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Who wants Truth? [ Part 2 ]

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10 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Because you think you are reading this. ?

There is something in you which recognizes "Capital letters" and which gets shocked. 

I love You, all the Best.You are amazing. 

Not mystical at all Just regular guy. 

No, I don't think I'm reading this. I AM reading this. Our eyes allow us to see things, Did you forget to do your homework when you were at school homie?  ??


Did you know glasses exist to fix people's VISION problems? Because the way they see things is with their eyes? 


Your "Allah"  couldn't fix people vision, but "evil" scientists could, how ironic.


Edited by daramantus

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On 9/18/2019 at 3:30 PM, zeroISinfinity said:

@Angelite It's perfectly fine. No worry. Sorry maybe I over reacted, only reason is because I love. I really do.

Universe is n̶̷̶o̶̷̶t̶̷̶ outside of YOU,.  ̷ ̷̶̷e̷̶̷n̷̶̷t̷̶̷i̷̶̷r̷̶̷e̷̶̷ ̷̶̷U̷̶̷n̷̶̷i̷̶̷v̷̶̷e̷̶̷r̷̶̷s̷̶̷e̷̶̷ ̷̶̷i̷̶̷s̷̶̷ ̷̶̷i̷̶̷n̷̶̷ ̷̶̷a̷̶̷l̷̶̷l̷̶̷a̷̶̷h̷̶̷.̷̶̷ ̷̶̷

Look outside at that moon and night sky, It's all --- (insert name here). You are --- ---- inside Universe and some Allah outside judging You. 

--- --- (insert name here)  the whole Universe. --- f

I love You so love you and I want you the Best. Why would I lie to you. --- --- ---. ❤️

Every human every ant every leaf any tree in forest --- (insert name here) are all of it. We --- --- and We love You so much. 

I can do that too.

Peppa Pig is the whole Universe. Notice peppa pig around you, next time, just observe peppa pig. L YOU ARE also one with peppa pig pretending to be a person. forget about that. BE one with PEPPA PIG. Peppa Pig really is . PEPPA pig is not finite. PEPPA IS inside ALL and from that Peppa pig reflects itself for itself. And you are that devil part of Peppa that can't see Peppa itself. 


Every human every ant every leaf any tree in forest ..Pegga Pig is in all of it.  Peppa Pig in in all of us and we love you so much. " ??


You are not in the universe you are in a Peppa pig Universe, fhe Peppa pig uniberse is not outside of you, it's actually alongside you, through which peppa pig express itself via objects.  ??

Edited by daramantus

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On 9/21/2019 at 4:37 PM, Angelite said:

hmm, I don't know zero~ I don't understand you. Can you create something out of nothing? Literally. Without any resources (be it seen or unseen resources)

God is beyond creations. Hence not created.

Don't worry, you do have an individual soul, you are not one with anyone but yourself, the place you are in is not one with you, everything you see is a reflection of light that allows you to see, outside-in. If Allah exists it has to be outside of you. Even if the Universe was created by Allah or if allah was inside it. It would still be outside of you, the evidence is on yourself, your soul have a limited shape and form and is finite. (All of this is proven by DMT experiencers and people who had NDE, we have the evidence, it's on our side.

Edited by daramantus

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31 minutes ago, daramantus said:

Don't worry, you do have a soul, and you are an individual who is not anything but yourself, the world is not one with you, the universe is outside of you, and it works pretty well without you. If Allah exists it has to be outside of you. Even if the Universe was created by Allah or if allah was inside it. It would still be outside of you, the evidence is on yourself, you soul have a limited form and is finite. (All of this is proven by DMT experiencers and people who had NDE, we have the evidence, it's on our side.

I know about me. Allah exist everywhere. But it is not equal to me=Allah. Though Allah is closer to me than I am to myself. But I am not Him. 

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1 hour ago, Angelite said:

I know about me. Allah exist everywhere. But it is not equal to me=Allah. Though Allah is closer to me than I am to myself. But I am not Him. 

Is it just not possible for you to understand that your version of truth/Allah is just a belief/thought? No different from a Christian, no different from an Athiest, no different from a Satanist, no different from people who believe in flat earth, no different from people who believe in the flying spaghetti monster. Everything in your reality, including all your beliefs, are just a dream/illusion dreamt up by God, which is you. Your belief of your God is no more real than a unicorn. Do the practices presented by teachers like Leo, and you can awaken to what's really going on. Or stay in your fantasy, the choice is yours. 

