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I just thought of the funniest joke 

I'm like the most advance noob ever 

I haven't even found the footsteps to the path. 

I am still on the first ox herding picture! LOL 

Thats actually an accredit to leo's work explanation wise. 

Edited by Aakash

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@Aakash  Similar to you, I like to explore ideas and conceptualizing. I could easily go 8 hours straight conceptualizing. Alone or with others. It’s just how I’m oriented. For many years I sought for some “it”. Some meaning or truth. Yet ultimately, it’s all meaningless. It’s like building a sand castle. I would build sand castles wanting to construct a castle that was “it”. Yet like you said in a preposterous, it’s pointless. What’s the point of building a sand castle? It’s meaningless and that can be heart-breaking. Yet the meaninglessness makes it so meaningful. Last summer, I was on the beach building sand castles with my three young nieces. The meaninglessness of it was profoundly sad. Whatever we constructed would soon be washed away to nothing. Yet that is also what made it so beautiful. It was the intimately beautiful sadness of Now.

So, I ‘m not naturally a fan of Now. I naturally find it boring af and my mind wants to conceptualize. One nice thing about a medium dose of psychedelics is that it can deactivate the hyper conceptualization in my mind. And it transforms Now from boring af to the most fascinating thing EVER. Even something like watching an ant crawl on the ground is the most amazing thing. So amazing I want to call strangers over to see it. Zero conceptualization. Pure presence and being in awe. This is a whole new world. It is my favorite aspect of psychedelics - more so than the razzle dazzle stuff. Pure presence that is so deeply intimate it makes me want to cry or giggle. It sounds like you have also had glimpses into this Now. It is a new whole world. Yet like I said, my natural state is to think and conceptualize. It takes effort for me to relax and disable this and sidestep the onset of boredom with Now. Yet when I do, Nowness is Wowness. 

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