
Amazing Enlightenment Resources

3 posts in this topic

I want to share resources that have helped me in my own path that hopefully you guys put to good use. Before I share though, it's important to note - people who have walked the path are more often than not willing to help you. You have to put in the work in reaching out to them. If you have a true genuine willingness to learn and seek help, you will find that help. 

Martin Ball's Nondual Entheogenic Integration Coaching & Consulting -

I love Martin Ball. I appreciate his radical honesty, his deep compassion and love for those whom are suffering, his detachment from all fantasies and belief systems that are so often associated with this work. Martin is no longer doing in person in what he coined "Nondual Energetic Therapy" but is now offering coaching and psychedelic integration via Skype. Talk to him about the challenges your having in your own trips and how you're struggling to integrate some of the maybe radical things you may be learning about yourself. Martin is all about getting to the root of the matter and, as someone who I feel I have been failed by the highest regarded mental health institutions in America because they don't go to the root, I really appreciate that. Skype calls are either 30, 60, 90 minutes from I believe $75-$150. If you're someone that has trauma but is also very motivated towards Truth and spiritual mastery, I couldn't recommend this enough.

Brendan Lea's Consulting -

Brendan Lea is Peter Ralston's longest student. He is taking over Ralston's Cheng Hsin slowly but surely. Brendan is an amazing guy to talk to who I'm glad I've gotten connected with. He also facilitates most, if not all, Cheng Hsin workshops. What I'm offering here is another Skype consultation he's offering that I learned about after getting connected with him via Facebook. Brendan is a very available guy. His consultations are $60 or $70 (I'm forgetting exactly how much) and when I talked to him we talked for several hours. Ask him about a variety of questions you have in your own contemplations and investigations and he will help facilitate you towards greater resolutions of whatever it is you're dealing with. Also, if you have questions regarding any of the stuff Ralston tends to talk about, he's the guy to ask... and I've found it's worth asking. Like Martin, Brendan is not there to indulge fantasies, beliefs, etc. and I find that very refreshing and I appreciate him very much.

Cheng Hsin Facebook Dyad Group -  For those who've done enlightenment retreats, you know that it's often done in what's called as "dyads". Dyads are 2 person contemplations where one person asks the other "experience who you are and communicate that to me" and then sits totally emotionless and silent for the next 5 minutes while you get to the truth of who you are (or whatever question you're working on) and then a bell rings and you switch. This is done for 40 minutes. Thanks to Brendan Lea, there's now a Facebook group that consists of a few dozen people who we can coordinate with each other to contemplate together in an enlightenment intensive format. I love this. Get connected with people whom are really serious and make friends in the process of doing this work. The last guy I did this with is a guy who was an ascetic in India for 5 years and is soon looking to go back and am already learning so much from him as we're contemplating. Makes this work less lonely and is a great support system. I suggest you get in contact with Brendan Lea via Facebook to join the group. 

Integral Zen

Integral Zen is a Rinzai Zen (Hardcore Zen - deliberately tamed down since it's in the USA) Sangha lead by Doshin Roshi, the most enlightened person I've met and talked to (he really is a trip) but grounded in Ken Wilber's Integral framework. If you're not in the Denver/Boulder area where I now live, they offer online Shadow Work webinars, meditation sits with group discussions, and you can even arrange a free hour meeting with Doshin (I cannot recommend this enough). A great community I'm glad I'm slowly in the process of joining. I particularly recommend meeting Doshin via video chat. If you want to know what a REAL enlightened master is at a 2nd or 3rd tier stage of development, talk to him. I could go on about what it's like but just talk to him. 

Peter Ralston

If you're on you know at least of Peter Ralston by now so I don't think I need to go into much explanation of who he is. I remember scrolling around the Cheng Hsin website and remember seeing his email floating around there. I decided to send him a few emails and sure enough, within a few hours I got a response. The fact that this man is this available for people to just ask him questions is crazy. Utilize him. He won't answer all of your emails as sometimes he defers them to maybe answering your question in a future newsletter. Be smart and deliberate with what you ask. You would be a fool to never even at least reach out to him. 

Akilesh Ayyar -

Last but not least, @winterknight. Maybe I have a bias but Akilesh I consider to be a friend of mine now after having gotten to meet him in NYC over the summer. He's a great teacher and I love his perspective on what the spiritual process really boils down to when it comes to making authentic progress towards realization. I absolutely love his book "How To Find What Isn't Lost" and some of those exercises in there even showed me what my greatest strength really is. He's a great teacher and a very great person. Whether or not you agree with his positions on psychedelics, love, etc. I think is besides the point. That's for you to discover for yourself, not to simply agree with. However, he has had good history with psychedelics including 5-MeO-DMT (post liberation for him - which I find very interesting). He has done great study into psychology as well so I find his perspectives and points of view to absolutely essential. He is a great spiritual teacher who I hope you guys utilize. 

That's all for now. Fingers are tired. I have more resources but that's enough for now. 

Edited by kieranperez

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