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Leo, Fear and Rationality. Question

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When Leo talked about in his last video about how scientists mask their fear through rationality it made me think about how maybe sometimes in my life when I'm being rational I might be covering up some fear.

How do I understand that? When I can say that I'm actually being right and rational on something or I'm just covering up some fear? Cause for example even if I'm open-minded about magic with my rational brain I can get to the fact that maybe it might exist but part of me gives me logical and compelling arguments on why most likely it doesn't, but I feel that I don't fear magic, but according to Leo, as the avarange scientist about there, I might actually. How can I understand this, not just on this matter but on everything that I rationally believe? 

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When fear is talked about in these scenarios, it's generally an unconscious one and dealing with unconscious motivations, a degree of higher consciousness is needed to become directly aware of them. For example, during my 12/18/16 awakening experience, I realized that all negative emotions, behaviors and habits I engage were strictly because I was trying to fill the void of not being in an enlightened state, but before that experience I would never have guessed that because the inclinations were unconscious, in other words, I was utilizing freewill without consciousness; which seems like an oxymoron. In other to really comprehend unconscious activities that we engage in, it naturally requires that we raise our consciousness significantly; in a way, consciousness of the unconscious is higher consciousness and goes hand in hand with actuality, ie, direct experience. Sure somebody could probably give you an in-depth answer to your query, but without being directly conscious of what those meanings refer to, all you have is conceptual theory; and I'd advise against being content with mere conceptual/theoretical explanations, at best they are ostensive in that they point to something beyond, something to be experienced for oneself. 

So how can you become directly aware of what the underlying inclinations for your being compelled to dismiss the seriousness of the possibility of phenomena that seem to defy all notion of rationality? Well, I'd advocate a sort of mindfulness of which your post contains an instance of. The answers won't cone quickly and you'll have to observe yourself in these situations while also engaging in self-inquiry on the side.

Another tip: if you make your goal 'Enlightenment' and focus your actualization techniques and efforts towards that end, you'll end up automatically solving the problem of rationality along the way, attaining direct consciousness of the general roots of overrationality and lucidity of your own personal motivations as well. So you might as well kill multiple birds with one stone and focus on achieving the highest attainment of consciousness, or at least the most significant levels.

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