
Thoughts On New Video - Lifestyle Minimalism

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I found his last video to be really reassuring and I almost feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulder. I now know I don't need to do all this stuff, and yet still live a fulfilling and happy life just by simply 'being'. I don't do much anyway, apart from work in and on my business (probably need to cut down on doing that so much but I don't know how because of my need for money) and so I feel as if I am coming to live this minimalist lifestyle just because of how I am. I guess I just don't feel the need to do all these things that other people do. I'm very introverted and I enjoy being alone, and this time alone is when I feel the happiest and most at peace.

I can totally resonate with you when you say 'all that I saw to be a lacking in my life has been a blessing in disguise' Kinda strange thing that right? :-)

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@Claire Elizabeth I feel exactly the same way. I've been pretty depressed at some points, and finally I have so much closure because the problem was never me... I knew what I wanted to do since I was a child, to just exist in peace, and the only problem was I believed what everyone told me as the truth. I always thought leading a simple, minimalistic life was wrong because of what I was told. They told me my dream was only that; a dream that isn't possible, and to start doing something sensible. thank god I've shaken these false beliefs. 

@ArabiaNytes This might be one of my favorite episodes of Leo's so far, but as with any of them the right perspective is everything. I want to ask you to go in a little more detail, what got you to this point? 

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Main takeaway for me was: Not to pick up new things. I am a very curious person and could not help to get engage with next thing. It is good quality but most of the times it is very anti-mastery. I could not master my current understanding, knowledge by reengaging  myself with it; by repeating, by making solid memories. Instead I'll always seek out for something new.

These days I was thinking that how would I give the time to all aspects of my life. How would I possibly do all the things that I wanted to do. It seemed almost impossible. But many of wants and needs are just baseless. Pure deception of mind, telling me that you will feel great when get this or that. I understood by watching this video that, I only need to focus and spend my time on important things in my life. My life should permit me to relax, take vacation, meditate, contemplate and seek spiritual goal along with my career and life purpose.  

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8 hours ago, ArabiaNytes said:

It's pretty amazing how I came to find her thread in a link of another thread through the randomness of happening

Is it really ? :)

As for the video, Leo is spot on ! Only, most people will take lifetimes to get to that point ... 


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This morning i ate my breakfast ... or should i say .... i ate my "breakslow" ? yeah? anyways...took me 30minutes, i had to force myself first and cut the apple and orange really slow, i noticed that the apple looks awesome and had to laugh..already noticed this is totaly worth it (when was the last time you laughed 10minutes after waking up and feeling good cause i noticed you´re alive? ) i feel realy smoove all day, alread had a long conversation and i normaly talk a bit hectic i noticed while now i was calm and on point all the time and relaxed in a usefull way... this is going to be a habit from now on i wake up 15min earlyier and do the breakslow... leo´s new video is "radical" but i guess he is on to something here... take your time!


Edited by Falk

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Leo Babauta had in his blog a similar technique, when you do less you accomplish more.
 This is an ancient principle, not something that Leo is making up. It really works.

He published a book about it, "THE POWER OF LESS"

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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It depends in wich level of self actualization you are !!! 

First he tells you take 100% responsibility, then surprise surprise No free will , He tells you How to get shit done and then how to cut distractions . The whole point in these video is being !!! Do not confuse slowing down with presence , you might slow down but still you keep on doing shitty activities. You must be able to connect the dots . Micro and macro, macro and micro . Take it this way , he simply tells you to make a strategic planning, changing your daily routine  (micro) so that you can see the greater good, ten years ahead ( macro) Clear?

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@Leo Gura

Regarding your latest video...

It all boils down to the "ideal level of occupation".

You can occupy your attention with objects and activities that are of no actual worth at all.

But some people will need to speed up and some will need to upgrade the amount (or quality) of stuff they posses to really come to the ideal that is conducive to their unique nature and life-purpose.

We can do to much and to fast but we also can do to little and to slow. It all depends on where you're at and what your current situation is.

I agree that in our current society most people are doing all kinds of crap that is meaningless, are owning stuff they are told to own by advertisment and going to school as society has told them. Lot's of it has no existencial meaning and little worth.

But a better advice would be to tell people to find their optimum pace and optimum occupation, so that they don't waste their precious time and attention to occupy it with bullshit.
And another advice along with it: what is really important to you?

I had a talk the other day with a friend who told me he wants to buy another car (a second one).
I asked him, why would he do that?
Because his wife needs a car to be faster at her workplace as she needs to work longer now.

So his wife occupies her time with working longer so they can have another car... very smart, indeed.

These people are always tired and moaning about how hard they need to work and have no free time. But when you visit them at home once a year you realize that they put their money into "materialistic" stuff only. And these are people who will tell you how great "The Secret" worked for them. :-D


It's OK to be faster if you know where you are heading and you begin to master your play.


Kind regards, 

Edited by Isle of View

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Thank you @Corte for your kind words:)


Edited by Mal

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