
John-Hopkins Scientifically Proven Mushroom Trip Music Playlist

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The full list is available on the internet and spotify, but youtube is free for everyone. 6-7 hour playlist, enjoy

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A very chill playlist. If I was on the Johns Hopkins team, I'd sneak in some Shpongle. . . 

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I'm applying there this fall, their admission dude is coming to my school in a week. Do I mention the psychedelics?...

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Vivaldi, one of the original rockstars


Edited by Mulky

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14 hours ago, Cocolove said:

I'm applying there this fall, their admission dude is coming to my school in a week. Do I mention the psychedelics?...

I would be cautious with that. If it naturally pops up, I would stick to the science of the trials and potential medical/therapeutic benefits. For example, the studies showed that the compounds had significantly positive effects after only 1-3 treatments and the positive effects persisted over a long period of time. This is encouraging because patients will not have to undergo monthly treatments the rest of their lives for the benefits. In contrast, patients on SSRIs use the medication consistently over a long period of time. As well, scientists have recently discovered that a new class of compounds called "psychoplastogens" (that include psychedelics) can induce neural plasticity, which has potential to rewire the brain.  However, there are still safety concerns we should consider while developing this new class of therapeutic molecules.  These types of frames sounds mature. An immature frame would be something like "Last month, my friend tripped balls on MDMA at a concert and now his PTSD symptoms are reduced - just like the JH studies. I think psychedelics should be legal so everyone can do it on their own.".

Psychedelic therapy is a legit new and exciting area of science. It's fine to discuss it, just like we might discuss new EMDR therapy methods. Yet, I would shy away from personal subjective experiences and recreational use of pyschedelics - or come across as 

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