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Who wants Truth? [ Part 2 ]

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Who wants truth? Every word that's been written here or that ever will in all of human history is nothing more than piss in the wind. 

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11 hours ago, Angelite said:

@Corpus I am not a pro at hadeeth or anything, so the ones that I know are the sahih & True, like the forty hadeeth, Bukhari & Muslims, Quds. You know, the established ones. 

What is the meaning of : stoning being eaten by a goat? 

monkeys stoning one of their kind for adultery?


The ones who changes his religion should be killed. < I know this one. I think it is in the Quran too? 

But it is contextual , during his time. 

But coupled that with other verses in the Quran as a whole.


Recall, you stated "We Muslims take Hadeeth as Absolute Truth". Then you qualify this by declaring you are not a pro at hadeeth ergo you speak without knowledge (something the Quran forbids- Al Isra, v 36).

Re monkeys stoning- Bukhari ,book 63, no.75.

Re goat ate verse- Ibn Majah Book 9, no.1944 (English),or no.2020 (Arabic)- graded Hasan ie good enough to use as supporting evidence.

Re killing one who changes his/her religion- Bukhari book 56, no 226. This is not in the Quran.

This reply is not about starting a to-and-fro about the "Science of Hadeeth", and I appreciate the potent effects of conditioning on generating a position/inability to think for oneself, and I would expect the contextual argument being used by you when clearly the Quran states that Allah completed the religion, and any and all innovations lead to Hellfire.

Islam, like other dogmatic ideologies, requires gold-medal winning mental gymnastics to accept it as the Last Word, inerrant, on Truth.

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37 minutes ago, Corpus said:

Recall, you stated "We Muslims take Hadeeth as Absolute Truth". Then you qualify this by declaring you are not a pro at hadeeth ergo you speak without knowledge (something the Quran forbids- Al Isra, v 36).

Re monkeys stoning- Bukhari ,book 63, no.75.

Re goat ate verse- Ibn Majah Book 9, no.1944 (English),or no.2020 (Arabic)- graded Hasan ie good enough to use as supporting evidence.

Re killing one who changes his/her religion- Bukhari book 56, no 226. This is not in the Quran.

This reply is not about starting a to-and-fro about the "Science of Hadeeth", and I appreciate the potent effects of conditioning on generating a position/inability to think for oneself, and I would expect the contextual argument being used by you when clearly the Quran states that Allah completed the religion, and any and all innovations lead to Hellfire.

Islam, like other dogmatic ideologies, requires gold-medal winning mental gymnastics to accept it as the Last Word, inerrant, on Truth.

Why are you

This is True for all Muslims :

Prophet Muhammad had left us with two things , Quran & Hadeeth. Both are Absolutely True.

Why do you focus on weak hadeeth when there are thousands which are Sahih & Qudsi. I think even to read the sahih ONLY would have taken a lot of your time & attention. Imagine to practice each...

Practice what you know. It's not the matter of how much you know but how much you practice what you know. 

Btw, I randomly picked up a book on hadeeth at the library just now. It's about the intro of how hadeeth was compiled. And the differences between it & the Quran. 

For me I focus more on the Quran because it's simpler. Hadeeth if it contradict the Quran, then it will be invalid. It could be not saheeh etc. There are things which are not in the Quran but is in the hadeeth as an explanation of the Quran by the prophet. I look at the established ones Only. 

I've never heard of those hadeeth. It wasn't in mainstream islamic culture at all. Where are you from? @Corpus

Edited by Angelite

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3 hours ago, Angelite said:



See this is exactly What egoic mind does. Projects enemies "out  there" Liars and so on. When itself this egoic mind is the enemy is the liar. 

Awareness doesn't judge doesn't hate it is compassionate and loving. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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53 minutes ago, Angelite said:

Why are you

This is True for all Muslims :

Prophet Muhammad had left us with two things , Quran & Hadeeth. Both are Absolutely True.

Why do you focus on weak hadeeth when there are thousands which are Sahih & Qudsi. I think even to read the sahih ONLY would have taken a lot of your time & attention. Imagine to practice each...

Practice what you know. It's not the matter of how much you know but how much you practice what you know. 

Btw, I randomly picked up a book on hadeeth at the library just now. It's about the intro of how hadeeth was compiled. And the differences between it & the Quran. 

For me I focus more on the Quran because it's simpler. Hadeeth if it contradict the Quran, then it will be invalid. It could be not saheeh etc. There are things which are not in the Quran but is in the hadeeth as an explanation of the Quran by the prophet. I look at the established ones Only. 

