
ACIM Journal

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Is ACIM really necessary? Why not just learn from spiritual teachers directly? In my experience all spiritual teachers are still trapped in the global ego and they are even actually defending it! ACIM on the other hand cuts through ALL the ego bullshit. So yes, I think ACIM is at least a higher level of knowledge than that which the spiritual teachers provide.

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The ego tensions in the body and mind are past information in a state of inner conflict. Only the Holy Spirit can dissolve the ego tensions for only the Holy Spirit is the movement into the future.

"3. If you but knew how much your Father yearns to have you recognize your sinlessness, you would not let His Voice appeal in vain, nor turn away from His replacement for the fearful images and dreams you made. The Holy Spirit understands the means you made, by which you would attain what is forever unattain­able. And if you offer them to Him, He will employ the means you made for exile to restore your mind to where it truly is at home." -

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As Leo explained in his video about truth, when the foundation is false everything built out of it will be false. That's I think why mainstream science is stuck in idiotic nightmarish scenarios such as the claim that the universe is expanding at an accelerating speed. The so-called tired light models have been dismissed because they fail to include the existence of the vacuum energy. From an infinite intelligence perspective it would be infinite stupidity if the universe really was expanding faster and faster. A really horrible scenario!

Fortunately there is the vacuum energy and it causes friction on photons which in turn causes some of the observed redshift. And I believe the expansion of the universe is actually slowing down instead of speeding up.

That was just one example how the global ego becomes trapped in its own false dogma, and even if for example the scientists themselves know that it's a false dogma they become trapped in it and have to defend it!

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Another feverish nightmarish scenario that previously existed in mainstream science is the idea of a Big Crunch, that our universe will contract into a single point again and after that a new Big Bang will happen.

In my model, and there are actually physicists who say the same thing, our universe is only a recent branch on a whole multiverse tree of universes. Our universe is a white hole of a black hole in a parent universe. And the parent universe is a white hole of a black hole in a grandparent universe and so on down all the way through an ancestor universe line to an original root universe from which the whole multiverse tree stems.

And the black holes in the middle of the galaxies in our universe are themselves the sources of new white hole offspring universes. So the multiverse tree continues to grow forever. It doesn't collapse on itself! That would be infinite stupidity and insanity.

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Hey! I just realized that my recent posts describe a kind of falsifiability which makes the idea of infinite intelligence scientifically testable. If the current mainstream theories about astronomy are correct, then we have basically infinite stupidity in the design of our universe, haha. That would prove that the infinite intelligence hypothesis is false. Maybe not prove it in a rigorous scientific way, but good enough for me anyway.

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What do I mean by even spiritual teachers being trapped in and defending the global ego? Every time you hear someone talking about nature as "natural" or about aging and death as inevitable then you are hearing the global ego speaking through them. Incarnated insanity. And that's why even ACIM teachers continue to defend the global ego even when it contradicts the ACIM text itself! They are all it seems still stuck in the global ego.

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Something ACIM fails to capture it seems is that the ego has a lot of value. And the global ego is immensely valuable. An integral approach that recognizes the ego values can transcend even ACIM. The ego is a necessary stage of development in order to produce individuality, uniqueness and creativity. That's why the ego is so valuable and it also generates a lot of suffering since the ego is only meant as a temporary developmental tool.

The good thing is that transcending the ego will happen automatically. We cannot do anything ourselves in our ego identification to transcend our own egos. We can't even refuse to do things!

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Another horrible possibility for why spiritual teachers defend the global ego is that they are forced to! Or else the global ego in the form of law enforcement, corporate interests defense and so on will come crashing down on them. So they need to stay within very limiting boundaries. I too feel I need to be careful sometimes but that's nothing compared to say a spiritual teacher with a lot of following and with even mainstream powers having their eyes on him or her.

ACIM is a channeled work, and in that way the author is shielded from attack from the global ego, so ACIM can be much more straightforward in its description than for example spiritual teachers who don't use channeling. Just look at how mainstream media and others fiercely attacked Marianne Williamson when she even dared to question the pharma industry in a small way.

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The global ego is still overwhelmingly dominating in the world and it is cram filled with deception, manipulation, corruption and false ideas. It's fascinating to observe the constant struggle to defend its construct. And I'm pretty sure that the truth is infinite intelligence and that the global ego has zero actual power. What will happen is that what ACIM talks about will become more and more apparent. The real truth doesn't need any defense and it will begin to blast through the layers of deception very easily I predict. And it's already happening with the help of the internet. The situation today is very different from when ACIM first was published decades ago.

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Even when we are still identified as egos we can take a meta perspective of our own ego and that's where ACIM is useful. Take for example the idea of personal control. ACIM as I understand it says that only God is in control. From an ego perspective it gives the idea of becoming a powerless victim and a lack of personal control. That's not a meta perspective, that's a dualistic perspective of the ego. In reality there is holistic control going on all the time. And the holistic perspective includes our personal control. From a meta perspective I AM the control that is going on all the time, not some separate entity without control.

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How can actual miracles be possible? My model says that everything we experience is information. Even a dream! So in essence a dream and everyday reality are both "just" information experienced in consciousness. Leo takes it even further but in essence it's the same idea I think:

And my model says that our current reality has on purpose a limited set of physical laws for the purpose of growth and development. So in principle miracles are simply the result of accessing the deeper reality of infinite intelligence. Even what we call physical objects are just information structured in certain configurations. With this kind of model the miracles described in ACIM and even in texts like the Bible are possible.

