
Powerful Quotes Post Here

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“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.” 

© John Lennon 

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Want to share some more powerful quotes from Elbert Hubbard.

They might inspire you :)




"Your friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you."


"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."


"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one."


"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."


"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."


"He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words."


"There is no failure except in no longer trying."


"A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success."


"Positive anything is better than negative nothing."



"Art is not a thing; it is a way."

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2 hours ago, Star Net said:

@Key Elements  Hi

I do not Fully understand This quote 

"" Never explain, Your friends do not need it, and Your enemies will not believe it ""

I do not understand Why the friends do not need an explanation, I do not understand this part,

I explain for My friends because They are important to Me, and I do not want Them to misunderstand Me, 

So some times I need to explain to Them.

The people who are very assuming of you will never understand you, unless they change, learned their lessons, and become more open-minded. You don't need to explain yourself to them.

You don't need to explain yourself to friends because friends know and understand who you are.

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Waking up to who and what you are requires letting of who and what you imagine yourself to be.

Edited by pluto


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You're god damn right.








Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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"Most people will not step into tomorrow because they hold on to yesterday." -Sadhguru

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Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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