine (1967, p. 48) and the phrase to hólon is a Greek word preceding the Latin analogue universum, in the sense of totality, a whole.[1]" - Wikipedia

An example of a holon is an atom in a molecule. The atom is a whole and is simultaneously a part. Ken Wilber has used the holon concept a lot. Here is a short video where Wilber explains the concept:

The unmanifested reality can be seen as an infinite holon that contains the manifested reality as an expanding holon as a part of the unmanifested. I think the definition of complexity needs to be able to explain the holarchy of reality. I haven't figured it out yet but I thought it might be helpful to start tackling the issue by this brief introduction about holons.

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Here I found a great quote about holons related to complexity:


"In 1967, Arthur Koestler put forward a theory of holarchy (The Ghost in the Machine) that seemed to underpin how natural systems are organized. He coined the term “holon” for an entity that was whole in and of itself and also part of a greater whole; a whole-part. He suggested that we are organized, in embedded or nested degrees of increasing complexity.  Each whole becoming part of a greater, more complex whole. As letters make up words, and words make up paragraphs, and paragraphs make up pages, and pages make up books, so too are we organized psychologically, physically and socially in ever increasing complexity. Something unique and powerful happens at each level of complexity, which is more than the sum of the parts, an important observation in terms of development or environmental sustainability theory.  The simplest rule of holarchy is that if you take away holons of lesser complexity the more complex ones disappear. No letters and there are no words, no words means no sentences, and so on." - One Sky, What is holarchy?

Notice the part about how at each holon level of complexity, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. That's a transcendent and emergent property that needs to be explained how it functions. How to explain that? Seems very tricky but also an interesting challenge to find a definition of complexity that explains the emergent property. Such definition will be very useful, for all kinds of things, even for how to explain the difference in ACIM between the ego and the Holy Spirit (holy = whole = holon?).

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Even though it may be extremely difficult to explain how holons have emergent properties in the form of being greater than the sum of the parts, one very obvious fact occurred to me: with the unmanifested as the largest and infinite holon, it is the highest greatness that transcends the sum of all its parts! This directly explains evolution as a pull of the manifested reality ever towards the unmanifested, yet never reaching the infinite level of transcendence so the future is infinite.

It's similar to the Omega Point idea:


"The Omega Point is the belief that everything in the universe is fated to spiral towards a final point of unification.[1] The term was coined by the French Jesuit Catholic priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955).[2] Teilhard argued that the Omega Point resembles the Christian Logos, namely Christ, who draws all things into himself, who in the words of the Nicene Creed, is "God from God", "Light from Light", "True God from true God", and "through him all things were made".[3]" - Wikipedia

"As the universe evolves toward its maximum organized complexity, it is said to reach the Omega Point. “Omega Point” is a term coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to describe the evolution of our universe.2" - American Journal of Neuroradiology

Although in my model the manifested reality will never reach the Omega Point which is the infinite unmanifested reality. As I mentioned in some other post, that's why Jesus said that the Father is greater than him, and Jesus also said that by himself he does nothing and all his actions are from the Father. That's precisely the manifested reality (Word of God materialized) always being a part of the greater unmanifested (the infinite unmanifested Word of God). All of the manifested reality is nothing by itself and is the unmanifested in manifested form, and that's why Jesus said that he and the Father are one.

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Another use of the holon idea is that third density in the Law of One means an unfinished holon. And since the holon is incomplete it leads to confusion and conflicts in the world. And that why ACIM says that our current world sucks. It's not because the world is bad, it's simply because the world still is an incomplete holon. Fourth density in the Law of One in my opinion means the completion of the world holon, not only as in globalization materially but also a collective consciousness and a transcending of the capabilities of our world. Planet earth as a holon is greater than the sum of the parts when as today the parts only form a fragmented whole, not a holon yet.

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Enlightened people, do they reach the highest holon of the infinite unmanifested? Yes, that's possible according to my theory, but they too are still stuck in third density on the manifested level. So there is vast developmental potential even for enlightened people. Fourth density is just one step and even that will be a tremendous leap on the level of the physical body and the material world.

Edited by Anderz

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I was thinking, since all major religions have the prophesy of a new earth, and ACIM talks about a new world, and New Age teachings have the same fundamental ideas, and in the Law of One there is the fourth and higher densities, then what about mainstream science? First I thought that in science there is nothing about the possibility of a fourth density earth. But then it hit me: dark matter could be higher density matter! Higher density in the sense of the Law of One which means more intelligence, information and capacity.

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Adyashanti said that our experiences often follow our beliefs. And Bruce Lipton has explained something similar called the Biology of Belief. That may actually be important in relation to moving into fourth density, because our usual belief is that things like that are New Age woo woo and our belief isn't genuine and certainly not reaching deeper into the subconscious which is necessary for actual effect.

I will experiment with taking moving into fourth density as a serious possibility, including producing miracles in terms of changing body and mind. ACIM says somewhere that miracles shouldn't be attempted as something we choose ourselves, something like that, but a general belief in fourth density allows for all kinds of miracles, so those can be left as an open option.

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The meaning of life is to produce larger and larger holons.

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How powerful is this? Even entropy is a result of holon development. What we experience as entropy is caused by earth still being an incomplete holon. The incompleteness causes friction, conflict, destruction and confusion in the world. This is the third density. Fourth density is the emergence of a whole planet as a holon. Planet Venus for example may already be a holon with a civilization on it. Ra in the Law of One said that they are from Venus originally.

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It could be that our galaxy is already in fifth density, but maybe not! Because what if the Milky Way galaxy is an incomplete holon? Then all the billions of civilizations within the galaxy must first reach fourth density for a galactic holon to form.

Statistically speaking it seems probable that our civilization is somewhere in the middle in terms of development. This means roughly 50% of the civilizations in our galaxy more advanced than ours, and about 50% of the ET civilizations less developed than ours.

Our human civilization here on earth is unique, but we shouldn't get cocky because all other civilizations are also unique in their own ways, so we are not special. Some people here on earth have probably already been in contact with ETs but we haven't seen any UFOs landing on the White House lawn yet. That's because official ET contact will only start once we have reached fourth density collectively as humanity.

The meaning of life is to produce larger and larger holons, and particularly on our planet, our current task is to develop planet Earth as a fourth density holon. And after that we will participate in the galactic federation of advanced civilizations to develop Milky Way into a fifth density holon.

Edited by Anderz

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