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I don't recommend this but personally I will do a hardcore test of stepping away from third density healthcare to fourth density activation which will automatically improve my physical body. Totally crazy idea seen from the mainstream perspective. The reason for this radical approach is that to really test the idea I must be willing I believe to do a serious actual shift in my perception. To walk the talk.

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The physical age of the body is a second order phenomenon. The actual age of the body is zero seconds! Because there is only the present moment and all the past is included in it. Real change happens on the first order reality level, and the second order reality is a reflection of that. For example, the human brain is a secondary effect, not a primary cause of consciousness or even of thoughts. So going from third density to fourth density is a realization and actualization of how third density is just a second order phenomenon.

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Almost like a cop out definition it's possible to say that intelligence is the ability to integrate complexity into a wholeness. And first order reality is infinite intelligence. In that sense even a single atom is infinite intelligence. Evolution is a second order phenomenon driven by the first order intelligence. And with this assumption, the move from third density to fourth density is an automatic pull of second order reality by the first order reality intelligence. 

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I probably got the idea of infinite intelligence from Leo. And if the idea is correct it could be really important for how to correctly understanding how the world works. Instead of thinking of intelligence as something that is a result of processes, the correct perspective may be that intelligence is a fundamental property of reality. And the manifested reality, including evolution, is simply a result of that already existing intelligence unfolding. I will take a look at Leo's video about infinite intelligence again.


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Yes, it must be Leo's explanation I got the idea from. And then I plugged it into my model, and it fits! From a practical perspective the idea can sort of be tested by relaxing ego efforts. Reality is automatically pulled into higher levels of manifested intelligence (the unmanifested is already and always already infinite intelligence).

One difference compared to Leo's explanation, or maybe not a difference at all, is that in my model the infinite intelligence is a platonic form that manifests as physical reality automatically. So there is nobody ultimately responsible for creation. Even if we call the infinite intelligence God, it's not like a separate being able to do things.

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Another consequence of the idea of infinite intelligence is that it explains miracles and as ACIM says that they are natural and should be expected. And even the realization that infinite intelligence is a logical conclusion and that it exists everywhere, that should open up its potential! Our clinging to the manifested kind of intelligence actually blocks access to the deeper and fundamental infinite intelligence.

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This video is about fear vs love similar to ACIM and they also talk about self-love that Leo has a recent video about.


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The global ego is built on an illusion of separation. This means that even though the foundation of reality has infinite intelligence, the global ego has to struggle a lot throughout time. And it needs control structures such as laws, calendar time and money to keep itself intact. So for example personal finances are connected to the whole burdensome control structure of the global ego.

We can FEEL the truth of this in how burdensome personal financial problems are, and it goes even much deeper than that. Even if you have a billion dollars the burden of dealing with money will still be heavy on your heart. We will still need to use money for many years to come, but with a collective consciousness money and the other control structures of the global ego will become easy to deal with since the global consciousness deals with the whole global ego in a harmonious way.

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Thinking of Gaia as a planetary organism is just an abstract concept BUT a very useful one. Because infinite intelligence can "plug in" itself to that abstract concept and work through it and us. How do all the cells in the human body get nourished? The human body (another abstract concept) delivers nutrition and information to the cells in a coordinated and harmonious way. Compare that to the world today. If we think of humanity as a whole "body" then one country being at war with another country is like a person's right hand being at war with his or her liver. Total insanity!

For a deeper understanding of abstractions and concepts, Leo has a great explanation of that in this video:


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An extremely radical perspective which I believe could be true is that death is an ego delusion as ACIM says. Then what about the ACIM channeler, didn't she die? Here is where this perspective gets radical: the person who channeled Christ is just information in the now. And only that! Information cannot die. The fundamental information of reality is indestructible.

The ego defends death, firmly believes in death, and that predators need to kill and eat prey in order to survive. The Bible says that the lamb and the wolf will dwell together and that the lion will eat straw. So with the radical perspective even nature is an ego! There is nothing natural about nature other than it being third density, second order reality and things made by humans are third order reality.

Fourth density nature is the first heaven in the Bible (see Revelation 21). And fourth density means a global collective consciousness, so "brothers/children in heaven" in both the Bible and in ACIM means a collective consciousness in fourth density.


"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:44-45

The ego has what ACIM calls special relationships, such as loved ones and friends. The collective consciousness is a part of the Holy Relationship. The Bible says the same thing using different terminology:


"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." - Matthew 5:46-48

Interestingly, Eckhart Tolle said that "perfect" in that Bible quote also means whole. Holy means whole, so Holy Relationship is then what the Bible means by being perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect.

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The love of money is the root of all evil. Energy flows where attention goes. And how much attention do we put on money? The answer is: an enormous amount of attention and thereby drain of energy. I will experiment with becoming deliberately confused about money. It's the mind's construction of certainty about money that causes the drain of energy and the ego tensions in body and mind.

And our beliefs about money have been programmed into us by society. In this video Leo explains the deeper implications of beliefs:


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The Holy Spirit in ACIM leads to peace of mind because it deals with for example money in a holistic (holy, whole) way. When my ego handles money it artificially divides reality and says that my money is separate from all other money. That's a false claim by the ego since reality is a wholeness. And what's even worse is that when the ego clings to money and wants more of it without consideration for other people's money it causes a huge conflict which makes money so burdensome for the ego, including tensions in body and mind.

