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How people play into our reality

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“It is never the person, it is always the expression for that which is perceived”

in any interaction there takes place a mirroring effect. The vibrational frequency matches the experience being received. 

Go ahead and try it out, delve into a particular feeling state, like the self loather, then watch as reality manifests self fulfilling experiences that keep this state in motion 

what you might like to know is we are all made up of energy and electromagnetic polarity is in play. Energy beings attract similar frequencies and this becomes perception

while there may appear to be coincidences, luck IS attracted my friends 

We are the Xperiences we attract, you have been warned

Be aware and stay lucky? 

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@DrewNows In the moment of recognizing a state as something other than what we want. What's the next step? Are we not left in that moment of mindfulness with further evidence of our enlightenment?

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27 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@DrewNows In the moment of recognizing a state as something other than what we want. What's the next step? Are we not left in that moment of mindfulness with further evidence of our enlightenment?

A state is always the desired state, observe this until understood 

Accept and embrace the feelings so they can pass, then create anew for all states are one, Enlightenment is merely this realization 

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2 hours ago, DrewNows said:

“It is never the person, it is always the expression for that which is perceived”

A nice exercise for this is eye gazing with someone, yet it's not easy to find someone willing to let go. There can be a dissolution of the person - both the internal person of "me" and the external person of "you". Yet it is a form of ego death and resistance may arise. I've only found one person in which I could go to that space. There was no distinction between "her" and "me". I wouldn't have been able to tell if I was perceiving her or myself. Or if I was her perceiving herself or me. There were no thoughts of this at the time though. It just was. It was intimately blissful, yet she could only enter for a moment. It became too intense for her. She pulled back and regained herself - then myself returned. She got up, walked away and wanted to do something else. She never wanted to try it again, which is too bad - I love the kind of stuff. 

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@Serotoninluv probably easier with strangers, honestly. I recall this video being shared on the forums a while ago :x


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@DrewNows Cool video. It might actually be easier to let go and dissolve with a complete stranger than with a friend/partner. 

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11 hours ago, DrewNows said:

“It is never the person, it is always the expression for that which is perceived”

in any interaction there takes place a mirroring effect. The vibrational frequency matches the experience being received. 

Go ahead and try it out, delve into a particular feeling state, like the self loather, then watch as reality manifests self fulfilling experiences that keep this state in motion 

what you might like to know is we are all made up of energy and electromagnetic polarity is in play. Energy beings attract similar frequencies and this becomes perception

while there may appear to be coincidences, luck IS attracted my friends 

We are the Xperiences we attract, you have been warned

Be aware and stay lucky? 

Then what is your explanation for when somebody experiences a terrible event that was not correlated to their thought process or their actions?

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@DrewNows ALL state are ONE. 

That is deep and it is True. 

My positionn on this. I am at Peace "everything around me" is at Peace. 

For such a long time I haven't witnessed any type of "devilry" (I think man raping my daughter Will never be possible to be aware of, like ever). 

I forgot hatred judgements and many negativne egoic stuff and there are none of these in my Reality. Bit nostalgic might admitt. 

About fear of looking in stranger eyes. Well once sense of separation is gone there is no fear since You are not really looking at those eyes you actually are them (that's no doership, It's not that you are a puppet without free Will). 

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On 10/2/2019 at 1:31 AM, MAYA EL said:

Then what is your explanation for when somebody experiences a terrible event that was not correlated to their thought process or their actions?

Everything that happens, happens as it should, it's not about control in how life/experience unfolds, but about choice in awareness and focus. Your question is a story inside a feeling state, can you notice? 

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