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is working while studying worth it?

8 posts in this topic


Definitely, if it doesn't affect your ability to study.

At the very least, it's way better than playing video games.

But of course, it depends on the job itself. Some jobs might suit you better than others at a certain point, and at an other certain point, some other jobs might suit you better. So, you gotta be wise with your decision.

Choose a job related to an area that you're an intermediate level at, and develop your skills to mastery as you're working. Obviously don't choose something you suck at, cuz you probably won't even get hired.

And finally, this is just my advice/opinion. You know better.

Good luck!

Edited by Truth Addict

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46 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:


Definitely, if it doesn't affect your ability to study.

At the very least, it's way better than playing video games.

But of course, it depends on the job itself. Some jobs might suit you better than others at a certain point, and at an other certain point, some other jobs might suit you better. So, you gotta be wise with your decision.

Choose a job related to an area that you're an intermediate level at, and develop your skills to mastery as you're working. Obviously don't choose something you suck at, cuz you probably won't even get hired.

And finally, this is just my advice/opinion. You know better.

Good luck!

im studing phylosophy and psycology...  and the b.a mostly focused on consciousness and cognition. i cant think about a job at this field for  an undergraduate

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Well, in this case, I would consider focusing on practicing spirituality and listening to Leo's videos.

Or, you can become a librarian and spend more time between books.

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15 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:


Well, in this case, I would consider focusing on practicing spirituality and listening to Leo's videos.

Or, you can become a librarian and spend more time between books.

i saw like 80% of leos videos... maybe more

now it is just reading books and doing the work

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I strongly recommend going on a solo retreat(s). It can be at home or anywhere else. It's so much worth it, it will advance your growth by orders of magnitude.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Surely your future employer will approve if you’ve had a job before. The more the merrier.

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If you have difficulty with basic stuff like going to bed and waking up on time and sticking to schedule, having a job can help a little bit.

But, ultimately, a job cannot make your discipline reliable. As soon as you quit your job, you are going to relapse.

To obtain reliable discipline, you have to sit quietly and meditate about temptations whenever temptations arise.

It is like curing yourself of addictions. To wean yourself off drug addictions, you lock yourself in a facility and endure quietly for weeks and months. Rehabilitation facilities actually lock people up against their will. You should be willing to lock yourself on your own volition. Solo retreats can help you with quitting addictions.

A job doesn't help you with that. A job feeds you with a lot of distractions. It is not going to help you with quitting addictions.

I often try to do tiny solo retreats at home. They usually last an hour or two. Whenever I have nothing to do but wait for a result, I do a mini solo retreat.

Edited by CreamCat

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