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Mixing up dates to keep it interesting

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First and foremost, I would consider myself to be a creature of habit and discipline. For example, every day I make my bed, make a serious effort to spot-clean my home, and routinely workout - even days when I don't feel like doing it - in order to pursue my long-term goals of living a quality life.

I'm in a relationship with an awesome woman who I am very thankful to have found. She's made it clear that she feels the same way about our relationship too, which is exciting. We've been dating for about 6 months now, so still getting accustomed to each other and just being in a "good" relationship in general honestly.

I work full time and she works part time and is going back to school to pursue her second degree - so our time together is limited. It's not too limited, we do get usually get one mid-week night plus a weekend night and day. So for example, we may hang out Thursday night, friday night, and Saturday. Etc...

I've found that we tend to habitually do the same things mostly because there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of variety on what adults do day-to-day. We go to the same restaurants to eat, which is actually a good thing because we know restaurants which are consistently good and also have healthy options to meet our fitness goals, etc... We also often go play pool at the same spots, or play games at home, etc... As a creature of habit, much of this is good and I do believe in strong foundations.

However, sometimes I feel like I don't want to just be locked into the same routine over and over as that may get old or create a false sense of staleness in the relationship. We do occasionally do other things, such we recently attended a yacht party, went to a concert, attended a birthday party, etc... But These things probably happened 5 or 6 times over the course of 6 months. One thing I think is worth mentioning is that many of my adult friends have moved away, gotten tied up with things, and others I have distanced from for lifestyle reasons. This means that I get invited to less outings and activities than before. SHe is in a similar boat where she moved back to this area from a 10 year hiatus and frankly doesn't have any local friends.


Do you have any tips for "mixing it up?" Does it sound like we need to mix it up that much? It's hard to tell because on one hand, I have this feeling of wanting to try other things, but on the other hand, our time is in fact limited and many options don't actually exist in the evenings we have together. Generally speaking though, I find that there isn't much most adults do other than drink alcohol, eat, go on walks, and work out. Do you have any other ideas I may not be thinking of that are relatively easy to implement into a busy schedule? Luckily, her and I do have great talks so neither of us ever end the nights disappointed, but I like to try and keep things as interesting as possible. Thanks.

Edited by Dane

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@Dane you guys already seem to have a very interesting relationship, maybe you could join together more social meet ups where you can get involved with other people.

Edited by oMarcos

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