I've never heard of those hadeeth. It wasn't in mainstream islamic culture at all. 

Are you saying Al Bukhari contains weak hadith, is not mainstream Islamic culture and a pick-and-choose subjective approach to Quran/Hadith is the way to Absolute Truth? Ponder on this.

Also, perhaps look up the references; because you have not heard of them doesn't mean they don't exist,.

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I have loved in life and I have been loved.

I have drunk the bowl of poison from the hands of love as nectar,

and have been raised above life's joy and sorrow.

My heart, aflame in love, set afire every heart that came in touch with it.

My heart has been rent and joined again;

My heart has been broken and again made whole;

My heart has been wounded and healed again;

A thousand deaths my heart has died, and thanks be to love, it lives yet.

I went through hell and saw there love's raging fire,

and I entered heaven illumined with the light of love.

I wept in love and made all weep with me;

I mourned in love and pierced the hearts of men;

And when my fiery glance fell on the rocks, the rocks burst forth as volcanoes.

The whole world sank in the flood caused by my one tear;

With my deep sigh the earth trembled, and when I cried aloud the name of my beloved,

I shook the throne of God in heaven.

I bowed my head low in humility, and on my knees I begged of love,

"Disclose to me, I pray thee, O love, thy secret."

She took me gently by my arms and lifted me above the earth, and spoke softly in my ear,

"My dear one, thou thyself art love, art lover,

and thyself art the beloved whom thou hast adored.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Dance of the Soul

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@Corpus I have look it up. But not from a source 100% trustable. Till then. 

I am not saying al-Bukhari contains weak hadeeth, but whether the ones you show me is truly Bukhari. 


@Jed Vassallo But thanks, you proved my insights. 

@zeroISinfinity We're speaking different language.

Idk should I explain it?


Edited by Angelite

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Read care fully What I wrote. Let it sunk in. You are me why would I lie to you. I wish You the very Best. 

Practises. Do you meditate?

I say monks meditate and if those are not people of Allah I don't know Who are. 

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Nothing new here, just another religious fundamentalist. No different than the Christian bible thumper that blindly follows the evangelist. Utter refusal to question their own belief structures that were learned through others.  Why bother trying to argue with her?

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13 minutes ago, Jed Vassallo said:

Nothing new here, just another religious fundamentalist. No different than the Christian bible thumper that blindly follows the evangelist. Utter refusal to question their own belief structures that were learned through others.  Why bother trying to argue with her?

I don't think Angelite is a religious fundamentalist; he/she is making tentative moves to question matters (ie picking bits from Hadith to support their understanding of the Quran ie semi-Quranist) but the disquiet of the cognitive dissonance between the indoctrination bestowed and the questions in the heart are a barrier to the acquisition of a truly free-thinking mind. Shedding such dogma is not easy.

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1 minute ago, Corpus said:

Shedding such dogma is not easy.

Yes, but there has to be there willingness to do so. 

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On 9/23/2019 at 10:35 PM, Angelite said:

I am not a mystic. Or enlightened. I see what I see through my eyes, my sight & insight. I look at creations. Whatever that comes into my views, my life. 


On 9/24/2019 at 1:30 PM, Jed Vassallo said:

If you have not had a direct experience of Truth/being God, then all you have is concepts, thoughts and beliefs of a version of truth. Period. All your senses are part of the illusion. 


On 9/24/2019 at 1:31 PM, Angelite said:



On 9/24/2019 at 1:35 PM, Angelite said:



@Jed Vassallo too lame bro. Too lame~

This is so funny, who actually get this? 

I think I'm done now. Everything understood.

M I S S I O N    C O M P L E T E

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@Angelite How does this feels for You. 

How are You feeling, pls give me honest reply. 

You are in denial of yourself and ofcourse You feel bad, angry, frustrated. They are You. 

Stop denial of THIS. THIS is God, It's You. This right HERE. 

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@zeroISinfinity You are one of the person who don't get those. I thought all would get it, I think many people get it. 

5 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

How are You feeling, pls give me honest reply. 

There is Truth in everything. Truth upon Truth upon Truth, even random people reconfirmed my Truth. I have yet to find any contradictory. 

That's how I feel now.

Edited by Angelite

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26 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

You are in denial of yourself and of course You feel bad, angry, frustrated. They are You. 

Stop denial of THIS. THIS is God, It's You. This right HERE. 

Is this how you feel Alex? Your lens? ...

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How I feel. Amazing free liberated happy joyfull. 

I feel Love,peace and calmness. 

