
Tough Hurdle In My Meditation Practice

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I do thirty minutes 'do nothing'. Then Twenty minutes of the basic meditation technique Leo describes and then twenty minutes of mindfulness (Leos version as well).

This is an hour and ten minutes in total.

I have gradually built up to this over a year and a half. But lately when I come home after a long days work, it is getting harder and harder to sit through. I am hitting deeper layers of my ego and the thoughts just flow at a rapid pace. The hour and ten minutes actually goes fast a lot of the time because I'm so lost in thought. I have no meditation teacher to consult on this.

Has anyone else experienced long durations of tough meditations? How long did they last? Might a breakthrough be around the corner or should I switch it up a bit and maybe look for a more calming meditation technique? Because I need some rest and reprieve when I get home from work you know?

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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@John I sometimes listen to this with headphones and place awareness on the breath for approx. 25 min. I'm experiencing some really deep meditations that are beyond self, time and space. Awareness is sometimes beyond my body location. It feels as if awareness has entered a dimension of it's own. Just a glimpse of that is all that's needed because it is infinite. This is just a suggestion to maybe try some day. See if it works for you too.


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I think you're stressing over the structures too much, go back to your intentions you set for meditation (in your case relaxing) because it's clear your techniques are not serving your intentions whatever your true intentions may be, understand that and you'll find your answer or breakthrough.

Memento Mori

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@Truth That's a really good answer.

I did start meditation with the purpose of relaxing. I used to do these very intense body scan meditations that were very calming. But over time, I found myself becoming more committed to truth (no pun intended). The more of Leo's videos I watched the more I felt comfortable switching over to the types of meditation I listed.

Maybe this was too soon? Maybe I still have some unconscious karma to burn through before I start attacking my ego with these meditations?

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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@John P.s. I guess only I can answer those questions, it's just hard walking the path on ones own.. Would still appreciate any advice mate

The Delphic Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone of all the Greeks know that I know nothing.


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@John You should not do all techniques, stick to one of them.

Also do not meditate when you are to tired of working. A little bit tired is okay, but not too much. 

And when your purpose is to become relax, learn pranayamas. This is so much easier and a meditation afterwards will be effortlessly.

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32 minutes ago, John said:

@Truth That's a really good answer.

I did start meditation with the purpose of relaxing. I used to do these very intense body scan meditations that were very calming. But over time, I found myself becoming more committed to truth (no pun intended). The more of Leo's videos I watched the more I felt comfortable switching over to the types of meditation I listed.

Maybe this was too soon? Maybe I still have some unconscious karma to burn through before I start attacking my ego with these meditations?

You can do both, but be sure to make that your intention. things change over time as you grow and expand in your consciousness, it's good to re-evaluate when things don't feel right (which is what you're doing right now.)  it's okay to be using all these techniques, but just make sure you have set proper intentions for them, if not your mind will have a hard time focusing on what's important or --the intention-- and you will continue to be frustrated.

Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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