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Can We Actually Change Rotten People?

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I was having this debate with my friend the other day.

I think every person is inherently good. We all respond to the same basic insticts. It's just that some become delusional, or insecure, be by traumas or other events. Some person who enters an school and kills people, and then is covered by the media and the whole world, is responding basically to the same basic instinct of acceptance and inclusion (which in this case he lacks, and therefore covers it by these means, being delusional) than someone who is already accepted by a group of friends or family. He is overcompensating.

I come from the point of view that these people can be helped. That we must not loose touch with the humanity that binds us all. My friend has another point of view, though.

He says that nature is wise, that we should look for the answer in the nature and in genetics. If there is one element in our evolution that simply isn't contributing, or is detrimental, we should simply cut it. It's not letting us evolve as a species. Nature does this all the time. So he thinks that corrupt politicians, killers, and etc, should be just simply erradicated.

So what do you think, is there hope for corrupt politicians, killers, or in a smaller scale, toxic people in your enviroment? Usually people don't change unless they decide that they need to change.

Edited by IronFox

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