
Is thinking you are the opposite sex unconscious?

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Some of us are simply put on this earth to grab masculinity by the balls and make it more transparent xD

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On 9/22/2019 at 3:11 AM, Cameron said:

I was born with male body parts. And for most of my life I’ve had a masculine attitude. Dominate the world. But I’ve always from a very young age had thoughts and feelings of being female or feminine. I watched Leo’s video on  masculinity vs femininity and based on his descriptions I feel like I’m a lot more feminine than masculine. I’m 25 now and have been doing consciousness work for at least 5 years. Watching Leo’s videos, reading books, contemplating, meditation, psychedelics. I’ve had amazing experiences that have dramatically changed my perspective. One area my mind is open on is gender spectrum. I feel like anyone can be whatever gender energy they feel most authentic as and anywhere in between. I don’t think it’s important that if you are born with a penis that you have to have a male attitude/energy and vice versa. I think it’s far more important to be authentic. I under this isn’t oneness. It’s all still identity based. I am.... Which is what brings me to my question. Is being transgender unconscious or delusional and just some identity distraction? Or be what I feel is a more authentic self and keep practicing spirituality?

May I ask you this:

How do you define feminine? 

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@Annonymous  Dude messing with your hormones is no joke. Have you listened to all of these talks from trans-gender people? Have you ever talked to a girl deeply about what it means to be a girl, how difficult it is? I mean, if you think it's only about anal sex... First try some no-fap and gym to fix your testosterone and try to at least imagine what it means to be a woman (spending hours in the bathroom, menstruation, discrimination etc...) and then see what you think after that. Making a decision like this is no joke.

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All these labels get tiresome, identifying as a male, female, etc whatever.

The 'unconscious' aspect would be trying so hard to appear as a label instead of following your authentic self.

Hormonal therapy doesn't really solve the dysfunction of not being able to accept your body.

I wonder how much of the issues those with gender dysphoria goes through is due to things like gender roles and expectations, perceptions etc rather than just exclusively some disorder within themselves.

Edited by Shadowraix

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there is a difference in accepting the body and still embracing being a transgender and not accepting the transgender part in the soul. even the hormone stuff seems ok for women if it’s about preventing unwanted pregnancy. so what the fuck are you guys talking about, except if it isn’t about own fears. there have been people over centuries who enjoyed changing their gender roles. of course hormones should be talked through with a doctor and i hope doctors ask some questions regarding why and if people are sure about their decision before they give out hormones. an additional therapy is probably supporting - but we have gone through a long history of denial about homosexuality and transsexuality and if a person is able to live a happy life with it today it’s because there are already enough examples of people who do, their community is more truthful to each other in a lot of cases than the people in denial. gender disphoria in a lot of cases comes probably because people still are afraid to stand to their preferences in sexuality and about belonging to a group. so i guess gender disphoria is still something that needs to be questioned in both directions why can’t a person be both? the true self in many cases can only be found by accepting the existence of the own preferences and denials about fears that exist in all people.

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