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we can all agree that god is almighty powerful and is just doing everything at the same time, if you disagree that god doesn't have the power to do that, then it's clear you underestimate what god/allah really is, allah is everywhere at all times being everything it's even mentioned in the quran can you realize that?

reality giving birth to itself just as pure magic,  being nice to itself, being awful to itself , if you think god is limited to being a certain way, then you are way off truth, then again even the mind trys to comprehend it it is still far off, in my opinion infinity is closer but yet still far away from what truth is, yet there is still no difference between infinite or a deluded belief of being a muslim or christian or any other 'idealism' since they are still limited definitions including infinity as it is a context of being in a physical realm limitations

so below so above

whatever fantasy god wants it will get, including being asleep not knowing it's the same 'it' everywhere

in this case us all being deluded with various dreamy thoughts, having that realization of aha moments that it can't be touched is a starting point, realizing you are god and this is just your playground since you can never really be harmed it's all you, at least you are drunk with that kind of power on the otherside not realizing how real it feels here, but this is my interpretation of it, yet i am aware it is still far off what's really going on, is there a right and wrong? there can never be a wrong since universe/allah allows everything to happen moment by moment, if it really wanted to stop something or force something to happen it would do it already, yet it's just so powerful doing everything at the same time


exploring the mind context of limitations:

what was there before allah? nothing, then that nothing just pure magicly gives birth to everything, now that formed physical state was made by the formless state of allah/god, now if that is a piece of itself it's clear that the formed state is still allah, just as if you were to exist, if you give birth, you gave birth to yourself from yourself it is still you, it's just in human limitations you think you are separate when you aren't and can never be,

in evolution in physical terms you were a star just atoms, hydrogen/helium, went through some i have no idea wtf process evolution eventually gave birth to sea/bacteria/dinosaurs/plants/trees etc

now now as for the story of adam and eve, you could say yes god can spawn a custom universe where dinosaurs were just dead under the earth, but when i used to be logical back in the day, i would argue saying thats dumb and it's not possible but why would a limitation exist for god? it's just pure magic anyway, yet still it was a good skeptic phase of me i'd just say people are on denial and just want the unicorn to exist so badly and can't think for themselves that it's just man made religion and their's clear fact that various animals lived on earth as proof of bones, since the universe lets everything exist there can never be a wrong sense in any of it, so no need to really argue for 1 point since it's just one it/god anyway


if this brings you happiness just continue arguing your points on forum, enjoy the ride of the dream, although lately i don't even think it's about infinite love or infinite hate, it's just one, but sure you could say consciousness mode of god is biased and would like to create more 'nice stuff'

yet again it has no agenda so why care about nice in the first place it's agenda is just to be it god as infinity with no real goals, it'll never have one since it already has done everything before the birth of time itself in this dimension


anyway god is not bothered/threatened by itself whether it believes in the quran or christianity or any way of thought, it already created all those variables and allows them to exist simultaneously it can never be wrong, mind and human limitations just dream up that drama

Edited by khalifa

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I know exactly what I am talking about. So yeah. Whatever. 


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@Angelite  yes special one that's why you are on the forum trying to let us know about it i believe you, no one on earth has seen what you have seen you are so unique ;)

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@Jed Vassallo Leo is not a teacher. I never viewed him as such. It's just one of the hundreds perspectives of normal people whom I didn't view as enlightened. He's not enlightened. 

You can take his life purpose/self actualization teachings though. But not learning about God. So far from it. 

I personally only likes the one where he introduce new ideas(from my pov) like the Jaques Derrida, strange loop & Godels lncompleteness Theorem vids.

And the duality series, quantum mechanics debunks materialism (though it wasn't really correct). 

The newer videos, are kinda too limited from my pov, there are many flaws and limitations. 

Btw @Jed Vassallo, all of that is your own projections and have nothing to do with my reality. Same with this guy below?


@khalifa what do you wan't bro?

We're not even speaking of the same thing. 

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@daramantus You are setting yourself up big time. Buy peppa pig doll and put it on shelf as reminder. ❤️

Will gladly Share my unicorn doll oh need to buy donkey. Added to list. 

Meditation is the way. 


You are not a human. Try realizing that de facto You are Consciousness.

