
work ethic... help developing discipline

2 posts in this topic

i virtually have none.

as i grow older im becoming more aware of the fact that work ethic is essential for success, and even for survival.

im turning 18 next month, i already moved out of my parents house, not paying rent yet, and im currently working at McDonalds just to be able to afford a new computer and to start getting used to working. (i hate it i feel like a little bitch being bossed around for hours) 

i was spoiled as a kid, so i never felt like i needed to work for anything i got.

my parents are financially well off.

what can i do to develop my discipline and action taking? as apposed to being dependant on my parents for everything.

if you have anything to say, say it, i have the IELTS exam in 2 months and i havent even studied for it, i simply dont have the discipline. 

Edited by Mezanti

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2 hours ago, Mezanti said:

 i simply dont have the discipline. 

That's a limiting belief you have there, everybody has dicipline of some sorts. One might have the discipline of eating junk food everyday for the whole week, others have a discipline to meditate etc.

Now how you get discipline? Depends on you, if you're a lazy fu** and don't want to study or work well bad news you will have a bad time in the future. You need to have some ground where you can be lazy and where you can't if the exams are important to you than prepare for them.

Now work ethic yes it's important and you have to have it no matyer where you work even if you're digging a whole, you have to have a pace while working cuz if you don't your job will take a longer time.

To have discipline you have to practice discipline instead of thinking of how bad the job is, start getting into the job with more of your essence. Yes the job is not the dream job, but you still get into it with all your five senses. Smell the food, feel the touch, the air the heat, if you have a minute, admire the work other people are doing.

Now you're only 18 and having encounter the reality of being bossed around is a bitch to handle, I experienced the same. To say the truth this is how the world is like. Everyone is bossing each other around some less some more. The good thing is that you can be a boss as well. It just takes time and practice

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