Robi Steel

Mark my words; Trump 2020 is a real possibility

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@Serotoninluv I agree that every situation needs to be addressed differently in most cases and sometimes the Feds need to step in.  I also agree that States and Municipalities should stand there ground in some cases.  In regards to LGBTQ inclusion and equality, I am all in, but how is painting public crosswalks in LGBTQ theme's addressing equality for the collective?  IMO, it seems intrusive to many other people, in other words, "There, take That"!

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3 hours ago, Bodigger said:

@Serotoninluv In regards to LGBTQ inclusion and equality, I am all in, but how is painting public crosswalks in LGBTQ theme's addressing equality for the collective?  IMO, it seems intrusive to many other people, in other words, "There, take That"!

Visibility is really important to transition from marginalized to included. Some forms of visibility are more helpful. I wouldn't consider painting crosswalks to be the best, yet I wouldn't personally interpret it as saying in other words, "There, take That!". Although at times a "There, take That!" type of message can be helpful empowerment to a marginalized group. Imagine being marginalized and ostracized your entire life, then one day having an opportunity to express yourself. Empowering marginalized people is is a key component. Another key component is to educate the majority and give the majority some space to grow/evolve.

I would consider better forms of visibility to be things like LGBTQ events, pride parade, perhaps positive "celebrate diversity" signs, rainbow flags, bumper stickers, LGBTQ artwork in restaurants/cafes, LGBTQ shirts. It's important for it to be visible, yet also to naturally integrate within a multi-cultural environment. So somewhat subtle, yet not too subtle. 

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On 10/22/2019 at 2:41 PM, Bodigger said:

I think it is different when it comes to the law.  Discrimination is legal, just not for certain things such as; sex, religion, race, or age.


Do you think sexual orientation should be equal to those(sex, religion, race,age) or no?  I'm not talking about law.

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@Bodigger Dude, give it up. You're wasting your time here defending an ideology.

Notice that you are just acting like a robot, parroting ideas where programmed into your mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Bodigger said:

In regards to LGBTQ inclusion and equality, I am all in, but how is painting public crosswalks in LGBTQ theme's addressing equality for the collective?  IMO, it seems intrusive to many other people, in other words, "There, take That"!

Can't make change without inconveniencing the status quo, brah.

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22 hours ago, Bodigger said:

@Serotoninluv I agree that every situation needs to be addressed differently in most cases and sometimes the Feds need to step in.  I also agree that States and Municipalities should stand there ground in some cases.  In regards to LGBTQ inclusion and equality, I am all in, but how is painting public crosswalks in LGBTQ theme's addressing equality for the collective?  IMO, it seems intrusive to many other people, in other words, "There, take That"!

Wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned, separating people from their families at the border, making legal immigration difficult and ad hominems towards someone for stating climate change science are also "There, take that!" things, but you easily excused them

I'm not for vandalism but now you're focusing on that specific example while you easily excused all of the above

Again why support trump over others? Giving one comparison between how he treats illegal immigrants compared to how some democrats treat illegal immigrants (which is an anti-trump argument) isn't reason enough to support trump

Edited by tenta

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As of now Trump is the favorite to win.  Bernie, Yang, and maybe Tulsi can take him out but the establishment dems might prefer Trump over any of those three and put in Warren, Biden, or Mayor Pete just so they can lose to Trump

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@Leo Gura Did I program these idea's or am I falling for idealistic thoughts of others?  I know in the past it was definitely the latter, until I started my own research and discovering my own thoughts about things.  I don't feel like I am defending anything, I am attempting to share my thoughts and discover the truth, as well as learn.  Do you really think I should give it up?  @Extreme Z7 I think a softer approach would benefit the collective even more, rather than throwing it in there face.  People don't put up there fist's when punches are being thrown from ten feet away, but if they are in your face, it is natural to punch back.

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6 hours ago, tenta said:

Wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned, separating people from their families at the border, making legal immigration difficult and ad hominems towards someone for stating climate change science are also "There, take that!" things, but you easily excused them

I'm not for vandalism but now you're focusing on that specific example while you easily excused all of the above

Again why support trump over others?

Are you saying Trump is wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned?

Separating people from their families - My youngest daughter was born in prison.  She went through withdrawal for quite some time from drugs when she was born.  We fostered her until she was three years old and we then adopted her.  I think this was the best thing for her and I pray that her mother can someday get her life in order so they can establish a relationship.  The reason I tell this story is that children are separated from parents every day and the reason is to protect the children.  Taking children through several countries, risking starvation, injury, rape, torture, and much more, create unnecessary trauma on the children and you think separating them will make it worse.  I don't.  Immigration may be difficult but Trump is not making it that way.  Illegal immigration is making it more difficult and I think we need to work on this first, and this is what Trump is working on.  Immigration needs to be taken up in Congress and Trump is not Congress.  The Dems have not talked about ideas or passed any laws regarding immigration.  I have stated many reasons which I support Trump over the Democrat candidates.  If you would like to talk about a specific subject, pick something which is important to you and lets discuss the differences in thought. 

