Aaron p

What happens when you realise that your not in your body or mind?

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I've been meditating and contemplating lots and lots recently. Ive had had a few times where I've realised that I'm not in the body or the mind, whilst tripping on DMT for example...but I cannot fathom how this means that I'm literally making my entire life up via imagination. Plus, if everything is a dream....then why does Leo post videos to dream people? Why am I even making this post if you guys don't exist? How can I even talk to anyone if nobody is real? How can people like mooji baba create temples to help people...who don't exist?

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1 hour ago, Aaron p said:

I've been meditating and contemplating lots and lots recently. Ive had had a few times where I've realised that I'm not in the body or the mind, whilst tripping on DMT for example...but I cannot fathom how this means that I'm literally making my entire life up via imagination. Plus, if everything is a dream....then why does Leo post videos to dream people? Why am I even making this post if you guys don't exist? How can I even talk to anyone if nobody is real? How can people like mooji baba create temples to help people...who don't exist?

You have to pretend, that's how.  Trick yourself. (again). You are God - and this is your sandbox.  So play.   Non-dual awareness can exist in the backround.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Aaron p

Bodys mind exists but they are not that.

99.99% acts are done assuming its me  while it is not - Ralston.

I was assuming thinking i was born to so and so.My age is this.I am this and that.Its utter nonsense - I am the changeless Imortal Reality  I was never born - Nisargadatta Maharaj 

(Not exact words but thats the meaning)


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@Aaron p you are very much the body! but you are not JUST the body... you are your entire experience! just as you are your hands... but you are not JUST your hands, you're also the rest of your body.

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Awk fuck, this is irritating. I know that the only way I'll get this all is by finding myself. And every time I get fucking irritated the voice tells me to be quiet and keep practicing. How the fuck am I creating everything

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@Aaron p don't focus on the "how". stop trying to figure it out. 

aaron is part of the everything which is created. aaron is not the creator.

understand this: right now, the one trying to figure out "How the fuck am I creating everything" is aaron. and what you're being told is that aaron is not the one creating.

it's a case of mistaken identity here. when there is a direct pointing to YOU, it is the YOU beyond aaron. but since you're identified as aaron, you hear the "you're creating everything" message as if it is meant for aaron.

another way: it is like in your dream at night. i walk up to you and say, YOU CREATED THIS WHOLE WORLD! this is your entire creation, even me! I would not be talking to aaron's body which is in that dream. the YOU I would be pointing to is the Aaron who sleeps on his bed, dreaming up (creating) his dream world.

that's pretty much what's going on here :)

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when you are dreaming, and say, a dream character needs help, do you help them?  Even if you were lucid you might be inclined to help them because you know that they are you and you wouldn't want to see yourself suffer. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@Aaron p Have you ever been in a dream in which you didn't realize you were dreaming? You wake up and realize "Oh, I was just dreaming". To the dream character, did the dream seem real? Of course. If the dream didn't seem real, there would be a realization "This is just a dream". Yet your dream character doesn't recognize this - it thinks everything is real. 

So now you think you are awake and not dreaming. How can you tell you are not dreaming? Anything you say can be part of a dream. You might say "But I can touch things". Can you touch things in a dream? Of course. . . "But how can Leo be posting videos?". Can Leo be posting videos in a dream? Of course. "But I can feel my body". Could there be a dream in which the body is felt? Of course. "But scientists show physical reality". Can there be a dream in which scientists are showing physical reality? Of course. . . And on and on.

Anything you come up with for why waking life is real, you could dream tonight. Name one thing that is impossible to dream. There isn't anything. . . At this point, the duality between "dream/imagine vs. real/exist" collapses.

6 hours ago, Aaron p said:

Why am I even making this post if you guys don't exist? 

You are creating a duality between "existence" and "non-existence". This is not the best way to frame it. Within this duality, you are forcing yourself to make a choice between existence or non-existence. A duality you are creating. 

If you can lucid dream - one good way to collapse this duality is to explore the lucid interfaces of dream/real. There are places in which one cannot tell if it is a lucid dream or not. At this point, everything becomes lucid and the dream vs. reality duality dissolves. 

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The sense of self disappears and you become detached from feelings, thoughts and sensations...

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