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Life-threatening Enlightening

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Sometimes, there are moments where everything is fusion into each other. I cannot see a difference between things. Between a tree and myself, between the road and the car. Everything is just one. 

It doesn't happen often but in some situations I get in that kinda state where everything is just one and my mind is like melting away. 

Last time I had this experience while I was driving the car in my lesson for my driving license. 

We we were driving down the road. And somehow I felt like I'm melting. Everything was melting. And it didn't really matter if I'd still drive or just leave it. It nearly felt like "I" disappear. 

In that time my teacher asked me something, cause I guess he felt that I was (what it seems for him) dreaming. But I couldn't give awnser. It was like hypnosis. This moment it wa sso beautiful. A clearness. It was perfect. 


After a few moments my ego/fear was there, sending alarm signs to safe my body and I came back to "normal reality". 

I'm curious if this will bring me in a difficult situation one day where I cannot differentiate what is what. 

Not that it would change a lot in the big picture but I mean on the perspective of my personal, human life... 

It's insane. 

Can you relate to that? Did you ever had a moment like that in a "dangerous" situation? 


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1 minute ago, Nicachi said:

Can you relate to that? Did you ever had a moment like that in a "dangerous" situation? 

I was kayaking one time and flipped over in intense white water rapids. Upside down, it was like a whole nother world opened up. I melted away and became one with everything. I became the kayak, rocks and water flowing along. It was a beautiful space to be. Totally safe, like being in a womb or floating in outer space. There was no time. . . Then I snapped back, and my body took over. I was able to get out of the kayak and swim to shore. It was a life-threatening ordeal and I was concerned. Yet it wasn’t like I “blanked out”. I was aware and present. And the sense of it’s beauty remained.  

I would consider that a type of nondual experience. I’m somewhat sensitive to them. At first when one would start to appear, I would get really scared because of the uncertainty. Yet I’ve learned to work with it. I can have a pseudo nondual mindstate and the body can still function normally. Yet occasionally it can still be scary. Last summer, I was at the edge of the grand canyon when one set in, which was scary afterwards.  

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@Serotoninluv that's amazing!! Thanks for telling your story... Sounds quiet a dangerous and peaceful at the same time. Dangerous in relative reality and peaceful in Absolute reality.

Yes the scary thing about it is that's its so uncertain in that moment. Like it's a beautiful moment.. And it feels like I cannot resist it because it's so overall beautiful! 

I hope I won't feel fear in future before these moments arise. Because now everytime that I feel it coming I kinda get nervous

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@Nicachi Yea, thats a good way to describe it. It can be super cool as well. Two nights ago I was at a retirement party for work. Everyone was sitting around in a circle eating and chatting. I started to feel dissolution come on. This used to scare me because It felt like I was losing control and I didn’t know what would happen - would I scream? Would I do something stupid? Yet now I I’m not scared - I’ve learned to flow with it. Here, I dissolved and it was like I became this collective organism of everyone in the room. As if they were all me, like fingers interacting with each other. Yet I was able to stay at the interface between the two states of consciousness. I was the collective organism, yet also still me at the same time - right at the interface. It was a lot more entertaining than the stories they were telling.

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@Serotoninluv @Serotoninluv

Ah I can relate to that feeling of losing control... What would I do next do seomthign weird? Freak out? Scream??

I'd say I will try to flow with it next time but I guess I cannot actively try it... It will happen by itself. I kinda trust that feeling it is way bigger than the fear to lose control about myself. 

Its so peaceful even if its just some seconds sometimes. 

I love how light life feels in that moments. Nothing to worry about. Just being... Just happening... 


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@Nicachi Yep. I wish I could intentionally make it happen. Sometimes it just comes on. Other times, I can relax and allow space. A good place to practice is out in nature, like laying under a tree or by a stream. For me, it seems like adding in a little bit of risk helps somehow. When I’m home alone, the chances are low. Yet if I’m at an event - in a cafe or at a concert - it’s more likely. It’s a form of nondual experience and is related to awakening. Some people are more sensitive to it than others. 

