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Ibn Sina

Is there a downloadable speed reading software like Zap reader ?

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I want to download  a speed reading software like in, I am not able to find such softwares. Please help.

Even if  it can't be downloaded  for free, you could help me by naming any such software which works like zapreader.

I mean, the software I am looking for is simple af and I think any programmer could make one in their mom's  basement. You just put in the text and the text is displayed word by word at a certain rate. That's it. 
There has to be such downloadable softwares out there.

I tried downloading from softonic, but my laptop said it might be dangerous and discarded it.

I even tried pirate bay, where I downloaded a software called The speeder , but when I opened the setup, it said NET framework should be downloaded and it also gave the link to it. I downloaded and tried again. It again says NET framework should be downloaded.

Edited by Ibn Sina

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