Alex bliss

Is morality necessary??

7 posts in this topic

If then what type of moralities should a spiritual practiconar should follow??

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It is very beneficial for a meditator to hold morality. 

If you obstein from killing, false speach, lying, harmful words, any bad deed basicly. Your mind will be serene and quiet. And then meditation will be much better. 

8Fold Noble path is the best to follow. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Morality is just something that prevents other people from killing you. It's not actually necessary, but people are so judgemental, so you have to play their game.

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Nothing is "necessary"

What do you actually want?

Do you want to live in a world where nobody gives a fuck about anybody else and where the bigger the gun the better?

Or do you want to share and explore this mysterious thing called life with your fellow humans and beyond?

I'd much prefer the latter. It's a choice :)

Of course we are far from that ideal scenario so morality as its place. But as a so called "spiritual seeker" you might want to strive for transcendence of such idea. Depends where you are at. Only you can judge. Honesty goes a long way.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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most of the time i would say morals can be healthy, but what will you do if someone breaks your morals? i would rather work on a code of conduct than on morals although there is not much separation between them - morals have a blue note to them. if you internalize them and understand them though as understanding deeply why they where formulated by others like they are and also are able to see deeply into double standards in morals, you will also grow on a code of conduct, it will sometimes be really tough because it`s like willingly not doing even though an opportunity might show to act outside of your code. of course all of this can be misinterpreted and lead you towards the wrong direction, as there is not really a direction. but there is a psychopathology called the dark triad, even though dark triad  sounds cool it`s probably about the unleashed uncontrolled toxic dark triad with no code of moral conduct or one that is extremely twisted, but there is also a triangle called the light triad, and even though it is also only an orientation point, you maybe can find some truth in it. at some point you will transcend your code of conduct with life. just saying as some people might really struggle with dark triad problems...even though most people are somewhere inbetween or somewhere further up. be aware that it might be difficult to konfront a machiavellianist with faith in humanity alone, what`s more important is the humanistic and kantianianistic perspective.

there are other posibilities like reading the manual of the warrior of light, of paulo cohello, i always liked his code.



Edited by remember

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If a thing exists, it is necessary. Until it stops existing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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