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Shroom Trip In Total Darkness?

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Hi :)

I am already an experienced tripper.

I had a 3-month break from mushrooms and now naturally I have a desire for another wonderful experience  to expand my consciousness and learn something.

This time I want to start at night, separate any light from myself and stay through the whole trip in total darkness just meditating in Cosmos...

For last 6 months im meditating atleast 2 hours daily...  in "state of seeking enlightenment" or rather "state of discovering why I am already enlightened"

Have any of you had similar experiences? :D 


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I once did the 5 grams in dark silence and it was very intense but freaking amazing.. I didnt seek enlightenment when I did it I was just curious of what might happen and I heard terrance talk about it alot :D

I did a few mistakes as moving my whole body a lot.. I always had my hand in my mouth lol but still the mushroom showed me wonderful things and let me have profound insides about a few things I always was curious.

A few days after the Trip I gave up smoking Cigarettes (now for 2 years almost), and I didnt even have the Intent to stop smoking before the Trip it just happened..

how much are you going to take?

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3 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

I once did the 5 grams in dark silence and it was very intense but freaking amazing.. I didnt seek enlightenment when I did it I was just curious of what might happen and I heard terrance talk about it alot :D

I did a few mistakes as moving my whole body a lot.. I always had my hand in my mouth lol but still the mushroom showed me wonderful things and let me have profound insides about a few things I always was curious.

A few days after the Trip I gave up smoking Cigarettes (now for 2 years almost), and I didnt even have the Intent to stop smoking before the Trip it just happened..

how much are you going to take?

Thanks you for answer

i think i will go for 3-4g dried. My biggest one was 5

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