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Pacific Sage

Credibility VS Being Authentic

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I would really like opinion on this as this has been like a worm in my head for too long.

On one hand I feel Credibility is super important for other people to take one seriously because if they already have a set of notions about a certain someone then they are already biased and might not even give that person an opportunity to be taken seriously if one is trying to convey some serious message like in a corporate meetings and such. While I guess the solution to this would people just be open minded about the information put out on the table and be rational about it but I guess this will not happen for a long long time to come.

On the other hand from what I have gathered being authentic at the present moment, as much as possible, will lead you to the highest self. The authentic self at the given time can be in a whole different perception of life, with the cards dealt in life, leading to be partially wrong or damaging one's credibility.

Given the current range of people in the SD, how do we balance this and hope for the best relative truth?.

I remember from one of Leo's videos that providing context can definitely safe guard one's point of view to an extent.

How important is credibility to the niche group of people one is trying to address with long term in mind. Does the entire range of emotion play a part too? seeming to be wrong at first and then come out an underdog winner? just taking a leap of faith with the POV with this post too :D 

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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