I prefer chocolate over vanilla, but I don't hate vanilla...... 

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3 hours ago, Bodigger said:

  @Extreme Z7 I think a softer approach would benefit the collective even more, rather than throwing it in there face.  People don't put up there fist's when punches are being thrown from ten feet away, but if they are in your face, it is natural to punch back.

What a demented analogy you got there. . .vandalizing streets ain't physically hurting anyone.

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7 hours ago, Bodigger said:

children are separated from parents every day and the reason is to protect the children.  Taking children through several countries, risking starvation, injury, rape, torture, and much more, create unnecessary trauma on the children and you think separating them will make it worse.  I don't. 

This is a such an inhumane distorted view. . . . I've lived in a poverty-stricken Honduran village with intense human suffering. I know Hondurans in the caravan that came to the U.S. You have no idea what it is like there, who these people are, their reality and what motivates them to risk their lives and their children's lives to walk thousands of miles to seek asylum in the U.S. These parents’ deepest desire is to give their children a way out of their suffering. They are willing to work extremely hard and sacrifice themselves. Among them are some of the most humble, kind and loving people I’ve met. 

You have no direct experience or empathic understanding of the suffering and the immense amount of love they have for their children. To suggest that Central American parents are causing unnecessary trauma to their children and that U.S. border patrol is separating the children from their parents and putting them in cages to protect the children from further trauma being caused by their parents is profoundly grotesque. 

And you don’t know what it’s like to have no voice. If you did, you wouldn’t use your voice as you do now. 


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7 hours ago, Bodigger said:

Are you saying Trump is wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned?

Separating people from their families - My youngest daughter was born in prison.  She went through withdrawal for quite some time from drugs when she was born.  We fostered her until she was three years old and we then adopted her.  I think this was the best thing for her and I pray that her mother can someday get her life in order so they can establish a relationship.  The reason I tell this story is that children are separated from parents every day and the reason is to protect the children.  Taking children through several countries, risking starvation, injury, rape, torture, and much more, create unnecessary trauma on the children and you think separating them will make it worse.  I don't.  Immigration may be difficult but Trump is not making it that way.  Illegal immigration is making it more difficult and I think we need to work on this first, and this is what Trump is working on.  Immigration needs to be taken up in Congress and Trump is not Congress.  The Dems have not talked about ideas or passed any laws regarding immigration.  I have stated many reasons which I support Trump over the Democrat candidates.  If you would like to talk about a specific subject, pick something which is important to you and lets discuss the differences in thought. 

I prefer chocolate over vanilla, but I don't hate vanilla...... 

What???  Most children in this country are separated because of drug/alcohol addiction or mental issues that the parents have. People that come here illegally have a lot of drive and determination in order to make things better for their families because it was so bad where they came from.  If they were addicted to drugs or have mental problems, migrating is one of their last concerns.  

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11 hours ago, Bodigger said:

I don't feel like I am defending anything, I am attempting to share my thoughts and discover the truth, as well as learn.  Do you really think I should give it up?

You will never discover truth by arguing on a forum.

If you care about truth, drop all this nonsense and go contemplate.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 hours ago, Bodigger said:

Are you saying Trump is wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned?

Separating people from their families - My youngest daughter was born in prison.  She went through withdrawal for quite some time from drugs when she was born.  We fostered her until she was three years old and we then adopted her.  I think this was the best thing for her and I pray that her mother can someday get her life in order so they can establish a relationship.  The reason I tell this story is that children are separated from parents every day and the reason is to protect the children.  Taking children through several countries, risking starvation, injury, rape, torture, and much more, create unnecessary trauma on the children and you think separating them will make it worse.  I don't.  Immigration may be difficult but Trump is not making it that way.  Illegal immigration is making it more difficult and I think we need to work on this first, and this is what Trump is working on.  Immigration needs to be taken up in Congress and Trump is not Congress.  The Dems have not talked about ideas or passed any laws regarding immigration.  I have stated many reasons which I support Trump over the Democrat candidates.  If you would like to talk about a specific subject, pick something which is important to you and lets discuss the differences in thought. 

I prefer chocolate over vanilla, but I don't hate vanilla...... 

