
what is the difference between ego and personality?

4 posts in this topic

The word 'ego' or 'devil' is mostly used to assert rejection to a certain quality of (oneself or others') personality that one is sick of and wishing to change.

For example: I don't like your tone while you're talking. So, I call you arrogant, and an ego.

Edited by Truth Addict

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I would say that 'ego' is the notion that there is a separate 'you', which exists separate from everything it itself considers 'not me'... personality is the particular fashion in which this notion manifests and the characteristics of the manifestation. 

For example.. if trees could suddenly think, the way you and I can.. it might come under the spell of imagining that there is a specific part of itself called 'I' which is responsible for doing all of the things trees do.. this 'thought' would in actuality just be another thing that the whole tree is doing... like growing leaves or bark.. this is ego.. 

The quality and characteristics of all of the thoughts being produced by the tree in general would be it's 'personality'. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@LoveandPurpose That which is causing you the illusion of seperation illusion of an individual illusion of body mind is the - ego sense - sense of me - sense of I or self or I am.

Ego mind - all thoughts centered around this feeling of ego sense - I am and  idea - thought -I am the body is ego mind.

I,me,my,mine,doership is ego mind.

Who is doing - I am doing the work.I am busy.I am eating.I am running I am meditating.(Doership)

My body my mind my parents my country my property my family my friends my wife my kids my car my money my house my religion my education my book my effort my knowledge.

I - know

I - dont know

I - like

I - dont like

I am an engineer doctor

I am a successful man I am a looser

I am capable

I am not capable

I am a meditator

I am hungry

Personality is the expression of the person that is being judged labeled by other ego minds or even one own ego mind as 

He is a calm person angry person 

He is arrogant he is impatient he is violent he is approachable he is a loafer He is lazy He is active He is talketive He is honest he is a cheater he is straight forward he is cunning he is abusive vulgar he is boastful he is bossy he is a narcist .He is good hearted.He is a patriot.He is a philanthrophist.

A combination such traits is personality how the ego mind acts expresses itself.

The person love and peace - with certain personality traits interacts with the boss or his subordinate or a police officer doctor teacher wife kids parents wears the mask accordingly.

The same person speaking acting to parents behaves as son when interacting with his boss acts as subordinate or acts as a boss with subordinate acts as father when interacting with kids acts as father with sister acts as brother with wife as husband -

With govt officials as a citizen.

same person different roles isnt it ????



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