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Going through a dark night of the soul...feeling alone, doubting this path.

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@remember Whew. Gonna have to sleep on that one. 

I still feel like rather than holding up a sign saying "REPENT YOU MOTHER-FUCKERS!", the Divine feminine would seduce and enchant, and much like a magic mushroom lead a yet-to-be-integrated man on a beautiful enlightening yet terrifying trip. 

After all free choice was an idea that came from the snake, and the snake spoke to Eve first. 

This "battle" occurs in only one place, our own psyche. I have to say though, tapping into it beyond just its personal manifestation is something else. It's beyond me. xD


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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20 hours ago, Vxvxen said:

not starting to use it as a defensive mechanism to mix with our own kind.

sorry i didn`t want to use that word and i didn`t want to build walls between male and female, but be aware that they exist and they go right through our psyche and they look different for females than for males. i also didn`t want to use the word kind as it is kind of negatively connotated aslso in respect to the history of the nibelungen, in uproar it`s sometimes difficult to stay kind. :)

i also don`t want to say that we shouldn`t mix with the other gender or can`t have friends of the other gender, and i also think girls can be the same toxic and work against and undermine women, what sometimes makes it even more difficult to work together, sometimes only for more attention or for some ego game going on. i only wanted to say that we sometimes miss guidence in femininity as most of the working world is pretty maskulin oriented. guidence a tribe would give us, sometimes we need guidence and men sometimes want to push us towards something we don`t want, or we give up on our own leading roll in a narrative because they seem more intelligent or more skilled in group works, or they are just used to that roll, sometimes dynamics we where not aware of. even the erotic sorceres part in it is pushed upon us a lot. i don`t say female sexuality in general which is something that of course exists outside of social pressure, but how we are used to use it to get our ways instead of being respected as an equal with speciffic skills. because we maybe are used to male taking that leading roll as their right, we give up on the learning aspect or even follow their lead because they perfectly manage to trick us into their point of view instead of listening what we have to say, what can lead to errors or situations which could have been prevented.

in the end i don`t know how that video was intended to work but i know that there is a lot of hidden agressiveness in it, and i don`t recommend it to women as it is a pretty mean attack on the female psyche.

Edited by remember

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On 10/1/2019 at 3:23 AM, remember said:

it`s full of self deception and male ego. the symbolism is so off and full of your own karma that it`s an impertinence.

@remember Why would you think human/ape genitalia has some kind of relevance in spiritual evolution? That is your own ego's projections, attachments and aversions. It doesnt matter except in your own mind.

Leo does a good video on ideology that I think is relevant to this.

Edited by Matt8800

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Know that you already love yourself so radically and fully that you have accepted to endure the suffering you are currently enduring. You love yourself so much that you are willing to fully embrace all suffering. This is what you are already doing, this is what you have been doing your entire life, it is what all beings have been doing.

You Love suffering so much that you have fully accept it, that you are willing to experience it from the most unconscious state, in a state in which suffering is true suffering. You already are accepting of that to the fullest possible degree, you are already fully embracing it. This suffering is the most pure form of Love there is. It is full an utter acceptance. All Isness is full and utter acceptance. There cannot be non-acceptance.

Non-acceptance is one aspect of Full Acceptance.


You are so accepting of reality that you are willing to experience non-acceptance itself. This is already the case, what you are experiencing right now is the Full Acceptance of Isness. There cannot be any greater form of acceptance. True and radical acceptance is to let Isness be fully itself, letting it be non-accepting. It is so accepting that it accepts the avoidance of suffering, so accepting that it accepts the acceptance of suffering and so accepting that it once more embraces the avoidance of suffering. All of this is already fully accepted, this is the nature of Isness. Isness itself is true and full acceptance, it is True and Absolute Love.

Only true eternal suffering is the full acceptance and love of true eternal suffering. Only true Redness is the full acceptance and love of true Redness. The Isness of all of existence already is the full acceptance and love of all of existence. This includes every state of consciousness, the Isness of all states is the acceptance of all states.


All there is happening here is the celebration of these different, infinite aspects of realness. This suffering is the celebration of suffering. How else would you celebrate Creation? How else would you celebrate it but by creating it?

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Get this:

You love suffering to such an uncomprehensible degree, that you are willing to forget about True Love just so that Suffering can exist. You Love it so much that you are willing to forget your Love for it so that Suffering can exist as pure Suffering.

This is how much you Love Suffering. It is beyond comprehension.

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3 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

@remember Why would you think human/ape genitalia has some kind of relevance in spiritual evolution? That is your own ego's projections, attachments and aversions. It doesnt matter except in your own mind.

Leo does a good video on ideology that I think is relevant to this.

well yeah if you go into denial about it or not doesn`t matter. self bias is a great tool in self deception. who me, no of course not my brain doesn`t work on hormones, hormones are completely overrrated especially in adolecence and so on my genitals are just there it`s completely irrelevant that i want to imprint myself on others.

you might also ask what kundalini or spirituality has to do with tantra?

Edited by remember

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4 hours ago, Vxvxen said:

Part of being feminine is by being a good follower and supporter. By embracing our masculine side, we can lead too. You'd have to be in a low consciousness state to allow them to "trick" you,

yes that`s how male society teaches us and oftentimes doesn`t leave another way as "tricking" or using "trickery" ourselfs. i know it`s a special skill and that it is also a cultural thing, even though there is a choice in how people learn to interprete and use it. it`s not my way, thank you for the advice, i try to build on trust more than on trickery. i think people can build on trust and still be sly.

and part of being feminine is to be MADE a good follower and supporter, the leading aspect doesn`t have to be masculine per say it depends on who you lead. and maybe the direction is also an issue where does it lead to? you could ask yourself.

Edited by remember

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@Scholar Thank you for this. I have been working on acceptance. 

Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my 15+ years of personal spiritual exploration using psychedelics, meditation, mindfulness, personal development and somatics. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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