
LSD Trip #4 300µg: Healing through breathing can hurt

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Pre Trip:

I started to get about 7 days before my trip in ego backleash mode. So I was often unconcentrated and did way less meditation and yoga than normally. About 2 days before the trip I got at least back into a better state but I was still not fully out of it.

I did meditate 30 minutes before the trip and I had a clear intention. My intention was to let go of my social anxiety and to do emotional healing / releasing of emotional blockages especially in the heart chakra.



I took 300 µg at 14:00 (Note: I probably have a high natural tolerance). I then got into my bed and listened to Leo's guided meditation. After that I got back to my desk and started contemplating. It felt this time a lot smoother than last time at the come up and there was less anxiety and way less coldness. I guess my last dose of 225µg was maybe not enough for me to go into a full trip but rather I was "between the worlds" as I read in some reports.

At 15:00 I got some nausea but not really bad.

At 15:30 I got hit with energy like a lighting hit me. From now on I was full on the trip. I got than in kind of an thought loop about how everything is just a story. It is hard to tell what exactly I was experiencing. It was just the knowledge that family, friends, my life is just a story and I got through that loop a couple times. So I thought about something and I could see that this is a story than I thought about something else and concluded that this is a story as well, etc...

Than I remembered my intention and came to the conclusion that those thoughts over an over again are not helping my case than I knew sooner or later I am gonna be back in normal life. The thought loop than completely stopped .

I was than feeling in my body and felt a lot of emotions in my body. Most of them uncomfortable. So I tried the Sedona Method mostly the "Diving into the Core of the Emotion" technique. What that means is to feel as deep into a feeling as you can. I did so and I was at the same time breathing into the feeling to feel it more. By doing this I breathed very deep in my belly region. Probably deeper than I ever did. And I asked myself if I could go even deeper. And I often could. The pain in my body got even more the more I breathed in it but I knew I have to go as deep into the feeling as I could to let it go. So I continued. At some point I got concerned that I might damage my body by breathing that deep. I looked at my belly and I could see how it got a little red at the solarplexus area if I breath in. Than suddenly I got a red mark on my body. This mark got into existence during the time period I was looking at my body. And because it got red very fast at first it looked like I was bleeding. Now I was really concerned. But it was not bleeding because I touched it with my finger and there was no blood. It was simply just a red mark. I was thinking that I might hallucinate because it was absolutely unbelievable for me how I got that red mark only through breathing. I took a video with my phone of it and I could still see it in the video (I uploaded it on youtube and I leave the link below).

For this reason I than reduced my deep breathing and decided to not go too far in case I might damage something.

I think I still integrated a lot of suppressed emotions during the trip and the trip ended also my ego backleash.

In the days after the trip till today I often was able to access suppressed and was able to let some of them go.


Youube link video during the breathing:



For my next trip tomorrow I have some questions:

Does someone know if it is actually dangerous to breath too deep into the belly?

Is it advisable to go as deep into emotions as possible even if it hurts a lot or should I stop at  medium pain?


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You shouldn't trip on LSD on back to back days. There is at least a week of tolerance.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Super deep belly breathing is best done seated or standing, so you can focus the breathing deep down as much as possible. Or as Elliot Hulse liked to say, imagine like you are trying to breathe into your balls. I still do it lying down sometimes, but gentler and more controlled, mostly to get the diaphragm to rise fully, rather than taking in as much air as I can hold. 

There is also a kriya where you stand up with feet together, breathe deep into the upper chest, hold the breath and push it downward, making your belly expand. It feels quite unusual if you never done anything like that, like squeezing a balloon pushing air from one end to another. I sometimes go directly into part 2 by breathing down into the belly directly, which can get you really high on oxygen while also stimulating the vagus nerve.

Very easy to get lightheaded doing it, sometimes people pass out in my yoga class during the exercise so they say be careful, start with expanding the belly a little first and holding it a few seconds. And you can always go deeper, more breath, push it down deeper, push the belly out more and hold it longer. Sometimes when I push my limits I lose consciousness a brief moment as I collapse forward down to the floor gently on my hands, and more recently when about to lose balance I just exhale and separate feet, and am able to stay conscious through the intense vagus nerve stimulation that used to be overwhelming.

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Thanks a lot for the reply this is very helpful!

I noticed it as well that deep breathing in sitting positing is than lying down. I did not try it in standing position yet but I will give it a try.

It is very interesting that you that kind of breathing during you yoga class. May I ask what kind of Yoga you practice?

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In the meantime I got my blotter lab tested (same batch). It turns out that they only had 1/6 (!) of the advertised amount of LSD.  I can not edit the title or the post anymore but maybe a mod want to correct it to 50µg instead of 300 µg.

So I learned that even if someone has a lot of good reviews he still could completely lie about the dosage and if you do not have a reference value you might think that you have an insane tolerance.

I am happy though that it is the other way around that I am like it seems a lot more sensible to psychedelics than I thought.

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