
Is Ibogaine best for Rewiring Brain or LSD?

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Hey, so been hospitalized and had severe psychotic episodes, deep depression, over-saturation of porn/food/adderall addiction in the past and my brain feels like it is kinda numb a bit to being at a baseline happiness - hard to enjoy simple things as much. My reward system is not like it used to be  

My LSD breakthrough REALLLYYYY helped, but I’m wondering if Ibogaine or 5-MeO is more ideal for helping the chemistry in my brain make me feel more consistently positive/have a reward system/be more joyful in mundane actions. 


Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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In general things like 5-meo and Ibogaine are more powerful than for example lsd yes. But for these two in your condition you need to have someone who is very experienced to work with you.

With lsd in my opinion lots of work can be done alone if you really get into it. Also the proccess will probably take much longer.

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The best first would be 2 weeks of ketogene diet plus vegetables and some fruits and honey then a week of water fasting (see Dr Nikolajew who manages to heal with water fasting most of his patients) and then I am sure you will be able to listen to your heart if ibogaine is good for you :)

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@EntheogenTruthSeeker dude you need to let your body heal, you’re in recovery. I wouldn’t mess with your brain chemistry by introducing more substances. If LSD and 5MEO are anything like shrooms, you will feel like ass the next day because you played with your brains pleasure center again and that’s what’s causing you to fee so shitty right now. 

my advice is to ride it out till you can be happy on your own, then go do psychedelics. Let yourself heal. 

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I agree with @Meditationdude - stay away from drugs right now, give yourself time to recenter and balance out au naturel.

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6 hours ago, Meditationdude said:

@EntheogenTruthSeeker dude you need to let your body heal, you’re in recovery. I wouldn’t mess with your brain chemistry by introducing more substances. If LSD and 5MEO are anything like shrooms, you will feel like ass the next day because you played with your brains pleasure center again and that’s what’s causing you to fee so shitty right now. 

my advice is to ride it out till you can be happy on your own, then go do psychedelics. Let yourself heal. 

Shrooms will not make everyone feel like "ass" the next day. Sometimes you will feel amazingly high on life for days and weeks after a shroom trip. You are not automatically tapping into pleasure centers, like you are on a recreational drug like heroin for example, which is going to give you a desired effect, the psychedelic is going to amplify existing consciousness, which may or may not be pleasurable. If it is pleasurable, its likely because you are seeing a new perspective on life and tapping into your natural bliss, it isn't forcing you to be ecstatic like mdma for example. 

What you are saying is just as true the other way around, imagine the individuals brain chemistry already being "messed up" and the psychedelic is a tool to bring it back closer to baseline if used correctly. Psychedelics go far beyond brain chemistry, they will show you truths about existence. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@EntheogenTruthSeeker Since your situation is so unique no one can really tell you what will work for you.

If you ever decided to do psychedelics you'd have to be very careful about it. Dosing very gradually.

This path requires careful experimentation. Or don't do it at all if you're unable to do it carefully and patiently.

It is possible to hurt yourself if you do things recklessly.

Ibogaine should only be done with the help of a professional. It is not an at-home substance.

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@TrynaBeTurquoise this was my experience with LSD. I had an enlightenment experience, as well as relative insights. That alone, totally rewired my central nervous system and actually gave me consistent energy again even after the afterglow. It truly worked through the mental and emotional blockages. So I assume Ibogaine would allow more healing, based on the fact that this LSD was the ONLY thing that helped. I don’t think I would have been able to rewire or change my happiness naturally like it did. Life-transforming. 


Careful discussion with the Ibogaine retreat centers, for sure. Thanks a lot, man!

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@Leo Gura thanks a lot. Yeah, I had an enlightenment experience on LSD and relative breakthroughs. Life-transforming. It ACTUALLY freed me up from the constant bleakness and my brain feels way more intelligent and happy. The central nervous system got totally rewired from the spiritual energy of that non-duality. So, it did work. Will just be patient with smaller psychedelics as I talk to the professionals. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@EntheogenTruthSeeker I havent done Ibogaine but from my research I know it is a lot different than LSD.

It works in a different way not only neurochemically but the nature of trip is apples and oranges. Its more physically intense, its like an intense stimulant kind of psychedelic, that increases your heart rate a lot and if given to much to the wrong person can be cardiotoxic.

Theres an interesting article Ive read on it, comparing it to ayahuasca, must read:


That guy Aubrey Marcus also talked about his Iboga experiences on the Joe Rogan experience in much depth, I would youtube that podcast episode if I were you.

Me personally, it sounds intriguing but is something that doesnt call me as much as other psychedelics that are easier to use safely.

I would try mushrooms if I were you, a low dose maybe 1-1.5 dry grams in a safe environment with a well thought intention and see if that has that healing you are looking for.

Edited by TrynaBeTurquoise

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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