
Election day in Israel tomorrow!

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Most crucial ever.

If Netanyahu will get 61 knesset members (out of 120) purely from the right-wing sector, he might get immunity (I hope is the right word in english) from prosecution on his corruptions.

Then, the supreme court can overcome it, but Netanayahu might have majority of members to overcome the supreme court.

Thats, according to some people who are educated on the subject, might lead to kind of dictatorship. Scary.

Parties are - from the most right-wing to the most left-wing:

Jewish power - extreme right wing. Very little power. 

"To the right" - blue-blue-orange ???

Orthodox parties.

"Likud" - blue-orange. Netanyahu's party. The biggest in right-wing sector. ??

"Blue & White" - orange-green. My vote. The biggest in left-center sector. ??

"Labour-bridge" - ??

"Democratic Camp" - ???

The Arab party.

Netanyahu is prime minister for 10 years! + 3 years in 90's - total of 13 years. 

He must go out.




Edited by Nivsch

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I'm also going to vote for "blue & white" tomorrow. I'm skeptical about our chances but if we succeed it will be life changing here in Israel. 

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Do you guys not have term limits?

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Do you guys not have term limits? 

Unfortunately no, this is also part of the corruption here. "Blue & white" party is planing to establish a law of term limit if they get elected. 

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12 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

Good luck to you and the citizens of Israel tomorrow Nivsch! 

Thank you! ??

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4 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

Please vote out that god awful human being.


I can understand his motivations he fights for his life, but it turned to be a virus threatens the whole state.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Do you guys not have term limits?

Adding to what shahar said - its gonna be 8 years max if we win ?

Edited by Nivsch

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I'm also worried about the situation in my country, i'll vote for blue and white and hope for the best. there is even a senario in which we will go into a third time election this year since both big partyies cant establish a govement with thier number of recommanders ( the elections in israel are parlamental and not presidential)

Bibi is a pure orange leader, if you think that trump is a highly skilled marketer/manipulator then bibi is probbly a master when it comes to manipulating systems and marketing himself. i'll just show you a conversation( unfortunatly only in hebrew) about his marketing tactics .


However i should note that bibi isnt a bad and cruel leader, he did many good things for israel and in general he wasnt hasty in his political decisions (which can be an advantage from the political situation in israel), but in this situation he fights for his survival in both his political and self image,  which causes him to lose his Integrity and to short-sell all the values of his party so he can keep himself out of judgment.

Edited by Mr Being

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The situation in israel's election results became more complicated and problematic.
At the moment the 2 big parties blue and white (Benny gantz) and likud (Bibi) dont have enough recommenders for colition so in this case they will have to negotiate with other parties that cannot really match themselvs from different political reasons.

There are a few scenarios at stake right now:
1. Bibi and likud party manages to get 61 parlament members and get his own right wing religius colition(highly unlikely).
2. The biggest party yet- blue and white, manages to get 61 with the arab parties (which some of them are anti-zionist and dont match the characteristics of blue and white party and other jewish parties), so highly unlikely too.
3. Bibi(likud) and Benny gantz(BnW) both reach a colition together as a unity government and ether do rotation on the prime minister position or since benny gantz promised to not negotiate with Bibi as long he holds corruption charges and demands for another likud member to take the lead of the likud party and preform a colition with him(not very likely)
4. Go to a third round of elections ( possible but everyone wants to avoid at all costs)

so right now were stuck and we'll see what happens

here is an overview about the reasons we had a 2nd elections this year:

Edited by Mr Being

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14 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Nivsch What are your impressions of the election results?

There is an improvement :) but today afternoon the results will be clearer and we will be able to start summarizing.

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Results (98.7% of the votes):

Blue & White (??) 33 knesset seats.

Likud (?️?) 31

Ultra Orthodox parties (?️) 17

Arab Unified Party (?️) 13

Israel Our Home (?) 8

To The Right (?️?️?) 7

Labour-Bridge (??) 6

Democratic Camp (???) 5

Netanyahu has only 55 members in his pocket. IOH said they will not agree to a sectorial government, only a unified government of blue&white and Likud together.

Its gonna be very difficult / impossible to Netanyahu to build the only right-wing government he wanted.

Great news ?

Who need netflix when you have election 2019 season 2 chapter 2?




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@Serotoninluv ??

Especially if you see through the phone it looks beautiful. 


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Looks like a stalemate similar to what we have in the US. So nothing gets done.

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Dont u guys think a stable govt whether right or left is better than coalition govt.

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@Harikrishnan with the polarized state Israel in it, after toxic years with Netanyahu who did everything to break the society into tribes who hate one another, the state has to recover for at least few years with an heterogenic government of likud and blue&white together.

Edited by Nivsch

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