
Any gamers here? Do you know any good games that made you grow spiritually?

24 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

I've play many many games in my life but after all these games I feel like very few are profund in spiritual way. I searching for games that include topics like:

  • Nonduality
  • Acceptance of death
  • Nihilistic point of view
  • Point of life
  • Unconditional love

There are some of I played:

  • Planescape: Torment
  • SOMA
  • The Talos Principle

I would really appreciate any suggestions!

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@John Lula Yep. ♥️ My nine year old was helping me fix a couple electrical things in the house the other day, and he getting everything. It was in ‘redstone’ language, but he was getting it. Adorbs. 

@Daffcio lol sweet! If you haven’t, consider beating the game. Reality, creating to survive, the Netherworld, The Endworld, The dragon....all ties in so nicely. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear the Wycowski sisters made Minecraft. 



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Definitely Kotor 2. Game had so so so much philosophy in it... I dont think Id ever have gotten into spirituality as an adult if not playing that game so thoroughly as a kid.

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If you go minecraft, try to find some friends to play with, alone, it's good, it's not full.

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@Aeris Really? I played Minecraft with my friends but experience was completly different. Not so great to be honest, maybe because we couldn't understand each other on what we want to do. :D 

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6 minutes ago, Daffcio said:

@Aeris Really? I played Minecraft with my friends but experience was completly different. Not so great to be honest, maybe because we couldn't understand each other on what we want to do. :D 

Yes the struggle is sometimes part of the game, I didn't say it would make it better or worst.

both way are good, the lonely one too, cause you can get a real insight in spirituality.

do as you wish anyway, good game, don't forget the pack they look very nice.

I didn't play it since years now lot of new things.

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I was just about to ask why nobody mentioned The Witness yet! :D

That game literally embodies the concept of paradigm shifts... Really beautifully done

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12 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Daffcio Yes, very much so. Minecraft is based on actuality (infinite / finite, creation / survival). Beat the game, watch the credits. 

Funny thing, a few weeks ago I tried out Minecraft VR and had an though experiment

"If I was plugged into a machine which allowed me to play Minecraft VR forever without need to excrete or eat or drink, then I could explore a world forever, I could build my dream home and do everything that I love and want for the rest of the life!"

That was a scary though. To explore forever with no need for food or drink. A world where I would already be the king of all skills but creative building. What would be the point? There would not be point, I wouldn't really be living. To explore the universe Star Trek style is one thing, but to explore a world which I already know with no challenges, that's scary af!

We fear the unknown, we work to hone our skills but removing the unknown and becoming a master of a skill in an instance? That scares me.


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Dark Souls? 

The protagonist in DS spends the eternity collecting souls of the banishes ones in his endless search for redemption. He is forever haunted by the past the present and the future and no matter how many times he dies, he is always brought back losing a little bit of his humanity (or perhaps an ego?). There is something about Dark Souls that depicts the endless search for imortality and longevity that our society is so obsessed about. We avoid it, run away from it, close our eyes and pretend that we are immortal. In seeking longevity and avoidance of death we spend thousands of dollars on beauty clinics and miracle foods. 

On a surface it is just another hack&slash game but one easily gets sucked in the nihilistic and absurd atmosphere of a world that has no purpose and no meaning. One is and always has been alone and every battle is a battle uphill against imaginary foe...Death

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Fallout New Vegas for me , the story is very engageing and the fact that everything you do has conesquences for the world of the game and how characters in the game relate to you makes it a great learing experience, that teaches you that everything you do matters.

I also have to go with Minecraft becuase it alows for infinite ways to express your creativity.

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@Michael569 Love it. Especially first one.

@Alex Fallout NV is amazing but I never looked at this game in that way. Maybe I will try it again.

@flowboy @Loving Radiance I heard that it's really hard to finish because of complicated puzzles but I will try that for sure :D

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I don't know if I would say it helped me grow spiritually but just an interesting game I played recently is "Untitled Goose Game". It's a new game that came out 6 days ago on PC and the Switch. Basically you play as a Goose and run around town messing with humans doing their everyday life things. It's a beautiful game, silly but fun and interesting to play from the Goose's perspective.

I know you're talking about spiritual growth here but Runescape is one that teaches me about markets, finance, investing, etc.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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