
About Jordan B. Peterson

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   I have a doubt. In one hand I find some of Jordan Peterson's ideas to be insightful and useful. In the other I see Leo, who's opnion I value, criticizing his world view and even saying that I shouldn't even hear this dude. So I was trying to think who's most right here and stumbled across this video of this zen master callled Doshin Nelson Roshi talking about him, post-modernism and some other important shit. He also gives a rather good opnion on Peterson.

   So, what do you guys think of JP?

   See the video, Give it a try  ;)



Edited by Bodhidharma

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Its a beautiful perspective that Doushin has.

I also like this one. Being the closest to what I see.

They are actually quite alike.

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Whenever I listen to Jordan Peterson its like he is always beating around the bush but never really saying anything profound or what I take away as meaningful. Just a bunch of words coming out of his mouth while he paces back and forth in the classroom or looks down at the desk on a podcast but nothing really resonates with me, never get any value out of it personally.

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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Jordan Peterson is a good clinical psychologist, and his content on purely that can be insightful. The problem is for some reason he's decided this qualifies him to be an authority on politics and sociology, when he really has no true understanding of how these things operate. Also, because he's been hanging around a bunch of shady actors (and is likely in the pocket of some of them), he's come to severely downplay the severity of certain socio-political issues affecting the world today. For instance, his stance on climate change is defeatist and borderline denialist, which is absurd coming from someone who's supposedly worried about the conditions that lead to totalitarian governments (famine and climate collapse are great motivators for dictators to get into power.)

What his psychology and mythology stuff if you like, but in terms of self-actualisation, everything else of his will hold you back. 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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JP's politics are garbage. The rest is not so bad. You can find some psychological nuggets in his talks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I got a lot out of Peterson's talks at a certain period of my life. If you are lazy and your life sucks, JP rocks the house. Once you find yourself demonizing the left it's time to look elsewhere.

Edited by ivory

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