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Some rational atheists may think of the Holy Spirit as some pixie dust fairy tale entity. In that case, think of the Holy Spirit as the principle of the universe as a wholeness, for example like the universal quantum wave function:


"Since the universal validity of the state function description is asserted, one can regard the state functions themselves as the fundamental entities, and one can even consider the state function of the entire universe. In this sense this theory can be called the theory of the "universal wave function," since all of physics is presumed to follow from this function alone." - Hugh Everett

So it's possible to think of the Holy Spirit as the realization of wholeness rather than some actual separate entity.

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Here is a new ACIM video by Aaron:


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The ACIM concept of innocence that Aaron describes in his latest video sounds similar to what in Zen Buddhism is called beginner's mind.


"Shoshin (初心) is a word from Zen Buddhism meaning "beginner's mind." It refers to having an attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying a subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner would. The term is especially used in the study of Zen Buddhism and Japanese martial arts." - Wikipedia

Our egos develop by putting labels on everything, which is useful up to a point but it also puts our minds into a narrow box from which we interpret our experiences. ACIM says that innocence needs to be total. 


"Innocence is not a partial attribute. It is not real until it is total. The partly innocent are apt to be quite foolish at times. It is not until their innocence becomes a viewpoint with universal application that it becomes wisdom. Innocent or true perception means that you never misperceive and always see truly. More simply, it means that you never see what does not exist, and always see what does." - ACIM T-3.II.


"The mind that serves the Holy Spirit is unlimited forever, in all ways, beyond the laws of time and space, unbound by any preconceptions, and with strength and power to do whatever it is asked. Attack thoughts cannot enter such a mind, because it has been given to the Source of love, and fear can never enter in a mind that has attached itself to love. It rests in God. And who can be afraid who lives in Innocence, and only loves?" ACIM Lesson 199

One reason I can see for why ACIM says that innocence must be total is that when the ego smacks its learned labels on experiences it prevents the wholeness perspective of reality. ACIM calls the wholeness perspective vision.


"There is no problem, no event or situation, no perplexity that vision will not solve. All is redeemed when looked upon with vision. For this is not your sight, and brings with it the laws beloved of Him Whose sight it is." - ACIM T-20.VIII.5:7-9


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Now ACIM expert Marianne Williamson's 2020 presidential campaign has very low financial resources. Recently she said:


"We’ve had a wonderful team, and I am deeply grateful for their energy and talents. But as of today, we cannot afford a traditional campaign staff. I am not suspending my candidacy, however; a campaign not having a huge war chest should not be what determines its fate." - Marianne Williamson

It will still be interesting to follow what will happen with her campaign I think. Theoretically it's possible for her to reach a huge audience on the internet. Mainstream media however is another matter because of how controlled it is by the establishment.

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I'm looking into how my ego tensions are connected to my mind's concepts. It seems to me that there is a very heavy connection there, that concepts in my mind are not just some small mental patterns but a huge, heavy and deeply interwoven web of tensions in my body and mind. What is a concept? For example thoughts are made of concepts, labels, like maps. Some concepts are less heavy and others are very heavy such as concepts about material and immaterial possessions such as social status and personal relationships.

We need concepts in order to be able to think. It's questionable however if the heavier concepts really need to be that heavy. In this video Leo explains what concepts are in more detail:


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Another thing with a beginner's mind is that it may be necessary for an evolutionary TRANSFORMATION! Think of the ego mind as a caterpillar mind and the group mind as a butterfly mind. The ego mind needs to be completely transformed, including all its concepts, in order to become a butterfly mind.

The group mind is a much higher level of mind so the concepts will be much more advanced and harmonious. It's about a transformation rather than destruction, and it will be integral transcend and include of the ego mind. It still requires a total dissolvement of the ego concepts though. For example the ego might like Coca-Cola and after the transformation the ego will still like Coca-Cola but the concept has then become recontextualized into a vastly bigger and collective context.

And not only a beginner's mind. Also a beginner's heart, a beginner's body awareness, a beginner's social interactions, a beginner's choice-making, a beginner's emotions and so on. In practice I will test this by relaxing my own willpower.

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A beginner's heart requires a radically different approach than the mainstream information. Anna has this great new video about the heart and related out-of-the-box topics.


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I think of the Holy Instant in ACIM as a correction of our perception of reality. When we watch a sunset it looks like the sun i moving down behind the horizon. What actually happens in a sunset is that earth's rotation gives the impression of the sun moving down. An even better comparison is how some centuries ago people believed the sun moved around earth. And even the mainstream scientists in those days had that belief and they constructed ever more complicated epicycle theories in order to try to fit their preconceived notion into observed reality.

The Holy Instant IMO shows us that all the past is now and only now. The past is real. The past in unchangeable. The past is indestructible. The past is timeless information in the present moment. So for example your breakfast yesterday you did eat it but you ate it now and only now. So the Holy Instant to me means a subtle yet profound shift in how we experience reality. This is also consistent with nonduality since there all the past is always One with the now.

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