
ACIM Journal

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Leo's latest video is an extreme perspective compared to the mainstream consensus view, but look at ACIM and the Law of One, they are extreme too. And still it makes sense when considering infinite intelligence. And I see evidence of infinite intelligence in our reality. So for me these kinds of teachings are excellent and what's needed to break out of the very limited view of mainstream society.

Mainstream society such as science is still very important. Although my view is that the global ego is in deep doo doo with all the manipulation and disinfo that has been going on. As we move further into the information age, the gatekeepers of the mainstream view will have to struggle more and more in order to uphold their whitewashed facade of credibility.

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I found a confirmation bias ;) confirmation of my model in this presentation from about 23 minutes:

The moderator suggested by an example of zooming into a coastline that there has to be infinite information to describe our reality. Physicist Raphael Bousso answered that actually, no, it's not infinite information. Yes! Reality is always finite I have suggested. Our universe is quantized, like pixels, for example the Planck length may be the smallest possible "pixel"/"voxel" size.

Edited by Anderz

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ACIM says that all minds are connected. That must include our ego minds too! And that explains why ego thoughts and tensions can be so heavy because it's not only our personal mind but it's connected with all ego minds on our planet. It's a confused and conflict-ridden connection of minds, so the global ego is incapable of a collective consciousness (think Integrated Information Theory). Instead the global ego has a collective UNconscious.


"Collective unconscious (German: kollektives Unbewusstes) refers to structures of the unconscious mind which are shared among beings of the same species. It is a term coined by Carl Jung." - Wikipedia

A collective consciousness (and not just an unconscious collective) requires that our minds become joined in the Holy Spirit according to ACIM which to me is the same as entering fourth density as described in the Law of One.

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The internet is an information reflection of the global ego. I will minimize my participation on the web for a while.

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Okay I have taken some rest now. That was short. Anyway, Eckhart Tolle said that we are addicted to negative thinking. And Mooji said that the mind puts up objects in our consciousness as a kind of bluff. We get sucked into the stream of thoughts and emotions.

Why would we get addicted to negative thinking? ACIM says that the ego has a false thought system. My discovery is that the ego is a kind of internal conflict which produces pain that becomes numbed out, and to prevent total numbness the pain is channeled into thoughts and emotions. Even negative thoughts and emotions are better than confusion or total numbness, so the mind becomes addicted to all ego thoughts.


"Besides your recognizing that thoughts are never idle, salva­tion requires that you also recognize that every thought you have brings either peace or war; either love or fear." - ACIM Lesson 16 

"Holding error clearly in mind, and protecting what it has made real, the ego proceeds to the next step in its thought system: Error is real and truth is error." - ACIM T-11.V.14:6

I see the individual self as a unique point. A point is nothing in itself, it has no content. From that point we experience our life through the ego, which as a huge bundle of concepts combined into a sense of separate self. The ego is a valid and necessary stage of development. The problem is that the ego is a false perspective and a primitive stage of development.

So what is the cure? ACIM says that the Holy Spirit is the solution. To me Holy Spirit means the total driving force of reality. And it should be possible, at least in theory, to experience oneself from the individual point directly as a result of the Holy Spirit. And then the ego can be dropped like dropping training wheels when they are no longer needed.

It can be useful to learn from experts and here are Eckhart Tolle and Mooji talking about these things:


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Aaron Doughty used the term permission slip as a way to give himself freedom to speculate I think he meant. He mentioned it in relation to numerology. Interestingly, he also said that we are in third or fourth density, and he didn't say that was a permission slip. So does he have some direct knowledge of moving into fourth density? Are some people already in fourth density? Maybe! The Law of One says that people who are Wanderers on earth are fourth to sixth density. The Wanderers are trapped in third density like the rest of us, but it could be that some of them have moved out of third density into fourth density.

That made me think of my own permission slip to speculate a little. Fourth density is transcend and include, so our thinking will be transcended and included. How can our thinking be transcended? Thoughts can be transcended by higher level thoughts. Concepts on a higher abstraction level which are more powerful than the ego thoughts, so less thinking needed and still vastly more intelligent than our current state of thinking.

