
Should I get my financial situation handled before doing hardcore spiritual work?

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This question always crosses my mind.

As life goes by, I often feel that I need to work on my finances at one point, then spiritual work on another. Sometimes I'm in survival, business hustle mode, then several months later I'm dealing with some emotional or psychological issue. For example when I'm in survival mode, I could focus for months on some business experiment I'm doing, then all of a sudden I might feel lost in this world, so I seek the truth and I turn towards meditation or Leo's videos.

I feel like the answer is: balance. And I have a feeling someone will probably post that answer here.

At this moment in my life, I took a couple months off doing and studying any spiritual or "business" work. Haven't been watching a ton of Leo videos, finance videos, and stopped my meditation habit these past few months because of a bit of a downturn. But just got back from a beautiful vacation last month, got a decent paying job at a vegan stage green restaurant, and things are doing quite well now.

Now I'm not sure which direction to go exactly. At this point I sort of want to be more open and loving with people, because I still feel a bit cold and distant from just almost completely transitioning out of spiral stage Orange, but I still haven't handled my finances yet. I still earn an hourly wage from a job, and I want my own business of some sort to earn passive income to quit my job.

I'm really considering trying Kundalini yoga for the first time. Or should I wait on that and focus on business like selling on Amazon, or trading financial markets?



Edited by 7thLetter

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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1) Don't pursue money.

2) Pursue what you're interested in.

3) Maybe you'll make some money.

4) Maybe life will fuck you in the ass.

Points 3 and 4 are true either way.

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Yeah, I was thinking of just spending like 6-12 months, make a quick 6 figure passive income business/trading scheme, then go back to spirituality the year after and not have to worry about money ever again for the rest of my life. 

xD Sorry I am being facetious xD

Despite what your Facebook news-feed says, or what hotshots make it out to be on online forums, 99.9% of people will not make it in business, if they come in with this attitude. There is no shortcuts in making a quick buck whilst dreaming of something else. You have got to have the mindset that you will stick in it for the long-run, through failure and set-backs and all the obstacles that come along the way. Without the long-range mindset, the passion, the desire, you will not be able to stick with it. 

My advice is to stick with what you love, then work backwards on how to make it happen. This is the long-range mindset you will need to make it work, that will drive you towards your goals. And only you know what that is.

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@7thLetter I did the majority of my spiritual practice in the beginning addicted, broke, and while starting a business around my life purpose. 

I wouldn’t have succeeded without it (spiritual practice) 

Just dedicate one hour to insight meditation a day. That’s a good start but you can’t miss. 

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7 hours ago, Knock said:

Yeah, I was thinking of just spending like 6-12 months, make a quick 6 figure passive income business/trading scheme, then go back to spirituality the year after and not have to worry about money ever again for the rest of my life. 

xD Sorry I am being facetious xD

@Knock That’s not what I meant and definitely did not say anything along those lines.

What I’m saying could mean focusing on business for the next 25 years to get something going, before I do spirituality work like kundalini yoga.

Leo even suggests this in his wage slavery video I believe. He mentions that if you’re young and someone who isn’t much of a spiritual person yet, then pursue full financial independence before meditating your ass off and doing a ton of spiritual work. I posted this thread to get some opinions around that.

And that’s what Leo did. He built his business before Actualized.org, made $1M I believe, dropped that business then started Actualized.org. In the beginning, his videos were very basic, then as time went on he focused more on spirituality, and he was probably doing very well financially at that point.

6-12 months is definitely not enough for someone to build a long lasting business and to make money for the rest of their life.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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@7thLetter My apologies, that was definitely projection. :ph34r:

Your plan sounds more level-headed than most. As @Meditationdude said, having a 1 hour practice of meditation or yoga would be a great habit to keep, even if just purely for your personal development goals. 

My point still stands however, in that you must be very passionate about what you are doing to work long term in business. 

All the best :)

Edited by Knock

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On 9/17/2019 at 11:36 AM, 7thLetter said:

Sometimes I'm in survival, business hustle mode, then several months later I'm dealing with some emotional or psychological issue. For example when I'm in survival mode, I could focus for months on some business experiment I'm doing, then all of a sudden I might feel lost in this world, so I seek the truth and I turn towards meditation or Leo's videos.

Sounds like at the moment, spirituality is supporting your business goals. Nothing wrong with that. Possibly later in life, your business will be supporting your spirituality goals.


Balance is a tricky thing: I used to think it meant "doing a nice little bit of everything". That got me nowhere in particular.

The way Leo explained balance as a dynamic process I like much better.


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