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Why do people deny things?

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And isn't denying is just a statement of Truth if you remove the negative part. 

For example: "I'm not spiritual" does it mean I'm spiritual but I'm just denying that I'm spiritual. And if I speak in a sentence "not because of this or that" maybe it is because of this or that.

Like it's the same with "I'm not in a cult" but really I'm in a cult.

In lithuanian language we have all of these "no" attachments to the start of the word and sometimes I see trhough them. It seems like inadequate is adiquate. Irresponsible is responsible and so on and so forth.

Isn't yes really no and no really yes?

what difference does it make if I answer no or Yes to the same question? There's a slight difference and it depends on the situation.

I'm not saying that there's no difference between yes and no? Or am I saying that there's difference between yes or no?

I'm not implying that talking about this seems weird and paradoxical and awesome? Or am I?

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