Try making this shift, my mind is not aware of world rather Awareness is Aware of mind body Universe. 

Really be curious and ponder where I start and where I end. 

Why do I beleive That I end with limits of this human body. Is it really actually the case or is it Just a beleif. 

Understanding of God is Actual not philosophical or religious.

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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I don't know, did you guys actually miss some verses and wanna hear a new one?


There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tounges : (as they read) you would think it is a part of the Book, but it is no part of the Book; and they say, "That is from Allah" , but it is not from Allah: it is they who tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it!


It is not (possible) that a man, to whom is given the Book, and Wisdom, and the Prophethood, should say to people: "Be you my worshippers rather than Allah's "; on the contrary (he would say) : "Be you worshippers of Him Who is truly the Cherisher of all: for you have taught the Book and you have studied it earnestly."


Nor would he instruct you to take angels and prophets for lords and patrons. What! Would he bid you to unbelief after you have bowed your will (to Allah in Islam) ?


Behold! Allah took the Covenant of the Prophets, saying: "I give you a Book and Wisdom; then comes to you a Messenger, confirming what is with you; do you believe in him and render him help." Allah said:" Do you agree, and take this My Covenant as binding on you?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses."


If any turn back after this, they are perverted transgressors.


Do they seek for other than the Religion of Allah? - while all creatures in the heavens and on earth have, willing or unwilling, bowed to His Will ( accepted Islam ) ,and to Him shall they all be brought back.


Say: "We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: we make no distinction between one and another among them, and to Allah do we bow our will (in Islam)."


If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good).


How shall Allah guide those who reject Faith after they have accepted it and bear witness that the Messenger was true and that Clear Signs had come unto them? But Allah guides not a people unjust.


Of such the reward is that on them - (rests) the curse of Allah, of His angels, and of all mankind; 


In that will they dwell; nor will their penalty be lightened, nor respite be their (lot)-


Except for those who repent (even) after that, and make amends, for verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful


But those who reject Faith after they have accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith- never will ther repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose choose to) gone astray. 


As to those who reject Faith, and die rejecting - never would be accepted from any such as much gold as the earth contains, though they should offer it for ransom. For such is (in store) a penalty grievious, and they will find no helpers. 


By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely) of that which you love; and whatever you give, of a truth Allah knows well. 


All food was lawful to the Children of Israel, except what Israel made unlawful for itself, befor the Law(of Moses) was revealed. Say: "Bring you the Law and study it, if you be men of truth."


If any, after this, invent a lie and attribute it to Allah, they are indeed unjust wrong-doers.


Say: " Allah speaks the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the sane in faith, he was not of the Pagans."


The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakkah (Mecca): full of blessings and of guidance for all kinds of beings:


In it are Signs manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham ; whoever enters it attains security; pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah-those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures.


Say: "O people of the Book! Why do you reject the Signs of Allah, when Allah is Himself witness to all you do?"

"O you people of the Book! Why obstruct you those who believe, from the Path of Allah, seeking to make it crooked, while you were yourselves witnesses (to Allah's Covenant)? But Allah is not unmindful of all that you do."


O you who believe! If you listen to a faction among the people of the Book, they would (indeed) render you apostates after you have believed!


And how would you deny Faith while unto you are rehearsed the Signs of Allah, and among you lives the Messengers? Whoever holds firmly to Allah will be shown a way that is straight.


O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state -of Islam. 


And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which Allah (streches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, you became brethren; and you were on the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make His Signs clear to you: that you may be guided. 


I wanna add more but I think if I were to show MY TRUTH , I might as well give you the Quran. 


It can't be otherwise. I've seen way too much Truth by now. Why would I take something which is lower (more limited pov)? 

It's like you're tryin to give me a... ghost. It can't gimme any harm or benefits. Nothing. 


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Btw, I bring up my Truth, because I see many people says something which is not true about my Religion, the Prophets , Islam and even about me. 


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4 hours ago, Angelite said:

"a bunch of quran verses"


I wanna add more but I think if I were to show MY TRUTH , I might as well give you the Quran. 


It can't be otherwise. I've seen way too much Truth by now. Why would I take something which is lower (more limited pov)? 

