
Tony Robbins - Raise your standards.

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The way he talks about your standards appeals to your survival, but you can raise your standards of the greater good, too.

Anyway, if you are busy saving your ass, take care of your survival needs, first. You can worry about the greater good later.

You can't solve complex problems of a large community or inspire others if you are busy paying through your nose for your expenses.

To me, raising my standards involves raising my average minimum performance.

Edited by CreamCat

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Nice find @CreamCat:)

I am interested in hearing the practical results from this method. Do you mind sharing how you have raised your standards and how it has helped create results in your life?

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39 minutes ago, Knock said:

I am interested in hearing the practical results from this method. Do you mind sharing how you have raised your standards and how it has helped create results in your life?

It's still in its infancy. I usually raise my standards by increasing my average minimum performance. I increase it by sitting still and tasting my temptations consciously without giving in.

I've fixed my sleep schedule regardless of how distracted I am. I've stopped eating bad foods.

I've cured myself of obvious addictions like games. I became substantially more imperturbable against outside events. My emotions are far more even-keeled than they used to be.

I've been quickly removing distractions over days. For example, I minimized computer maintenance by making my computer system simpler. I sold Raspberry Pi which used to distract me without delivering any practical returns.

In a few days, my workspace will be optimized for life purpose.

I've also raised my standards for the greater good, too. For example, I've increased love for people whom I don't agree with or people who give me negative criticisms. By love, I don't mean emotional intimacy. I usually mean tough love. In this case, I exercise love by not being distracted by those people and following my own idea of the greater good. Remember that resistance is a form of following. I don't want to become a follower through resistance. Instead of resisting people or ideas, go your own way.

On top of that, I'm going to add exercise routines, soon. In particular, I consider visiting gym between 1PM and 3PM when my energy level is low due to circadian rhythm and exercising for 30 minutes ~ 1 hour. Instead of taking a nap, I exercise.

I improve my average minimum performance largely by removing various distractions. After you increase your average minimum performance, you will be able to increase your average performance and your average best performance.

Edited by CreamCat

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