And I cry everyday Day like a little girl. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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On 9/18/2019 at 11:03 AM, zeroISinfinity said:

Serious question. 

@AngeliteDo you fear that Allah will somehow hit you with Lightning bolt If you finally admitt? 

You are doing all of this in truth. Causing yourself enormous Amount of suffering, It's not your True state of BEING. 

Why the need to put capital letter in each word you write? Is it to make it more "mystical" from your part? 

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Because You think You are reading this. ?

There is something in you which recognizes "Capital letters" and which gets shocked. 

I love You, all the Best.You are amazing. 

Not mystical at all Just regular guy. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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On 9/18/2019 at 1:01 PM, zeroISinfinity said:

@AngeliteYes God is the truth. There is no doubt.

God is a̶l̶l̶ that is. 

So how are You or anyone separated from God. 

Only way You might think That You are separated is with creating False  s̶t̶o̶r̶y̶  im your mind of some human Who seeks God. Not Just That, by also beleiving in I am induviduated spirit which is the IN the body. So God is outside of me somehwere else. 

How That could be even possible when G̰o̰d̰ ̰ḭs̰ ̰a̰l̰l̰ ̰T̰h̰a̰t̰ ̰ḭs̰ ̷ ̷̶̷G̷̶̷o̷̶̷d̷̶̷ ̷̶̷i̷̶̷s̷̶̷ ̷̶̷a̷̶̷l̷̶̷l̷̶̷ ̷̶̷t̷̶̷h̷̶̷a̷̶̷t̷̶̷ ̷̶̷i̷̶̷s̷̶̷? 

  ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶̷̶ ̶̷̶̶̶̷̶Y̶̷̶o̶̷̶u̶̷̶ ̶̷̶a̶̷̶r̶̷̶e̶̷̶ ̶̷̶n̶̷̶o̶̷̶t̶̷̶ ̶̷̶y̶̷̶o̶̷̶u̶̷̶r̶̷̶ ̶̷̶b̶̷̶o̶̷̶d̶̷̶y̶̷̶ ̶̷̶o̶̷̶r̶̷̶ ̶̷̶s̶̷̶p̶̷̶i̶̷̶r̶̷̶i̶̷̶t̶̷̶ ̶̷̶t̶̷̶h̶̷̶a̶̷̶t̶̷̶ ̶̷̶l̶̷̶i̶̷̶v̶̷̶e̶̷̶s̶̷̶ ̶̷̶i̶̷̶n̶̷̶s̶̷̶i̶̷̶d̶̷̶e̶̷̶ ̶̷̶o̶̷̶f̶̷̶ ̶̷̶i̶̷̶t̶̷̶.̶̷̶ ̶̷̶

 ̶̷̶̶̶̷̶Y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶a̶h̶.̶ ̶

Only reason why don't You want to realize that quite actually You are CONSCIOUS of/and all that ̷ ̷̶̷a̷̶̷l̷̶̷l̷̶̷ ̷̶̷t̷̶̷h̷̶̷a̷̶̷t̷̶̷ is /SOUL is because you still want to be separated from God. So that's clear denial of God. Who denies God is the devil. <- ??

.  ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶̷̶ ̶̷̶̶̶̷̶T̶̷̶H̶̷̶I̶̷̶S̶̷̶ ̶̷̶I̶̷̶S̶̷̶ ̶̷̶G̶̷̶O̶̷̶D̶̷̶.̶̷̶ ̶̷̶T̶̷̶H̶̷̶I̶̷̶S̶̷̶ ̶̷̶I̶̷̶S̶̷̶ ̶̷̶Y̶̷̶O̶̷̶U̶̷̶.̶̷̶ ̶̷̶W̶̷̶A̶̷̶K̶̷̶E̶̷̶ ̶̷̶U̶̷̶P̶̷̶.̶̷̶ ̶̷̶

See your contradictions? First you say it's all because of "Allah", so, if it's all because of "Allah", there can't be no one separated from Allah, however, you claim she is separated from allah, otherwise trying to be away from allah, would be ok for you, because that would be she doing it by allah himself doing that, but you know it isn't, that's why you say she needs to stop doing that, which clearly contradicts all your statements.???


Then you use the same fallacy christians usually use, "if the bible is the word of god, then that can't be true" or "if allah is in everything and everyone, then that can't be true". You assume something that you already contradicted yourself before, proving it isn't true, to make an argument. Circular reasoning.

Ps: she never claimed to be the body, she claimed to be A SPIRIT/SOUL, INSIDE HER BODY. Big difference, your strawman is hilarious and obvious.

Edited by daramantus

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