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How to find out hidden pressure?

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I desire to focus and feel light while doing things. I feel tired while doing crazy workout and then I am into a state that I feel there is nothing but focus. Too tired so that I cannot think something else.

Plus sometimes I do psychodelic I can feel this too. So focus and work hard. 

I dont have this light feeling when I am ok.

but i dont feel there is something stucks me. And then I guess maybe there is some hidden negative thoughts or pressure that doesnt really come out when I feel ok or normal. Therefore I think its time to find it out. 

How to be single-minded? be focused? 

Edited by yangmilun

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First of all, hello! I'm new here. 

I have a hard time, understanding what you tell and ask. 

Could you be more precise. Is it workout, and what type of task. 

And you do psychedelic.. Which.. And the light feeling, is it a feeling/thought or do you litterly experience physically. 

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