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My physical body is a part of the same information that makes up the rest of the world around me. So I find the idea of growing old, dying and then having my body buried not only horrible but also stupid! My body and the rest of the universe are one whole unit of information. Simple! It may even be impossible for me to die, haha. And what we experience in the world is real and yet it's all just information experienced in the present moment. Death is a second order phenomenon and on that level, yes death is real. On the level of first order reality of one interconnected wholeness death is impossible. I think that this is what ACIM means by saying that God is life, not death, something like that.

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Another reason for why my physical body may not die is that I believe that there will be a collective awakening of humanity. ACIM describes how all minds are connected which I interpret as a hint at a collective consciousness. So we will become a planetary organism instead of separate individuals with isolated egos. And notice the Lord's prayer: Thy kingdom COME ON EARTH as it is in heaven. Get it?

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Another hint in ACIM about a collective consciousness is that it talks about special relationships vs holy relationship.

“For what is born into a holy relationship can never end.” T-22.In.4:10 -

Notice holy relationship singular, as in one collective. Special relationships on the other hand are for example two egos forming a couple. That's a very primitive social construct. Even wild animals in nature form couples and take care of their children. A marriage is just like plastering a fancy ceremony and license on top of that primitive social construct. Special relationships are a part of the global ego, which we also call the dragon.

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I'm a bit puzzled about ACIM's definition of God, such as in Lesson 152:

"Is it not strange that you believe to think you made the world you see is arrogance? God made it not. Of this you can be sure. What can He know of the ephemeral, the sinful and the guilty, the afraid, the suffering and lonely, and the mind that lives within a body that must die? You but accuse Him of insanity, to think He made a world where such things seem to have reality. He is not mad. Yet only madness makes a world like this." -

God didn't make the world? My explanation is that ACIM is talking about the "fall" of humanity, the seeming separation from God. And yes, in that sense the global ego, the dragon, is a seemingly separate creation. I still maintain though that this seeming separation is a deliberate stage for the purpose of growth and development and actually is a part of the Word of God.

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What is this text in ACIM lesson 185 but a description of a collective consciousness?

"Two minds with one intent become so strong that what they will becomes the Will of God. For minds can only join in truth. In dreams, no two can share the same intent. To each, the hero of the dream is different; the outcome wanted not the same for both.  ... Yet compromise alone a dream can bring. Sometimes it takes the form of union, but only the form. The meaning must escape the dream, for compromising is the goal of dreaming. Minds cannot unite in dreams. They merely bargain. And what bargain can give them the peace of God? ...The mind which means that all it wants is peace must join with other minds, for that is how peace is obtained. ... We want the peace of God. This is no idle wish. These words do not request another dream be given us." -

Notice how this lesson uses "we" instead of "I" as in the first lessons. Also notice that when ego minds unite, it's only on the level of form. I think that it means the global ego! The ego minds are only united in the form of the global ego which is a monstrosity of centralized control of isolated minds, governed primarily by lies, manipulation and deception. A collective consciousness is only possible in a state of truth, and true peace only possible with a collective consciousness.

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Aha! Now I understand why for example spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle seems to have enormous tensions in his physical body. He is still operating within the global ego and even if he is enlightened he is not yet integrated fully into the collective consciousness.

The same with us ordinary people who are still in ego consciousness. The global ego is like a collective reptile brain (hence the term dragon perhaps ;)) which occupies our minds and bodies in the form of tensions. We need to dissolve the ego tensions in our bodies and minds with the help of the collective consciousness or else we remain stuck in the global ego on the level of form.

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Christians often think of New Age beliefs as being of the devil. And of course mainstream atheists think of all of that stuff as being incredible woo woo, haha. In reality both New Age and Christianity are describing exactly the same thing!

What ACIM describes in New Age terms is human ascension from third density into fourth density bodies with a collective Christ consciousness. From a Christian perspective it's about "the victorious one" in Revelation 2, which is not a single person such as a dictator or a military general but refers to what in Christianity is called the "Body of Christ", namely people joined in Christ:

"The Body of Christ is a common, yet complex term used in the Christian faith. Some may initially think we are talking about the physical body of Christ, as in His human form on earth. But the term "Body of Christ" actually refers to the members of His church, throughout history." -

And fourth density body in New Age is the same as glorified body in Christianity. Sometimes called resurrection body, such as Christ's body after the resurrection when he teleported into his disciples' house and said to Thomas: "Put your finger here" to show Thomas that Jesus had a real physical body even after the resurrection. Jesus was also able to shapeshift his body and that's why people didn't recognize him at certain times. And Jesus said that everything he had done we will do also, and more.

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I think my interpretation is logically consistent without too much self-bias. That doesn't hinder lots of Christians, New Agers, atheists and ACIM followers to claim that my interpretation is wrong. It's hard to please everybody. Personally I will take my interpretation seriously enough to try a fake-it-till-we-make-it approach and go from thinking "I am" to thinking "We are". Just to try to get a feeling of a real collective consciousness.

Also, I find it useful to hear spiritual teachers describe "I am" as something to compare it to, such as in this satsang with Mooji:


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If ACIM and even the Bible really are about an awakening into a collective consciousness, then why aren't those texts more clear about it? Why not describe it in a more direct and blunt way? My theory is that even though a planetary consciousness is ENORMOUS compared to our personal ego consciousness, it's still just a unique collective self, not the formless awareness which is our deepest nature.

And we can't go directly from ego consciousness to a collective consciousness via some explanation. There has to be a snap, an awakening into the higher evolutionary stage. So we first need to detach from our personal ego into spiritual enlightenment and then move back into the world of form again on a higher collective level. Kind of like: "Before enlightenment I carried water and chopped wood, and after enlightenment we carry water and chop wood."

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