"Are you saying Trump is wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned?" Not at all, it's not me saying it, it's factual

Separating children from families and putting them in cages for something that can't really be called a crime is not helping

"and you think separating them will make it worse." So the fact that they already suffered through some thing or risked them means adding on another bad thing is now okay?


Why even support trump if he can't change things? And if he can, then yes very obviously legal immigration is more difficult or less difficult depending on who the president is, me saying that the president of the united states has some power isn't very unreasonable

Why do you like Trump's stance on climate change, whistleblowers, legal immigration etc.

" The Dems have not talked about ideas or passed any laws regarding immigration."

You saw trump's proposal of shooting immigrants? I highly doubt people who don't try to keep up a tough guy cult leader persona, who have talked about legal immigration (like andrew yang) are going to be worse than trump when it comes to making immigration easier, if you want to make it easier trump is not your choice, if you want a president who will do something about the 1# threat to the US according to the US defense force, don't vote trump, if you want some regulation, don't vote trump because he does support large companies paying nothing in taxes, while you do

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Here is what I have found in contemplation.  The truth is that there are billions of people in this world who are suffering.  If these people had the choice to go to any country of their choice, we would still have billions of people suffering, even if they all chose the U.S.  I know many people who have suffered and thought going elsewhere would change their lives for the better, to no avail.  Love.....There are many people who love their children and cause trauma to them, me included, we still neglect, cause physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual harm to them and we still Love them.  Empathy....I empathize with many people, and I spend much of my time helping those in need.  It is the ego which say's your empathy is better than mine.   I don't think I am arguing, only stating facts and sharing thoughts, and not attempting to change anyone's views....ARE YOU?  The reason you think it is arguing is because my thoughts and facts don't fit your narrative.  The collective is best when the fortunate go outward and expand.   



Edited by Bodigger
take out extra picture

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@Mason Riggle Very nice. I like that imagery. What do you think of these basic stages? Stage 1: the person on the left can only see the six. They are attached/indentified of being a six. They debate and argue with others that it is a six. Stage 2: After years of arguing Six-ness, the person is getting worn out of the inner-turmoil and inter-personal conflict. One day they question their assumption and ask "What if it isn't just a six? What if there is another way of looking at it?". Stage 3: Intellectually realizing that there is another way to perceive the six and it could be perceived as a nine. However, there is still subconscious attachment that "it could be seen as a nine, yet it is really a six". The key here is that this is a subconscious belief. There is not awareness of this filter. Stage 4: The person has a false sense of "knowing". They are limited to an intellectual understanding that it could be perceived as a nine. They continue to intellectually argue for six-ness. Then there is a realization that "I am missing something". A curiosity and openness to explore what's missing arises. Stage 5: The person gains direct experience. For example, the person lives in a community of Nines. One day he sees the Nine and directly experiences Nine-ness. For a moment, there is Nine-ness and the person "gets it". .  This is a profound experience that can trigger a groundless existential crisis. The person may think "What is real Six or Nine? Does this mean I am a Six or a Nine?". Stage 6: Attachment to Six vs. Nine dissolves. There is liberation from personal attachment to Six. A new realm of transcendent exploration opens up. Transcendent questions arise like "Who/What painted that number? What was their intention? Was the intention a Six or Nine? Or perhaps the intention was to allow awakening? . . What type of conditioning is necessary to become attached to being a Six or Nine? How does one de-condition the mind to awaken?"

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@Serotoninluv I like what you have laid out here, but perhaps it's a bit 'meta'.   How convinced are you that a rock is a rock? We could take this philosophical question all the way to it's ends and find out it's all imaginary, but it always comes full circle, and even though the rock IS imaginary, it's still a rock, and never a fish. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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5 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@Serotoninluv I like what you have laid out here, but perhaps it's a bit 'meta'.   How convinced are you that a rock is a rock? We could take this philosophical question all the way to it's ends and find out it's all imaginary, but it always comes full circle, and even though the rock IS imaginary, it's still a rock, and never a fish. 

For sure. This enters into the realm of ISness. So much to explore :)

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We could present it like this. What if the title of this forum thread were not what it is, but rather, "Mark my words, Trump is made of Cheese".. and then I proceeded to elaborate to everyone who disagrees that they just don't see it from my equally valid perspective.  I've seen his 'cheeseness', which you haven't.. I know you think he's a human, but you haven't experienced what I have, which is that his hands are Provolone, and the rest is a mixture of Swiss and Gouda.. 

How much time and effort will you spend contemplating the isness of my claims.. IS the president actually just cheese and I'm seeing it wrong? Probably not very much...

I can understand having 2 unique perspectives of the same reality which are equally valid.. but this doesn't mean all perspectives are equally valid, does it? 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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