And the fourth density body will be made of more intelligent physical matter. Higher density I believe means higher information content and thereby more capability, including more capable physical matter. In the beginning the fourth density body will look like the third density body but will feel better and then it will start to be improved even on a physical level.

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I got a sense that moving into fourth density can, and will, start to happen, not as many have suggested through so-called ascension symptoms which is suffering all all kinds, but through increased inner peace. In fourth density, inner peace is the foundation state of being. Inner peace in body and mind is not the same as pleasure, but to the ego it will feel like immense relief and great pleasure, because of the stark contrast between the horribly miserable ego foundation of suffering and the natural fourth density state. The fourth density state of peace will draw in the consciousness of the person in third density like a magnet.

Edited by Anderz

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I think texts such as the Bible, ACIM and even the Law of One contain actual messages of how to transcend our current ego level of development as a civilization. Otherwise we would be stuck! The cosmic trick of separation needs to have means for how to grow out of it. At the same time those texts have to be very cryptic and often written in metaphors. Because if we learned about higher levels of development too early in our history as a civilization it would hinder our own development. And now we have reached a level where information technology is starting to enable a global shift in consciousness.

Speaking of consciousness, is third density a different consciousness than fourth density? As I see it, no, consciousness is always only a state of being aware as a self. It's the level of experiencing reality that shifts into higher and higher levels. So expanding one's consciousness then means expanding what the individual consciousness is aware of, not an expansion of consciousness itself. And it's that kind of expansion texts like the Bible, ACIM and the Law of One are useful for. And their true and full meaning is starting to become apparent now as we move into the information age.

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Aaron Abke has a new video about the movie Frozen and ACIM. I think Disney has some shady stuff, such as sex subliminals in movies for children, but I agree that the movies also contain deeper truths.

And this lyrics from the song Let it Go I found interesting:


"It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all" - Let It Go lyrics


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ACIM says that the Holy Spirit works through the body and into the world. This is a more accurate perspective logically than the ego's view of the body. The ego sees the body as a separate object that can be moved around in the world. That's a false view. Instead, in reality what happens is that both the body and the outside world move as a oneness.


"Remember that the Holy Spirit interprets the body only as a means of communication. 2 Being the Communication Link between God and His separated Sons, the Holy Spirit interprets everything you have made in the light of what He is. 3 The ego separates through the body. 4 The Holy Spirit reaches through it to others. 5 You do not perceive your brothers as the Holy Spirit does, because you do not regard bodies solely as a means of joining minds and uniting them with yours and mine. 6 This interpretation of the body will change your mind entirely about its value. 7 Of itself it has none." - T-8.VII.2


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Oh! It's the EGO that is mechanical. Not the idea that life is automatic. And then ACIM is correct about the ego being confused about everything. Actually, the ego is a lifeless structure. It's the automatic process of all of reality unfolding as a oneness that produces life. So when I believe I'm in control of anything in my life, including planning and controlling the future, that's a total delusion!

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Is a collective consciousness the same as a collective ego? No, because a collective ego is unconscious. And consciousness is a wholeness. A collective ego is a lifeless product, not a being able to do anything. The same with the individual ego. This means that personal memories that the ego believes are so precious are all a false perspective! That's why Jesus and other teachers have said that we must die in order to live. The ego is already a lifeless structure so there is no actual death involved.

This is true both for the individual and the collective ego. You can test the truth of this yourself. Does a memory contain life? Is a memory a living thing? No, a memory is lifeless information. And egos are bundles of memories. Even personal memories only seem to come alive through being animated in our consciousness.

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The Bible says this about memories:


"Whoever invokes a blessing in the land
    will do so by the one true God;
whoever takes an oath in the land
    will swear by the one true God.
For the past troubles will be forgotten
    and hidden from my eyes.

See, I will create
    new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered,
    nor will they come to mind." - Isaiah 65:16-17

ACIM explains that it's about a different way of relating to memories:


"All the effects of guilt are here no more. 2 For guilt is over. 3 In its passing went its consequences, left without a cause. 4 Why would you cling to it in memory if you did not desire its effects? 5 Remembering is as selective as perception, being its past tense. 6 It is perception of the past as if it were occurring now, and still were there to see. 7 Memory, like perception, is a skill made up by you to take the place of what God gave in your creation. 8 And like all the things you made, it can be used to serve another purpose, and to be the means for something else. 9 It can be used to heal and not to hurt, if you so wish it be." - ACIM T-28.I.2.


