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How To Get Rid Of Your Self Image.

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Throw out all the mirrors, and there will be no self image ;-) 

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1 hour ago, Elton said:

Throw out all the mirrors, and there will be no self image ;-) 

@Elton Haha, if only that was true.

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Kashiap : "How do you make everyone happy?"

Guruji : "Become me."

Rama : "How do we become you?"

What stands between you and me is your self image. Your self image restricts you from being me. Self image whether good or bad causes misery.

When you think good about yourself in a very subtle manner you think bad about others. Then anger, jealousy, hatred - everything follows.

When you think bad about yourself you feel low and again you start getting angry and you hate everyone else. If you think good about yourself you are in trouble and when you think bad about yourself you are in greater trouble.

So drop your self image. 9_9

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