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This is the power of subliminal programming.  Your imagination had you tripping 

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1 hour ago, Nicachi said:

I'm curious if this will bring me in a difficult situation one day where I cannot differentiate what is what. 

Very relatable. You do not have to worry about the timing. You can practice and ‘zoom in and out’ in this fashion. It’s the reverse of physical ‘doing’. 



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@Nahm Can you produce the non-dual state mentioned above at will? Or do you require requisite conditions like  @Serotoninluv

Edited by Raptorsin7

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@Nahm  Do you think its possible to achieve this state if it is viewed as an ability of the self/ego. This is how I view the non-dual state at the moment. Do you think its bad to view it as such?

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7 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Nahm  Do you think its possible to achieve this state if it is viewed as an ability of the self/ego.

“It” is you. 

This is how I view the non-dual state at the moment. Do you think its bad to view it as such?

No, not “bad”. Initially psych’s, practices, long sits, mindfulness, cleared conscience, cleaned diet, etc, all helpful. Also, sometimes none of that is helpful, and the ‘lightening’ simple occurs.




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@Raptorsin7 By “nondual state”, I am referring more to a subjective human experience. A “dual state” is nondual as well, yet people like to create and describe experiences with each other. It’s part of the human experience.

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18 hours ago, Nicachi said:

We we were driving down the road. And somehow I felt like I'm melting. Everything was melting. And it didn't really matter if I'd still drive or just leave it. It nearly felt like "I" disappear. 


18 hours ago, Nicachi said:

In that time my teacher asked me something, cause I guess he felt that I was (what it seems for him) dreaming. But I couldn't give awnser. It was like hypnosis.

@Nicachi What you describe is something known as "Highway Hypnosis" where the mind becomes relaxed and falls into a dreamy-trace like state. It was first recognized during the early 1920's shortly after the automobile came into widespread use. Some ppl experience this during long drives but it seems you may be extra susceptible to it. Just like when  someone is being hypnotized they they tell them to "relax" and watch the object swinging back and forth the same can happen on the road if you relax too much and the scenery is passing by.

Of course this situation could be lethal. At first signs of this coming on snap yourself out of it for god's sake, Open a window and get some fresh air blowing on you or something to keep you alert and focused.

I as well as most drivers have experienced this to some extent at one time or another. What I find useful is not to stare at the road but to constantly scan the visual field in front of me. Good luck and stay safe.

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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

could be

but it's not.

it is directly confirmed by yourself.

one does not need to ask "others" when it truly "happens"

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1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

But also that could be a brain experience thing.

what i am trying to do is equate for you the KNOWING with conviction which is present when it is the case.

just as there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever when you wake-up from a dream at night and are in your bed, you know that whatever that was happening right before you woke-up was only a dream

it is EXACTLY like that. a knowing without a doubt.


so that rules out a "brain experience thing" for when it is ACTUALLY the case.


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@cetus56 hey thank you for the comment. I'd never heard that before but it makes sense for a lot of people I guess to misunderstand this situation. Ofc there could be a possibility that also I was just on a hypnosis and mistook it for a non dual state.. But I'm quiet sure that it was a nondual state. I had that states before in other situations and it nearly felt the same.

I told you guys the road example because I was thinking about if a nondual state can bring "dangers", If there are experiences of people who where zooming in so much in a nondual state that they, or you might say their ego would not want to come out of it again because it dissolves. 

Much love Chichi 

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@SoonHei my actual question was if somebody experienced a nondual state in a "dangerous" situation. Maybe I should write it down more directly next time. I'm sure that I experienced a nondual state of mind. Because it was not the first time in the car.

Also had these kinds of experiences in random places. 

But I see that the car example might not have been a good/direct enough one to point out my question... 

Still, thanks for your response 


Much love, Chichi 

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