It's like you're tryin to give me a... ghost. It can't gimme any harm or benefits. Nothing. 


good job on deciphering the quran in another different way from other muslims that decipher it in another different way/view/perspective.


from my perspective you just seem like your in another classic belief system of the religion tree, nothing special about it nothing bad or good about it either, it's just what it is, hope you have a pleasant life with or without it either way

4 hours ago, Angelite said:

Btw, I bring up my Truth, because I see many people says something which is not true about my Religion, the Prophets , Islam and even about me. 


I used to feel the same way when i used to be muslim, i used to say the same stuff you speak off, it's not foreign for me, it used to feel as if the quran and hadith had all the answers and other people just don't understand, i even used to think that people are proving my point, my mind used to come up with clever sneaky ways to always prove myself right, it kinda felt like i was on a stockholm syndrome relationship with quran/islam/allah, either way i'm glad that phase is over for me, there was more happiness found later, not that i wasn't happy in my previous phases there was always some degree of being content, it does feel like it develops overtime atleast in my experience


8 hours ago, Angelite said:


@khalifa what do you wan't bro?


to be an ignorant arrogant muslim again, please help me i genuinely miss it, lol, not like what i'm doing right now is any different

jokes aside just randomly replying not giving any of this much thought, perhaps it's allah's will for me to drop my text here, i have no real control over it after all

maybe you might like debunking these since your so interested in sharing your "truth" it'll probably increase your faith in allah which is something most typical muslim like'an'anic_contradictions'anic_scientific_errors

wish you a pleasant day,

(i honestly have no interest in this topic no idea why i'm posting here tbh, guess i'm just killing time, although it does bring up memories of the typical religious muslim phase)


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In other words, your experience being a non practicing muslim .

I don't even decipher/write a commentary of the Quran. It is a direct translation

I don't feel like what you've felt. It is a way of life. I am practicing Islam. Allah answered my prayers. Other people's prayers. I see His Words(the Quran) heal others. I see His Help. His Mercy, His Wisdom. His Law & Justice. Karma. I see that He is the Most High. He Guides me. And others. 

This is my experience, it's like, you're telling me to cut off my relations to Allah when He is "speaking" to me. It simply doesn't make sense. 

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7 hours ago, khalifa said:


perhaps it's allah's will for me to drop my text here, i have no real control over it after all

maybe you might like debunking these since your so interested in sharing your "truth" it'll probably increase your faith in allah which is something most typical muslim like'an'anic_contradictions'anic_scientific_errors

wish you a pleasant day,

(i honestly have no interest in this topic no idea why i'm posting here tbh, guess i'm just killing time, although it does bring up memories of the typical religious muslim phase)


This is a wrong use of free will/no free will thing. You do have choices to either post it or not post it . You even realize it. You consciously do it. 

It is only God's will if you do it spontaneously without having any intention to do so. Haha 

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@Angelite I respect your beliefs and understanding, just be careful not to push it on others and call them names, it doesn’t do you or Islam any good, it makes you look bad. Most of the people are aware that Islam exists and it’s up to them whether they want to pursue it or not. Be a good role model if you want to attract people into your beliefs and religion.

I have an opinion on everything :D

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I sometimes live life on auto pilot from the subconscious mind i let it do what it wants, i welcome my feelings and thoughts since i trust it, i don't want to overthink, it depends on the situation i don't need to judge it harshly i just let it be being.

there is no wrong or right in gods eyes it doesn't have really have biased human perspective, and i honestly thought you'd like it since you love arguing about your 'truth' and are into deciphering quran views, since it does seem like your jam to go deep into it

even in gods will is contradictory ironically, why make more than one religion? they all have a reason to play neither are right or wrong, they just are in the end of the day, acceptance and peace between all seems to work for me yet i'm contradicting myself by bothering to play an old memory sometimes ;)

i'm done here hope you have a wonderful genuine life

either way at the end of the day it's all maktoob from the formless state to be formed into everything that is possible

Edited by khalifa

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@JustThinkingAloud  I did ? 

I don't even wanna attract anyone to my religion. It just that they are saying something which is not true about my religion. 

I think I only speak about my religion and not about others , except when it is related to my Truth. 

@khalifa btw, did you even read the verses I posted, there are many things you can learn from it, why are you focusing on my words? 

I'm not into that btw, it's a third ,fourth or fifth point perspective. I might as well read the Quran directly, or by an enstablished scholars or something. That's one. Two, just the fact that you're recommending something which you yourself think is lousy , why would I waste my time on it?

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