
Dark Night Of The Soul Dangerous For A Teenager?

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Hello all. 

Recently I just started feeling this fear of letting go of ego. I see through the identification and also see the bullshit and I know I have to let go and have the urge to do so, but at the same time I have this fear...

And I read somewhere about the dark night of the soul and stages etc and after seeing the possible cosequences I am not sure if I want to let go completely yet, even if I know it is the right thing to do, deep down, I know this, but I have 16 years old and at the same time I also want to pursue the career I want and if I focus on the disintentification I presume i will have many crisis-like days and it will hinder my motivation for pursuing the career... But at the same time I want to let go of the misery... what should I do? I don't know what will happen if I let go and I'm afraid for my future...

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9 minutes ago, student said:

I know it is the right thing to do, deep down, I know this,


10 minutes ago, student said:

fear of letting go of ego

I guess the answer is in your question. Do you want to live in the knowing or in the fear? 

Begin asking who is the one that feels both the "knowing" and the "fear". 


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@student  The dark night of the soul is mainly coming out of christian mysticism. It is something that can happen after a period of long and deep thinking without doing proper spiritual work. So you enter this by the way of the thinking mind.

The fear someone can experience during meditation is something else and also very short lived. It`s just like taking a jump and the fear will be gone instantly. Learning pranayamas will even eliminate this kind of fear and give you a smooth spiritual progress without these negative tendencies. 9_9

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1 hour ago, student said:

I also want to pursue the career I want and if I focus on the disintentification I presume i will have many crisis-like days and it will hinder my motivation for pursuing the career

"We work with being. but non-being is what we use" (Tao Te Ching)

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9 hours ago, student said:

Hello all. 

Recently I just started feeling this fear of letting go of ego. I see through the identification and also see the bullshit and I know I have to let go and have the urge to do so, but at the same time I have this fear...

And I read somewhere about the dark night of the soul and stages etc and after seeing the possible cosequences I am not sure if I want to let go completely yet, even if I know it is the right thing to do, deep down, I know this, but I have 16 years old and at the same time I also want to pursue the career I want and if I focus on the disintentification I presume i will have many crisis-like days and it will hinder my motivation for pursuing the career... But at the same time I want to let go of the misery... what should I do? I don't know what will happen if I let go and I'm afraid for my future...

@student   Think of this in a positive view. What has always been the truth is changeless and permeant. The only thing that can change is a personal (and often distorted) mental view of what reality is. If everything is seen as wagon wheel, at the center of the hub there would be what is changeless. As you get farther away from the center hub, the outer wheel is where existence and constant change/mind is happening. Stay connected to that changeless center hub at all times.  Connect with that center and from there move out into everyday existence onto the wheel and find a direction to pursue what is in harmony with the natural flow of everything.  The only thing to be scared is the mind having to finally except the fact that there may be something much bigger than it at the center of everything.  I'm saying this because we do need a lot more people on this planet to persue careers that are in harmony with that center. How many people persue careers that are completely motivated by only knowing (and accepting) what is on the outer part of the wheel? They end up spending their whole life, not just their career constantly running on the outer wheel and never realizing that there is a stable hub at the center of everything that connects us all. This planet needs many more people with a heightened sense of awareness in all different aspects and walks of life. The mind making divisions when riding the outer wheel is the very reason this planet is having all the problems thus far. That if anything is scary.

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@student This has nothing to do with your age. Fear of surrendering the ego is ALWAYS in the way of enlightenment. It is pretty much the biggest obstacle, perhaps aside from distraction.

It won't get any easier with age. In fact, it should be easier now, while you're young and your mind is still relatively fresh and open to new things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You can pursue a higher state of being/consciousness and still have the career. This has the possibility of making you much more successful. No one is telling you you must be enlightened ASAP, the goal here is to stop neurotic/unconscious human tendencies holding everyone back; to make life much much more enjoyable. Do what you feel is best. While you're pursuing your career in the real world, would you rather be in victim mode and become depressed and anxious whenever something goes wrong? Or would you be interested in a process that feels to naturally flow effortlessly?

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Thank you all for the responses. I got distracted by those informations and from seeing the reality. Thank you for your answers and reminding me about my true self.

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@student  One thing that it took me long to understand is that "we" can't do nothing. You just have to do your meditation, continue working but don't worry. Relax and enjoy the ride. It will happen when you are not expecting.

If "you" try to do it (I mean in the ego state) that can drive you crazy. Leave it to your "higher self". He knows better than the ego.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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On 5/16/2016 at 4:59 AM, student said:

.. I also want to pursue the career I want and if I focus on the disintentification I presume i will have many crisis-like days and it will hinder my motivation for pursuing the career... But at the same time I want to let go of the misery... what should I do? I don't know what will happen if I let go and I'm afraid for my future...

One more thing:

Remember that Steve Jobs (and many others) pursued enlightenment and he talked a lot about the benefits of meditation, he even asked that in his funeral the Yogananda's book "Autobiography of a Yogi," were given to the people who attended to it.

So, he pursued also dis-identification and he also had a great career.

You can read more here about that:

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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