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The ego is an enormous bundle of conditioning. Actually, I think of the ego as also including our biological evolution. This is consistent with ACIM which is very radical when it comes to describing our current state of the world.

I now find it easy to get a meta perspective of my ego. Of course, that meta perspective is just a new form of conditioning of my mind, but a useful one. The meta perspective I use is to think of myself as a single unique point of experience. And from that point my ego is recognized as conditioning as a part of totality, not separate from it. So even the ego is one with everything. It's just that it mistakenly believes itself to be separate.

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ACIM focuses on love vs fear to cut through the ego. The Law of One is about the same thing from another and broader perspective it seems. There is also the Seth Material which is an even earlier channeling.


"The Seth Material is a collection of writing dictated by Jane Roberts to her husband from late 1963 until her death in 1984. Roberts claimed the words were spoken by a discarnate entity named Seth.[1] The material is regarded as one of the cornerstones of New Age philosophy, and the most influential channelled text of the post-World War II "New Age" movement, other than the Edgar Cayce books and A Course in Miracles.[2] Jon Klimo writes that the Seth books were instrumental in bringing the idea of channeling to a broad public audience.[3]" - Wikipedia

I will take a look at the Seth Material and compare it to the Law of One and ACIM.

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My initial impression of the Seth Material is that it's advanced enough to be from a real higher density source. It describes the ego as a limited perspective. And it says that our emotions are very limited at the moment. That made me think of how the ego has isolated emotions. And a collective consciousness has unified emotions! So then people in a collective consciousness have both individual emotions and also truly intersubjective emotions between people.

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Jesus Christ said that if we have but the faith of a mustard seed, we can tell a mountain to jump into the sea and it will do that. When taken as a literal statement that's an absurd claim from a third density perspective. From a higher density perspective however what Jesus said can be interpreted as a literal statement. And for example in the Law of One it's described how the Great Pyramid at Giza was created instantly through thought-manifestation. Another seemingly incredible claim, yet if reality is infinite intelligence, then that's an easy thing to do.

The movie Moana I believe gives hints about higher density reality. Higher density means more intelligence, even in physical matter. This is nicely illustrated in this clip where the ocean has higher density capacity:


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I haven't looked much into astrology. If my model is correct, then large-scale alignments and synchronicities are to be expected. So I believe there is truth to astrology when it's done correctly and that it's worthwhile to look into that. Astrologer Heather Ensworth Ph.D. has a new video where she also talks about what sounds similar to ACIM and the Law of One and a shift into fourth density:


Edited by Anderz

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In his new video, Leo said that from the highest perspective there is no difference between saints and Hitler, something like that. That's actually easy to understand intellectually when we consider reality to be infinite intelligence. The highest perspective is all of reality as a united oneness and all is perfectly in order. And I want to add that in third density there is a lot of conflict and evil, and this is just a temporary stage of development when seen from a bigger perspective. From our human third density perspective we don't understand fully why all the evil but we can intuit that in the cosmic picture even the conflicts and the evil is necessary for the future to progress.


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The ego is a concept. And when the ego feels threatened it's attacked by its own concepts! That's difficult to recognize when we are completely identified with our ego. ACIM calls it attack thoughts.


"The idea for today introduces the thought that you always at­tack yourself first. If attack thoughts must entail the belief that you are vulnerable, their effect is to weaken you in your own eyes. Thus they have attacked your perception of yourself. And because you believe in them, you can no longer believe in yourself. A false image of yourself has come to take the place of what you are." - ACIM Lesson 26

I recognize that what ACIM says here is true. It's my own thoughts that make me feel threatened. I will experiment with focusing on my confusion instead of my attack thoughts. I have practiced this before and confusion still feels uncomfortable for me. The idea is to get more comfortable with the confusion instead of the attack thoughts. Not as a means to keep the confusion but to dissolve it along with dissolving the attack thoughts.

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